Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“Why was Damon driving your car and why is he not leaving?” Asked Bonnie, running to meet her as she got out of her car. “And I thought I told you that the team was meeting at Mystic?”

“You did, but I had a nice little run in with Public Enemy Number One.” Vada threw her bag on the ground somewhere and pulled at her too-short skirt. Bonnie gasped.

“Katherine?” She looked around to make sure no one heard her, although its not like anyone would know who she was talking about.

“Yeah, Damon intervened and on Stefan's orders, is now my personal stalker.” She finished before joining the team huddle.

An hour later Vada was sweaty and gross and her Cheer uniform was sticking to her in places to which things should not be stuck.

“Girls, that's good, Vada your picking things up well considering your new. I'm never wrong!” Caroline clapped and smiled, and then dismissed everyone for a water break. As soon as the group dispersed, Damon was all over Vada.

“When the hell do we get to leave?”

“You can leave anytime.”

“We've gone over this.”

“Doesn't make it any less irritating. We have one more hour left of practice, and now look. Everyone is coming back and I didn't get my water break!”

“How ever will you survive?” A wad of dense air then knocked him right over, as Vada smiled and bounded into the school for a much need drink.

Her sneakers squeaked on the floor as she made her way to the nearest water fountain, the feeling in the pit of her stomach was one of unease and fear. She had that feeling once already as she was ready to hop a plane to get away from it.

She turned the tap and the water erupted from the top of it. She lowered her head and took a needed gulp but was forced to spit most of it out when her head was forced forward and her mouth was smashed against the metal spout.

Vada spat out the blood dripped from her split lip and turned around, a venomous look in her eye. She had been messed with too much for one day. This bitch was a goner.

“Stay away from Damon.” Was the voice to high pitched and giggly for Katherine.

“Excuse me?” Vada asked, wondering if this girl was actually talking. It was Candy, a girl who was also on the cheer squad but was demoted when Vada joined. Candy was on the 5th level of the pyramid while Vada was on the second.

“You heard me!” She shouted, she stood an inch taller than Vada but must have though she was much more intimidating than she actually is. “Damon winked at me once at The Mystic Grill, it was pure magic.”

“Your point please, I don't have all day. I've got the second level of the pyramid just waiting for me.” Vada drawled.

“I have dibs on Damon, I made an exception for Caroline because shes Caroline, but I refuse to make an exception for you.”

“I'm not even with Damon like that.”

“Well, either your lying to me or your relationship is headed that way, and I'm not willing to take that risk.” She said her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised expectantly.

“You think you have a chance with Damon?” Vada asked, wiping the blood from her lip.

“I know I do.”

“Well let's just test your theory.” Vada suggested, grabbing Candy by the arm and dragging her out to where Damon was waiting in her car. He got up out of the car when he saw a very agitated and bleeding Vada, and another girl looking slightly star-struck at seeing him.

“Damon Salvatore, this is Candy . . . I don't give a fuck about your last name. Bottom line, I'm bleeding and it better not happen again because I'm going to clear this up. Damon would you ever date, not fuck, date, as in be in a serious relationship with this girl?”

Damon took his sweet time looking over the girl. “AB Positive. Not my style.”

Candy has tears welling in her eyes, as Vada turned on her, “Now that we've gotten that straightened out . . . Candy if you ever touch me again, I will rip off your arm and strangle you with it. Are we clear?”

Candy nodded and ran back to practice, careful to wipe her tears before Caroline saw them.

Vada was about to follow when Damon pulled her back so she was pressed between the car and his groin.