Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“We have a problem.” Said Bonnie, sitting in the Salvatore Boarding House. Elena and Stefan were sitting comfortably in each others arms looking at the Witch, curiosity burning in their eyes.

“What are you saying, Bonnie?” Replied Elena, looking to Stefan.

“Vada, the new girl, is a Witch.” Bonnie said, looking towards the door as Damon walked in. He looked miffed as he sat down on the desk after rolling his eyes at his little brother and his 'Dear Elena'.

“Who are we gossiping about?” He feigned interest his voice raising to a very uncharacteristic falsetto.

“Vada Stewart: New girl. Recently revealed to be, Vada Stewart: Witch.” Replied Bonnie, not looking the vampire in the eye. All Bonnie saw anymore when she looked at him was her Grams' killer.

“Looks like I'm a step ahead of you.” He smirked wolfishly, “Then again, what else is new.”

“Damon.” Said Stefan, a knowing tone in his voice, “What do you mean, you 'already knew'?”

“I went to visit my favourite little witch, catch up, have some tea.” He said, taking a nice long gulp from his brandy glass filled with what was definitely not brandy.

“Damon.” Elena said, eyes wide with fear.

“Relax, Stefan must be rubbing off on you.” Damon smirked, “She just pulled a little pallor trick on me that's all. She seems even more powerful than our little Bonnie Bennett here.”

Bonnie felt a sudden jolt of power course through her and found that the glass in Damon's hand had exploded.

“Yes, definitely more powerful than Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, over here.” He said, nodding and walking to the door.

Damon was long gone when Bonnie finally spoke again, “The problem here is, we don't know whether or not she is on our side.”

“Stewart. The name sounds familiar.” Stefan's brow was creased, and Elena moved to hold his hand in hers.

Bonnie walked into the middle of the room, and closed her eyes. She extended her hands out in front of her. Stefan and Elena watched as the lights flickered and the fire in the fire place flared.

Suddenly, a book flew off of the shelves and into her hands.

“Here,” She gave the book to Stefan, “Does this mean anything.”

“It's an old photo album. In Katherine's era.” He said flipping through the pages of the book, scooting closer to Elena when he felt her tense up at the mention of Catherine's name.

“Oh Stefan! Look, there, the caption,underneath that picture! 'Emily Bennett, Katherine Pierce, and Ebony Stewart.'” Elena gasped as she saw the beautiful dark haired girl, who resembled her new friend Vada, only with more class, and without the nose piercing and noticeable tattoo's.

“Ebony Stewart! How could I forget!” Stefan cursed, jumping up to the desk and rummaging through a drawer. He stopped only until he pulled out one of his old journals. “Here listen to this.”

Stefan flipped to a page near the end and began reading, Bonnie and Elena listening intently.

“Katherine is in a fowl mood today, and as usual I have not seen Damon. Katherine, Emily and Ebony(the two witches) went to town yesterday and when they got back Katherine was raging. Her sentences were barely coherent and her eyes were black as night.

I had always known that Katherine had taken on many other lovers before Damon and I. She is a challenge and I know I can win her heart in the end and I know Damon will forgive me, we are brothers and we love each other.

From what I could gather Katherine had caught Ebony talking with Douglas Honeycutt. They had been doing more than talking because in the year that Ebony had gone away, she was actually at home. Douglas had gotten her pregnant and claimed to be in love with her. Douglas and Ebony were meeting up to exchange the child.

When Katherine came upon them, Ebony cast a spell on her child and future line of witches, a spell that dictated that their lineage would always be protected by those who loved them and would never let a Pierce or those of her bloodline touch them. Then she set Katherine on fire and waited patiently for her attack. Ebony is dead and Katherine is on a war path.”

“Holy crap!” Bonnie exclaimed, “Let me get this straight, she was Katherine's witchy friend who slept with one of Katherine's boyfriends, got pregnant, attacked Katherine and just let Katherine attack and kill her?”

“Ebony was the fancy of many men.” Stefan started, “Damon showed interest, I'm sure I would have had I not been under Katherine's compulsion. Katherine felt threatened. So she killed her, Douglas too. When she tried to kill the baby she was thrown back. Katherine was unable to get to the bouncing baby girl. Same with the rest of the Stewart line, Katherine Pierce can't touch Vada.”

“I felt her.” Said Bonnie, “She is more powerful than the Bennett line all combined. But she is ignorant to her power.”

“I can help with that.” Said a Damon walking back into the study, blood dripped in a neat line from the corner of his mouth to his chin.
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I'm really liking this story, but I need some ideas as to what to do with the ending. I'm sure I'll think of something.
Comment and Subby please!!!