Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


Vada Stewart

“Dad, are you sure you want to do this?” I asked again, probably for the one thousandth time today.

“Yes, Vada.” He sighed.

“Because you don't have to if you don't want to.” I assured him once more, “I mean, it's probably cold and rainy, and God only knows what kind of people live there. They're all most likely unsociable barbarians because they've been cut off from the civilized people of the world.”

My dad looked at me, a look on his face that said, I no longer know who you are.

“Vada, stop bull shitting.” He laughed after a moment of staring at me as though I had sprouted three new heads. “We needed this break.”

“We're doing fine.” I protested, putting a hand on my slender hip and flicking a stray strand of long dark hair over my shoulder.

“Vada, your mom's bills nearly killed us. This job is going to save our asses.” He said, this response causing me to shut right up.

My mother had died from cancer only a month previous. I knew that it had been expensive, Chemo, surgery, hospital accommodations.

“Well, if you feel that you must rip me from all I know, my life my friends. Then so be it, but remember this when I give you a month long silent treatment-” I was cut off my melodramatic rant by my dad shoving a box at me.

“Take this to the car, Vada.” He laughed, “This is for the best, and as for your smart ass comment on the Mystic Falls people being uneducated, their town is rich with culture and history.”

“Fine dad.” I huffed, hauling the box up and walking out to our dinky little Honda Civic. I looked around for dad before tossing the box into the backseat, very roughly. When I heard something shatter, I smiled innocently at my neighbours who had seen the whole thing, and sauntered back inside.

“Dad, I don't know but I think something was broken in that box. You should really be more careful.” I yelled up the stairs. I heard him mutter a curse and I laughed.

“Where's your brother?” Called Dad from the landing, “He was supposed to be back nearly 10 minutes ago.”

“Shocker!” I gasped, sarcastically, “Collin, late! Well, I never!”

Collin walked in the door a stack of books in his arms and his glasses dangling precariously on his face.

“A little help?” He asked sounding very strained.

“Oh, of course!” I said, rushing over. I grabbed one book from the very bottom and laughed as they all tumbled out of Collin's hands.

He bit down on his lip, A tactic I had learned helped him to keep from yelling at me.

“You should probably assemble the League of Nerds to help you clean that up.” I smiled, flopping down on the couch and flipping to UFC Fight Night.

“League of Nerds is a very derogatory term!” He said matter-of-factly, “We prefer Geeks.”

“Or I could stick with Nerd, maybe if your lucky, Dweeb.” I rolled my eyes, and kicked my feet up onto a stack of boxes filled with my dad movie collection.

“I did some research on Mystic Falls and I'm so excited to be going-” I interuppted him.

“Hey Collin!” I said excitedly.


“I don't care.” I drawled.

Dad came down the stairs the last of my boxes, Collin rushed to help him while I shouted at the T.V.

“So nice of you to help, Vada.” Said Collin sarcastically.

“Oh, it's not problem at all.” I smiled at them and threw my long hair into a messy ponytail. My smile faded however as my Dad and brother made multiple trips back and forth between the house and sooner than I liked we were all packed into the car driving down the dimly lit street.

I looked out the back window and took one last look at the house I had grown up in. The 'Sold' sign mocked me and I stuck my tongue out at it. Feeling proud of myself I sat properly in my seat and turned on my iPod and getting ready for our new adventure.
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Tell me if you like this, I think Vada has a VERY distinct personality. I think I'm going to like this one, however, it shall be updated slowly. I'm focusing on finishing my other stories which should only take a short time.
Thanks guys.