Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“Damon!” Scolded Elena, talking to him as though he was a bad dog.

“What now Dearest Elena?” He asked, finishing the last of his drink.

“Did you have to scare her so badly?” She asked, eyeing the last drop of liquid in the bottom of the glass.

“Scare her?” He asked, rising from his seat, “My Lovely Elena, she's the one who set me on fire.”

“Set you on fire?” Asked Bonnie, eyes wide. “I couldn't do that without my Grams training me first.”

“She has a lot of power Bonnie.” Reminded Stefan, “Much more than the ancestor we knew before her.”

Elena and Stefan were on the couch, Elena's head rested on Stefan's shoulder. Damon was looking out the window, seemingly caught up with his thoughts and Bonnie was still wide eyed over the fact that Vada seemed to be a better witch then her and she didn't even know that she was one.

Damon was clutching onto his glass with a lot of strength as he desperately tried to fall back into a memory that was dancing just beyond his reach.

There was a girl, Vada. No, it wasn't her, but it looked like her. She was wearing a green dress with a hoop skirt and she was dancing.

There was no music, but she was laughing and dancing as if the music were as sweet as honey.

She beckoned to someone to join her. It took Damon a moment to realize she was calling to him. Damon as himself felt like scoffing and turning his back, but his memory refused at first, but finally gave into the demands of the temptress before him.

They danced, with no music, no people, no nothing.

Just the sound of his heartbeat and her laughter.

Damon recognized the feeling that his memory was recalling, the feeling of love.

Bonnie and Elena screamed as the glass Damon was holding shattered in his head, the shard of glass flying everywhere.

Stefan covered Elena and Bonnie put her hands up in front of her.

“Relax, civilians.” He said, masking any annoyance or frustration he felt, “It's called an accident.”

“Damon, you need to get her to access her powers.” Stressed Stefan, rising from his seat beside Elena.

“Brother,” Damon growled, “I will do what I please, how I please. Katherine is only after Pretty Little Elena here, that's no threat to me. The way I see it, I'm going to take my sweet time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, so here's an update for you.


So I had recently joined the world of youtube and appointed myself a beauty guru. SO, anyway I was hoping you guys would check out my video and if your into it then maybe subscribe to my channel . . .

TheMichelleMachine is my user name and I only have one viedo up so far, so comment and stuff you guys!1!