Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead


The car pulled up to our cabin, which interrupted my thoughts. We all got in the car, and exhausted from the day, me and Zacky immediately headed upstairs and changed to our pajamas. We climbed into the bed. My back was facing Zacky. I thought about how I was gonna tell him my hidden past....not even my mom or Jimmy know about it. Just me and my mom's ex-boyfriend, Fred. I shuffled around to face Zacky.

"Zackybaby" His pet-name rolled of my tongue.

"Yeah...Katybabe...What's wrong?"

I guess he noticed the hurt in my eyes. I couldn't hold it in any longer. My eyes started to water up and I just let it all out. Zacky pulled me close to my chest. I just cried my heart out. When I was done crying, I looked up and into Zacky's beautiful, green orbs. He wiped away the tear stains on my cheeks.

"Hun....What's wrong?" Zacky said with a look of sympathy.

"I-I need to tell you a secret. Something no one knows about. You'd be the first to know. I just need to get it off my chest and for you to support me....okay?" I said searching into his eyes.

Zacky slowly nodded his head and gulped.

"After my parents divorce, my mom started to date this guy named Fred. He seemed really nice at first. I talked to him a lot and we got along greatly. That was until we were alone one day and he was drunk. He pretty much abused me and tried to rape me. Luckily, I got away before he could. My mom broke up with him, because he was abusive to her, whenever he was drunk. I-I just, mom doesn't know and I couldn't keep it bundled inside forever."

The room was silent. I couldn't stand it really.

"Say something....Please." I had to beg. I couldn't stand just hearing our breathing.

"Wow....I'm just trying to progress it through my head....and this the 'when the time is right' thing you wanted to tell me?"

I kinda laughed then.

"No....I'm still waiting to tell you that. I just really trust you now, and I had to tell you least."

"Oh....and may I ask where this motherfucker lives, because I wanna get on his ass now, because of hurting you."

I knew Zacky was serious, but I just couldn't resist to laugh. I can't tell you that, because I know you'll kill him, then you'll be in jail for the rest of your life. Zacky then chuckled.

"Yeah. I just can't believe why anyone would want to hurt you. You're so sweet, and such a great, supportive friend."

I leaned up and kissed Zacky on the nose.

"Back atcha home slice"

We both couldn't hold in the laugh. We eventually fell asleep, which was OUR room.

We woke up to the smell of coffee, eggs, and sausage.

I heard Zacky let out a slight moan. I couldn't help, but laugh.

"Mmmmm...that sausage smells good."

I laughed again.

"I thought you were asleep and about to moan some pretty girl's name."

Zacky pretended to be asleep by closing his eyes.

"Mmmmm.... Katy" I couldn't help, but blush. I picked up the nearest pillow and hit Zacky with it.

"Come on, ladiesman....we need to eat." I poked at Zacky's chest.

We headed down the stairs to eat.

"Good morning, children. Did you guys get good rest?"

Zacky gave a smirk and looked at me. I just blushed.

"Yess....." We answered in unison.

We ate our breakfast. Today was our last day in Minnesota, so we packed our bags. Before we knew it, were heading back to California.
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Do I update too much?