Status: Active

This Could Be Home


Her voice was beautiful.

It was a comforting sound after only hearing the silence of my own thoughts for so long. I was afraid to open my eyes, but somehow listening to her voice made me want to do whatever she wanted me to do. I licked my lips, preparing for the worst, before I opened my eyes.

I looked up at the sky, or what I thought was the sky, before looking at my angel. Her hair fell around her shoulders like strands of gold ribbons. I just wanted to reach up and hold her hair in my hands, but I didn't. Her pink lips were smiling at me, comforting the fears I didn't even know I was feeling. Her whole body was lit up by light.

"Am I in heaven?" I asked her, knowing this couldn't possibly still be Earth.

"I don't think so, but I'm not sure actually. I don't know where we are," She said to me, a nervous smile on her face. I sat up a little, my head a little woozy. I noticed that the feeling was back in my body, and I could move again. I immediately sat all the way up, but my head got a little dizzy and I swayed back and forth. She steadied me out, and I gave her a smile.

"I'm Kate," She said to me, her beautiful brown eyes looking straight at me.

"I'm Chris," I said, holding out a hand to her. She put her hand in mine to shake hands, but I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed it. She giggles and blushed, retracting her hand after.

"Thanks," She said. I grinned, before looking around the room for a minute. The walls were painted a light blue, and I looked up to see clouds painted on my ceiling.

"Do you think we're in heaven?" I asked her. She stood from her spot on my bed before walking over to the large window behind the bed. She looked out and gasped, her hand automatically going over to her heart.

"Well I always said I wanted heaven to be on the beach..." She said trailing off. I stood up, using the bed for support as I walked up to the window beside her. I looked over at her unreadable face before looking out the window.

Bright, perfect sand surrounded the house and stretched as far as the eye could see. The ocean waves lapped upon the shore a little ways from the house. Everything looked untouched and beautiful. It was like we were the only two people to have ever of been to this place.

"Beautiful," was all I could say as I watched the perfect crystal blue waves push themselves onto the shore before retracting backwards. The sounds coming from the waves and from the seagulls lazily flying by made me want to close my eyes and fall back asleep to their lullaby.

"This is too perfect," She said, her face scrunching up.

"What do you mean?" I asked as she pinched herself.

"I think we're still alive," She said, looking over at me. I felt a breeze on my backside, and I looked down to see myself in a hospital gown with no back. I immediately walked backwards, trying to hold the two sides together in an attempt to stay modest in front of a beautiful young lady like herself. She looked at me funny before realizing what I was trying to do. She blushed before beginning to make her way towards the door, keeping her eyes on mine.

"Oh I'm sorry. Your clothes are probably in the closet. I have no idea how they got there though. I'll be out here taking a look around if you need me," She said, waving quickly before exiting and shutting the door behind her.

I chucked to myself at the luck of having my butt naked in the wind when I meet one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. I walked over to the closet and walked inside, realizing that in was true that all of my clothes had been transferred over here. I just grabbed a tank top and a pair of shorts before changing and walking back over to the window.

I stood there for a moment before opening the window and letting the sea breeze take over my body.