Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“Damon?” Vada whispered, urgently. “Come on! Really?”

She was at Kinsley Park, it was now 7:45, and it was starting to get dark.

Not only was he 45 minutes late, if he hadn't stood her up, he was causing her to have a mental breakdown. Being alone, in a park, in a town where things just happened to creep the hell out of her, was not what she wanted to be doing with her Wednesday night.

She would rather be watching Wrestling or, playing PS3, not this shit.

“Damon!” She yelled, deciding that this would be her last attempt to get his attention. “No? Well, Peace out, you fucker-”

She was tackled to the ground, a weight pressing themselves uncomfortably on her pelvic bone. She didn't even have time to scream as the weight shifted and someone teeth were at her neck.

As if an unknown light force was building inside her, she pressed her fingers to his temples and let the power be released from her. It drained from her body and mind and flowed freely from her hands and fingers directed at the unwelcome visitor atop her torso.

Damon held back a scream as white hot pain flashed through his head in waves. Each one getting stronger until finally they stopped and a soft voice questioned,

“Damon?” Vada's voice was oddly soft for someone who had just been attacked, but she had just inflicted a large amount of pain into him with out even knowing what she was doing. “Are you okay?”

“Peachy.” He grunted, attempting to get to his feet. He shrugged off Vada's helping hand.

“Well good, then I don't feel bad about doing this,” She sucked in a deep breath, “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? YOU DON'T INVITE PEOPLE SOMEWHERE SO YOU CAN JUMP THEM! I WANT FUCKING ANSWERS DAMON!”

Damon looked relatively unimpressed with her outburst, while Vada was breathing heavy.

“I got tired of our little game of Cat and Mouse, as fun as it was, it was getting us nowhere.” Damon said, brushing off his leather jacket.

“Care to share?” Snapped Vada, “You obviously know something I don't.”

“Dear Vada,” He said affectionately, “You shouldn't be able to hurt me the way you can.” He started to explain, but Vada was too impatient for his constant mind games.

“Why not, your pretty scrawny if you ask me.” She lied, crossing her arms over her chest.

As if to prove a point, Damon used his speed and strength to slam her into the nearest tree.

“Point taken.” She gasped, feeling the bark scratch her back, arms, and legs.

What she wasn't expecting was Damon to bare his teeth at her.

No normally she would have laughed at this strange display, but that would have been if his teeth didn't grow three sizes bigger and his eyes pitch black.

“Holy shit.”

His eyes slowly returned to normal, the veins shrinking and he teeth retracting.

“I thought I would get straight to the point, seeing as you don't like my 'constant mind games'.” He said, putting Vada back on her feet.

Only for her to topple over, her head hitting the grass as she blacked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 17 of this story is hilarious! I was kind of going for sexy/ weird, because let's face it. Vampires are sexy and weird, but that chap turned out weird and slightly gross . . .
Oh well