Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


To be honest, Vada didn't think she would be running carelessly into this burning house if she hadn't received a call from her father in the car explaining that her brother would be fine.

She would have been the good little sister and been at home to make sure everything was in order for her brothers return.

Vada thought rather sadly to herself that the last thing she ever did to her brother was put him in the hospital. Of course, she wasn't dead yet, but she was nearly positive that she would die for this cause.

Vada stepped into the front door of the once majestic manor and heard the crunch of broken glass underneath her shoes. The night was dark and the house matched, the parts of the house that had caught fire was the only thing that seemed to be giving off any light.

“Bonnie?” Vada whispered. She looked around the dark hallway before deciding on going right into the sitting room.

There was water running out into the room from a bathroom pipe that had obviously burst in the next room. The window that had been in the front of the room was shattered, leaving glass shards everywhere.

“Stefan, Elena?” She whispered again.

Vada walked into the next room, that being the parlour. She let out a strangled choke of relief when she saw a tan, frail arm reach out from underneath a fallen bookshelf and push away some debris so that Vada could see Bonnie's face.

“What the fuck happened?” Vada asked none to nicely. “Where are Stefan and Elena?”

“She just burst through the door, and suddenly everything was broken and on fire. Stefan took Elena, I don't think they got out of the house though.” Bonnie coughed as Vada used her mind to lift the shelf off of her and help the girl up.

“Stefan. St. Stefan just left you here?” Vada asked incredulously.

“Said he would be back, don't think he planned on Katherine's rather strong offence.” She commented dryly. Vada put her arm around Bonnie for suport and helped out step over the ruins of the house. They heard a faint masculine moan from the adjacent hallway and hurried to the sound.

When the came upon Stefan and Elena. Bonnie gasped with tears and Vada looked away from the gore.

It looked as though Katherine had taken wooden stakes and stuck them through their wrists and ankles, and then pinned them on the wall. There was blood dripping from there wounds and Elena was unconcious.

“It was a sneak attack.” Stefan coughed, blood dribbled down the side of his mouth. “Vervain tipped stakes. I can't move.”

“Bonnie take care of this and get them out of here.” Vada whispered, sensing that a threat was still near.

“And you?” She asked, hesitantly trying to pull the stake out from Stefan's arm.

“Don't worry about me.” She said, then added for good measure, “I'll be fine.”

With those final words, she walked away from them and towards something much more dangerous and deadly.

Her footsteps echoed in the big room, broken glass cracking under her feet and puddles of displaced water splashing as she stepped through them.

Suddenly a massive exploiion in the far right of the room knocked her off of her feet and set the room a blaze.

“Did you really think it would be that easy?” Snarled a voice. “Rescue your friends and flee?”

“That was never the plan.” Vada said with just as much malice in her voice, if not, more.

“Neither was killing Damon!” She shouted as she beckoned her croonies forward, taking three to hold Damon down, one had him in a headlock while the other twoheld down his feet. “But looks like that is going to have to happen, with my bare hands.”

“You aren't going to touch him.” She said confindently.

“Why is that?” She stalked in front of Damon reaching forward to grasp a firm hand around his neck.

“Damon and I have been exchanging blood.” Vada smiled, which looked odd seeing the state her life was in. By this time Katherine's croonies has loosened their grip on Damon so Katherine could firmly grasp his neck. “You can't touch me because of the blood that flows through my veins, and now the same blood flows through his.”

Katherine's head snapped towards Vada but when she looked back at Damon, all she found we here three dead groupies.

“AHHHHHH!” Katherine shrieked with pure anger and she pulled out a sharp wooden stake and plunged it into Vada's left wrist, pinning her effectivley to the wall. “I may not be able ti touch you but I sure can have some fun with this.

Vada concentrated all her energy on the spell she had memorized from Bonnie's Grimore. Bonnie was not strong enough yet to use it so Vada would do it.

Vada screamed as another wooden stake slammed into her thigh and into the drywall behind her.

She felt the blood dripping down her. Suddenly she felt angry.

Damon returned from checking on his brother and his dear Elena when he heard Vada scream. He stepped through the door of the large library, or what was left of it anyway and found his witch pinned to the wall with wooden stakes.

He made a move to rescue her from her certain doom when she started to glow. A white, pure, blinding glow that almost made him have to look away. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, making them match the white glow of her body.

A force of sorts removed the stakes from her body and drew her small frame up into the air her hair was flying wildly and her arms were limp. He would have though she was dead if it weren't for her chanting a mantra.

Katherine started to scream in agony of the curse and watched in horror as the rest if her vervain spiked stakes rose into the air and pointed directly at her.

Damon noticed that Katherine must have been stuck in her spot because she was deserately trying to move or duck.

It was all too late as each stake started a fast pace desecent towards her. There was a sickening moment when all that could be heard was stake penetrating skin. When Damon looked to Katherin there was not a single part of her body that wasn't adorned by a stake.

He smiled because it was over and looked over at Vada so they could share a meaningful look and a happiliy ever after, something Damon wasn't used too.

Vada however, was slumped on the ground, her eyes wide open and her chest still.

He ran over to her fragile human form and checked her pulse and listened to her heart.


Stefan, Bonnie, and Elena watched from the doorway, holding Elena up. All three sporting massive tearsrops in their eyes and on their faces.

How could Vada be dead? After everything she surivived and after everything she did to save them and their town.

To be honest, Bonnie thought, the world should have ended with her life.

With a heart wrenching gasp Vada sat up clutching at her chest with a wild look in her eye. Bonnie nearly cried with joy until she saw the red tinge to Vada's irises and a smile which sported newly sharpened canines.

Well, the sort of got their happy ending.
♠ ♠ ♠
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sequel? Not sure. Comment. Tell me what you think.