Status: Active

This Could Be Home


There were two things going through my mind at that exact moment.

First, I needed to change into something lighter, because I was beginning to sweat in these jeans. As I walked back over to "my" room, I thought about the second thing: where I could possibly be. I didn't think we were in heaven, but there was little explanation of still being on Earth. I was in a coma and then I woke up in an abandoned beach house with an adorable guy in the bed the next room over. This definitely wasn't Earth.

I walked into my closet and immediately began searching for a pair of shorts. I found a pair hanging on the same hanger as a bikini top. I heard the waves crashing, and it gave me an idea. I decided to strip and change into my bathing suit, excited for my swim. I threw on a pair of jean shorts before putting on a pair of flip-flops. I ran out the door, looking down the stairs. I almost held my breath as I descended the staircase. I craned my head in every direction looking for signs of life. All the curtains were blowing in the breeze, and all the windows were open, letting the sea breeze in.

"Hello?" I said, peering around the corner of the staircase to see a living room. I walked to the left and saw a dining room made for two. I heard no response, so I decided to go outside for a swim.

For some odd reason, the front of the house faced the beach. I opened the front door to see a path of beautiful sand lined by a perfect white fence. There were bushes of pretty flowers blooming behind the fence, and part of me just wanted to braid all the flowers into my hair. I didn't want to break them off their stems because I didn't want them to die. I shuddered at the thought of death, and instead I began to jog down the path and up to where the waves were crashing.

At first, I ran from the waves when they crashed on the shore, almost afraid of this all being a trick. Finally, I dipped one foot into the water, feeling its welcoming warmth. I stripped off my shorts, throwing them on the shore before running into the water. I went until I was waist deep before taking a deep breath and immersing myself in the crystal clear water.

After running out of breath, I lifted my head to the surface. I pushed back my hair, and I wiped my now salty eyes until they were clear. This was when I noticed I wasn't wearing contacts, yet I could see everything crystal clear. I definitely was in heaven, as I looked at the shore and saw Chris standing there. He was shirtless, holding a towel in one hand and a pair of sunglasses in the other.

"Come on," I said, motioning for him to get in the water. He placed his things on the ground before slowly wading into the water until he reached me. He then plugged his nose before going under. I smiled as he came back up, his hair covering his face. I couldn't help but giggle, and he chuckled to himself.

"You think this is funny?" He joked, dipping his head back in the water so his hair would be pushed back.

"Yes. That hairstyle is very attractive," I joked to him. He splashed me, and I put on a face of pretend shock before splashing him back.

Heaven or not, I was going to enjoy every minute of this.