Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“Why are we doing this again?” Asked Bonnie, “I'm opposed to breaking and entering.”

“I have a bad feeling about this, and I'm not even a witch.” Agreed Elena, holding on tightly to Stefan's hand as the group crept across the lawn towards the old mansion which, unlike the other houses on the street was dark and gloomy, and not bathed in streetlight.

“Where the hell is Damon?” Asked Stefan, “This was his idea, and he doesn't even show up, typical.”

There was a sudden thump from behind them, Elena held back a scream and Stefan jumped into a protective stance.

“Ow, sorry.” Called a muffled voice, “I didn't see that tree stump.”

Vada who was behind them pulled herself up off the ground and Bonnie giggled, “Smooth.”

“Shove it!” Vada smiled back, giving her friend the finger.

Vada was dressed in all black, Stefan, Elena and Bonnie had all laughed at her when she arrived at the Salavatore's in her version of a catsuit. Elena was dressed in her usual tank and skinny's, Bonnie was in a simple sun dress, so needless to say, Vada felt like a moron.

Bonnie was now looking at her outfit as they climbed in the back window, they didn't want to be seen by any neighbours jimmying the lock on the front door.

“What I don't get about the outfit is the black leather heels.” She laughed, “I mean, the black stretch pants and black long sleeved shirt is explainable, but the heels are just impractical.”

“All female spies wear heels in spy movies, they scale buildings, defuse bombs, and all in a pair of Louboutin's.” Vada laughed, as she hauled herself in the window, landing unceremoniously on the floor.

Bonnie followed, her cheerleading skills helping her land on her feet.

“Okay, Elena and I will take the upstairs, the bed room's and bathrooms. Bonnie, take the main floor, Vada the basement.” Stefan directed, Elena grabbed his hand and they walked up the stairs, creaking as they went.

“Because that doesn't spell disaster.” Vada grumbled, Bonnie smiled weakly at her and walked into the next room.

Vada however, continued down the stairs, turned on the landing, down some more stairs, and there she was in the heart of a creepy, dark, dank, old, basement.

What she saw was not what the typical basement should look like, it was one long corridor with multiple cells and cages lining the left wall.

“What?” Vada asked herself, why was there a jail in the basement of a forgotten old style Victorian home. She was sure that wasn't the norm.

She ran her fingers along the bars, looking inside the various cells, there was a blanket, and a metal cup. The floor was made of dirt and there were no windows anywhere.

Vada gasped as a sudden wave of nausea washed over her and an image of centuries ago invaded her mind.

They were screaming, a hunger, the pain, the neglect was nearly to much to bare.

The screaming got progressively louder as the pain increased. Pain in her back, pain in her head, pain everywhere.

People in the cages were screaming, begging for freedom. Saying they had children, they had families.

This vision was different from the others, she was seeing it from the point of view of a prisoner. Someone being held captive.

Suddenly the fear inside her bubbled as footsteps were heard coming down the stairs, someone was coming and wearing heels.

She looked up and saw the face that caused the screaming and moaning in the room to increase exponentially.

Elena? Why was she in the – Oh, it was then that she remembered, Damon had told her that Elena was a dead ringer for Katherine. It was obvious by the evil smile on her lips that this was not Elena, and that she was here to cause more pain.

“Hello Lovelies.” She cooed, all of the prisoners cringed away from the beauty. “I've come for a snack.”

It was obvious to Vada now that these people were held here for Katherine personal snacking issues. They must have been servants in her house, plucked from their posts and stuck here in the servant house so it wouldn't look suspicious.

Katherine walked down the corridor stopped when her eyes landed on Vada, or the prisoner who recount Vada was seeing.

“You'll do nicely.” Was all she said before she was yanked out of her cell and her head was forced to the the side, exposing her neck to the predator.

Vada was shaken out of her revery by a stone cold hand, skin and bone. She turned to look at the person who had interrupted her.

A blood curdling scream was the next thing to leave her lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey you guys. Enjoy this update and suck all the juiciness out of it.