Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“I've always loved the smell of druid blood.” Damon whispered, huskily. He inhaled deeply and let out a sigh of pleasure. “It's toxic.”

Vada shivered and her tongue darted out of her mouth quickly to try and wipe off the blood that was now pooling around the wound. She was stupid to think that he hadn't seen her do it.

“You know, we as a society never understood the Druids, but I would love to try and understand you.” With those closing words, his mouth descended over hers and he was using his tongue to lick up the spilled blood, he took her bottom lip in his mouth and sucked enough to leave him wanting more before his self control checked itself and he pulled away.

At this point Vada was shocked, she didn't know which way was up or right, she didn't think that even if you'd asked her to point to her nose, she could do it.

“Nope. No, no ,no. This is not going to happen. I refuse.” Her eyes were closed and she was shaking her head, her hair swinging back and forth as her movements became more fervent.

“Just give in.” He commanded his eyes staring at hers with an intensity she wouldn't have expected from Damon.

“I'm a witch Damon,” She said angrily, the intense trance had been broken for now. “You know that you can't compel me!”

Damon's forehead creased, he wondered if he might look like his brother when he did this, “I'm not trying to compel you, Vada.”

“Oh.” She shifted uncomfortably, something in his voice made her believe him, something that shouted to her that he wasn't lying. “Well, can't blame me for thinking you'd do something insanely selfish, now can you.”

“It's who I am.” He smirked and entertained the thought of sweeping her in for one last kiss before he departed, but thought that he could only handle one steaming witch, and by the look on Bonnie's face who was headed over here, he was about to have to deal with two.

Vada rolled her eyes as she watched the handsome vampire speed off to God knows where the Damned hung out. Probably not to far, because he was her personal stalker now, and her ride home.

“Vada, your not seeing Damon are you?” Bonnie inquired as they made their way back to the field.

“Of course not. He's my teacher, how inappropriate would that be!” She joked, knowing that it wasn't funny or witty, but it made her seem less nervous.

“Teacher.” Bonnie scoffed, “That should have been my job!”

“I know Bonnie, totally-”

“I mean, what does DAMON know about being a witch?”

“Your right-”
“NOTHING!” Apparently that was a rhetorical question . . .


“Sorry, insane Damon rant is over.” She smiled sheepishly, “I just can't get over the fact that he gets to teach you how to be a witch and he's a vampire!”

“It does seem a little odd, huh?”

“Well, when you think about it, Damon has been around both our line of witches since forever, so he probably knows more about me than I know about myself and he probably knows more about you than you know bout yourself.” Bonnie concluded, talking herself off of the ledge.

“Well, all I know is that Katherine is really starting to scare me and whoever can teach me how to defend myself is my new best friend.”

“Hey Bestie!” Damon whispered, the dark warehouse was not the place to try and scare a pissed off wicca. Therefore, Damon went sailing into the nearest window.

“Damn!” He groaned from the floor, the glass has shattered around him and in the middle of his chest a huge piece of glass protruded looking completely out of place.

Vada gasped, “Damon!”

She ran over to him and cradled his head, his eyelids fluttered and he looked dazed. The piece of glass was sticking right out from where his heart would be.

Her face was red, her nose was sniffling and her eyes were leaking. There was a weight in her heart that slammed into her body as she watched Damon's eyes close. She was shaking, repeating Damon's name after every breath.

Her hair fell delicately over his face, and her tears landed on his translucent neck.

She screamed when his lips turned up forming his signature smirk.

“WHAT THE FUCK?” She jumped up, backing into the nearest wall, wiping at her tears so she could make an attempt to see where she was going.

“Vada, only a wooden stake to the heart kills a vampire. Glass doesn't count. But it's nice to know you care.” His smirk still in place.

Vada was beyond furious, in a blind rage she grabbed the broom that was leaning against a railing and broke it over her knee, and as he laughed at her she plunged the makeshift wooden stake right in his neck.

He coughed and spluttered blood as he attempted to threaten her.

“Sorry? I can't hear you. Frog in your throat?” The rage over her near heartbreak was overwhelming and she leaned down to his bleeding form, “Sorry, I didn't take Vampires 101. This lesson I think you'll be teaching me everything about Vampires so any accident even SIMILAR to this never happens again.”

With a smirk of her own she yanked the jagged broom end from out of his throat.