Status: Active

This Could Be Home



The first thing I felt was darkness. The darkness began to combine with the numbness, and I couldn’t understand what kind of dream I was in. This was before I realized I wasn’t in a dream. This was real.

“Please don’t leave me,” my mother’s voice echoed through my head. I tried to speak up, to speak out, to say anything, but I couldn’t. All I could see was the darkness of my eyelids, too weak to open so I could reassure my mom I was okay. I felt her squeeze my hand, but I couldn’t figure out how to squeeze her hand back. I tried to remember how I got here, how in the world I ended up unmoving and almost unconscious.

I could faintly hear a machine beeping every time my heart beat softly. Suddenly, I heard it begin to falter, and my head got woozy. I heard a scream before a large boom erupted and all of a sudden many voices began to fill the room. My chest began to ache. I wanted to hear my mother’s voice again, but I knew she was gone. I tried to scream out, to beg, to tell someone to get her back in here.

I stayed unmoving as I felt someone shove something large down my throat. I felt like I was choking before something hit my chest and my airway was cleared as the object moved down my throat. It was then I heard my heart monitor detect no heartbeat, and a loud continuous beep echoed through the air. Everyone grew silent as the weights on my eyes began to lift. My eyelids began to flutter, and I tried as hard as I could to open my eyes. My chest felt like it was about to explode as my chest began to rise and fall, as breath came out of my mouth.

“It worked,” a familiar male voice whispered. Suddenly, I was being moved on some sort of cart rapidly. I was brought around bends and turns and I became disoriented as I felt someone lift my limp body out a door and into the cold New Hampshire winter weather. I was placed into a cushioned area that I realized was a car when I heard the engine start.

“Here hun, this is your favorite song,” the familiar voice said

“Let’s take off and fly and race through the sky, and like the hundreds of airplanes we’ll float way up high.” We the Kings played through the speakers. I was able to move my mouth into a smile as I began to feel my toes. I wiggled them around, hoping my feet would get the same idea and begin to move as well. My eyes still felt heavy, like someone had taped them down.

Suddenly, the car jolted to a stop and I tumbled over onto the car floor. I heard the voice swear before getting out of the car and locking it. It was silent for a while as I laid there, unable to really move. I tried getting the feeling in my fingers, but all I could feel were my fingertips. I tried to remember things. Remember what happened, remember why I’m like this, or even remembering who’s voice I kept hearing.

The car jolted like someone fell against the car before the door slid open and someone threw something on the seat where I had been lying down before I fell.

“Sorry Ace,” the voice said before he shut the door and started the car again. The car zoomed around corner and down hills before its speed seemed to decrease drastically.

A moan escaped my lips as more feeling began to enter my feet and legs. I voice gasped as he sped up again, causing my head to hit something soft behind me.

The road became very bumpy for a long time, and each bump shook my body an make the numbness start to fade away. The soft thing behind me began to move, and I realized it was probably another person. He groaned momentarily before the car came to a complete stop.

The driver got out of the car and opened the back door. He picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. My head began to spin, and I became disoriented. I had no idea where I was, and I couldn’t scream out for the person to put me down and tell me what was going on.

He climbed up a few stairs before unlocking something and bringing me into a building. He went up another set of stairs before opening a door and placing me on something soft.

“You’ll thank me later,” He said before shutting the door. I thought he was going to hurt me, but I didn’t hear him, so I assumed that he must have left. My head was spinning from being moved, and all I could do was try and stay alert.

I laid there for who knows how long just waiting to see what is going to happen to me.