Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


First day of school.

The most dreaded four words in the human language. Well, next to, “Vada, there is no more pie left.”

“Dad, going to a new school in the middle of the semester is going to mentally cripple me, I hope you realize!” I said, over a breakfast of fruit and Bran Flakes.

“Vada, your brother is taking this very well, take a page from his book.” Said my dad, signalling to Collin who was reading a new book.

“Yeah, sure. Maybe I'll read the Nerd Handbook, he's got volumes one through nine!” I said back, a sickly sweet tone to my voice. There was a protest coming from the living room where Collin sat.

“I gotta get to school. If social services comes a knockin', just send then up to my room, I've set up a meeting.” I joked, my dad threw me a glare and I walked out to my car. Mystic Falls High School.

What a treat.

I didn't have a flashy car, although, it would have been sick to arrive at this 'Hick Town' school in style. Alas, I have a boring old SUV.

I stepped into the huge car, after buffing out a smudge mark, and revved the engine. I peeled out of the driveway, ignoring Collin's scream for me to come back.

So what if I was supposed to drive him to school, he could walk. It could do the Dweeb some good, to exercise a muscle that wasn't his brain.

I scanned my surroundings and noticed that there was way to much green. It was everywhere, like a horror film where the mutating sludge gains intelligence and swallows everyone whole. There was moss, grass, and tree's.

. . . and a crow?

I had noticed the black blur after I heard the dull thud against my window. I screamed and slammed on the breaks. One thing I was glad for was the lack of traffic here as opposed to the more urban area.

I got out of the car and approached the black bird on the ground with caution. This crow seemed to be larger than most. What caught me off guard was the hazy dark grey outline that surrounded it.

“It's a crow Vada, chill right out.” I told myself. I blinked a couple times trying to rid the obvious hallucination I was having. The blurry grey outline was very distracting.

“Stupid crow!” I scolded, “Next time, watch where your defective wings take you!”

As if the crow had heard me he jumped up and seemed to caw at me.

“Well, it is your fault!” I sat, putting a hand on my hip, “Anyway, what's wrong with your head?”

I kept looking at the crow as if I was expecting an answer, like the bird would tell me what was up with the grey light above his head. I looked at the time and realized I was going to be late for school.

“Well now look!” I said aggravated, “I'm gonna be late for my first day. Man, you are a pain in my ass.”

I glared at the animal for another few seconds, then I turned on my heel and walked back to the drivers side of my car. I got in and started the engine, the crow was still sitting in the middle of the road, and if it was possible, it held a near murderous look in his beady little eyes.

I rolled down the window and shouted out at the crow.

“If you don't get your pudgy little ass out of my way, I'm gonna pave a new road with you.” I warned, rolling my window back up and sticking out my tongue. The crow cawed loudly and I shuddered, I tried to forget about it while I stepped on the gas and flew into the parking lot of my new school.

I parked the car and got out, walking to the side walk that would lead me to the very new looking building.

“Weird.” I thought aloud about the school. Looks pretty modern considering that this town looks like the Anne of Green Gables threw up on it.

I heard a squeal to my right, the entrance of the parking lot was gracing a sleek black Ferrari. It was parked carelessly into a spot the was reserved for a teacher.

As it got closer I noticed a boy with dark brown hair sucking face with a blonde haired girl with a Mystic Falls High Cheerleading uniform.

As they continued to practically fornicate in the car. I rolled my eyes and continued walking to my class.

“I know how conception works, thanks. I don't need to see it in action.” I drawled sarcastically, however after that I felt a dark presence leering over me and I turned around to see the dark haired boy starring me down.

He had the same grey-ish hue over him that I had seen earlier.