Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


Before her was the deformed, gaunt, disgusting face of Elena. Her hair was in curls that had frizzed and poofed. Falling off of her was a eighteenth century Victorian dress, complete with hoop skirt. She was frail and looked like she was held together by only her bones and a thin layer of skin.

Vada screamed and pushed Katherine's hand off her shoulder. It snapped and broke off, it landed with a crunch on the floor.

Vada was screaming, the frail vampire was blocking her way out.

Suddenly, the zombie like Katherine was shoved brutally into one of the cells and Damon had her hand and was pulling her up the stairs, past Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie, who had heard her screams and were on their way down the stairs.

Vada's heels clacked, and she stumbled as they burst through the front door, not caring who saw them now.

Once they were back in the Salvatore boarding house Damon blew up, his calm facade melting away as he remembered Vada's terrified face.

“What were you thinking? Going in there alone?” He screamed, looking at all of them.

“We waited for you but you, as always, didn't come through.” Shouted Stefan, worried that next time, whatever was down in that basement would come after Elena.

Don't talk to me!” He growled, a voice that even made Stefan cringe, “You were the one that told her to go down there alone!”

“We were all alone!” Stefan protested.

“You didn't leave your Dear Elena alone though did you? Vada could have been killed.” Damon screamed, pining his brother up against the wall by his throat. Then he added for good measure, “Because we all know that Vada is more valuable then Elena when it comes to being relevant.”

Elena screamed, and Bonnie held her tightly. Vada was sitting on the couch, doing nothing, she was in shock, it was weird to see Elena and Katherine, such likeness to each other. She was reeling about what had happened in the basement, and why Damon was acting so protective of her. What did it matter to him if she died?

Then Damon turned to Vada, rage evident in his eyes.

“What were you doing down there? Standing there like an idiot while Katherine nearly made a meal of you!” He shouted, getting in her face, kneeling down to her level.

“Katherine?” Was the question that left Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie's lips. Damon and Vada ignored them.

“She wasn't going to make a meal of me! If you didn't notice, I ripped her arm off with a push of my pinky.” Vada argued, “I wasn't exactly in mortal danger.”

“Could have fooled me with all your whinging and screaming! Why didn't you use your powers, this is what we practised for. Though, now thanks to all you idiots, Katherine is back to reek havoc.” Damon said, his anger full fledged.

“I just froze, it won't happen again. What do you mean, it's our fault, she would have come back either way!” Vada screamed back, Damon getting the best of her temper.

“Hold the phone!” Shouted Elena, “Katherine! Katherine's back?”

“Yes. She's been in the servant house for a while now.” Said Damon, brushing off her question.

“Why haven't we seen her then, why hasn't she been killing?” Asked Stefan, accepting that Katherine was now back in their lives.

“She was starved, that's why she looked so gaunt and well . . . starving.” He said, downing a glass of O Neg.

“So how come she picked now to rise up from the nearly dead?” Asked Vada, thinking she got Damon stumped now.

“Because my idiot of a brother sent you downstairs, you got to close, she smelt your blood and it reawakened the burn. She's probably fed on some lonely Soccer Mom by now, gained her strength and since you were the first thing she smelt, your her obsession. Nice work Saint Stefan.” He ranted, throwing the glass at the wall and watching with pleasure as it shattered under the pressure.

Elena clutched on to Stefan's hand, Bonnie wished she had her Grams to talk to, Damon wished his brother wasn't such a moron and Vada wished she had pulled more puppy dog faces on her dad when pleading NOT to move to this 'no-class Town', maybe then she wouldn't have gotten mixed up in this at all.