Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“Vada!” Chirped Caroline, “Practice is later today, you can pick up your uniform at lunch.”

“Perfect!” Said Vada, her voice uncharacteristically high as she mocked Mystic High's Cheer Captain.

“Go Mystic!” She shouted in departure. Walking over to the gaggle of girl's waiting for her at her usual spot on the stairs in the front of the school.

A shiver ran through Vada's spine as a squeal of tires on pavement filled the air. Did she dare turn around?

Apparently her body decided for her because the next thing she knew, she was staring Damon Salvatore straight in the eyes.

He got out of his sleek car and you could almost hear the collective sigh from the female population as everyone got a good look at his body through his tight grey shirt.

Vada looked over to Caroline expecting her to jump off her ass and go squeeze his. However, she simply got up and walked inside the school, accompanied by Bonnie and Elena.

Vada noticed that nearly everyone was gone and that she was staring at Damon who was now coming towards her.

Vada had decided a long time ago that being alone with Damon wasn't among her best interest and that she should avoid being alone with him at all costs.

That's what she was thinking when she took off running up the steps attempting to get into the school.

As impossible as it seemed, Damon was one step ahead of her, blocking her entrance into the school.

“I scream once and your black listed as a pedophile for the rest of your dreary existence.” She spat knowing that a pink tinge was spreading across her face as she was nose-to-chest with Damon.

“Oh, how I would hate to rip out your pretty little tongue.” He feigned sympathy and continued to block her way.

“What do you want Damon?” She was tried of his little games. She wanted him to be normal or go away.

“Meet me tonight at seven Kinsley Park.” He said.

“That didn't sound like a question.” Vada stated, only to find that he was already pulling out of the parking lot.

“What a douche licker.” She commented, her hand raising to her chest, attempting to get her heart to slow down, because at the rate it was going it was sure to burst right out from her chest.

Lunch time rolled around and she headed to the Team's Room to pick up her uniform. Vada couldn't believe that she had actually given into Miss Mystic and her non stop talking, but she couldn't say no unless she wanted to be hot with begging, which at this point was enough to drive Vada off the Cliff of Insanity.

Bonnie wasn't kidding when she said that Caroline was relentless.

After picking up her uniform, a rather short skirt and midriff top, with the bright blue and teal team colours, equip with black spanx, she headed down the hallway to her locker, happy that she would no loner find, flowers, and cards. Curtsey of Caroline Forbes.

“She finally broke you down, huh?” Said Bonnie, running to catch up with her.

“A girl can only take so much.” Vada sighed, letting out a short chuckle.

“Guys too.” Bonnie giggled, “How do you think she get's her boyfriends?”

They both laughed as they walked down the hall. Vada couldn't help but noticed Stefan and Elena as Bonnie and her walked past their locker. They looked at her, quite often, with a look of caution, they had been doing it a lot lately.

If anyone were to be scared of anything, it would be Vada from Stefan and Elena! They were the reason these strange things were even happening to Vada, as far as she was concerned. They held this look in their eyes, a look that held a secret, a massive secret.

Vada could feel it.

“Listen, I heard you and Damon were talking outside this morning.” Bonnie interrupted her thoughts and eased into the topic of Damon, “Just wanted to see if you were okay.”

“Yeah, I'm fine. I think we've worked out an understanding.”
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Sorry guys, I was at the cottage and you know what that means, NO WiFi!!!!!