Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“Damon, you couldn't help anyone with anything, if your life depended on it.” Scoffed Bonnie, who believed Damon to be selfish and disagreeable. Bonnie stood still, watching her posture, and how close Damon was to her.

Bonnie couldn't help but envy Vada Stewart, she was always protected by the people she loved.

“Ah, Little Witch, there's where you are wrong.” Said Damon, reading Bonnie's thoughts. A smile on his face that always seemed to say so much, without him uttering a single word.

“What Stefan wrote was very clear.” Elena argued, sounding unsure of herself. Damon always seemed to have a trick up his sleeve.

“Vada isn't protected by the people who love her, but the person who loves her.” He said, wandering over to the book shelves and running is fingers over the spines of each book. “Do you think the Stewart line survived with Katherine running around, the only protection the Stewart's had being pathetic little human's who loved them. Not likely.”

“Even so, Katherine can't touch a Stewart, so why would it matter?” Asked Elena, hopelessly confused.

“Katherine has many loyal followers happy to do her bidding. Plus, it's Katherine, she is surely to find a way around the spell, if she hasn't already.” Replied Damon.

“What exactly are you saying, Damon?” Asked Stefan, sternly, an air of righteousness to his tone.

“I'm saying, that there is one person who always falls tragically in love with the females of the Stewart line. A vampire. That's how they are protected.” He said, taking a seat close to Bonnie for the pure amusement he felt to watch her squirm.

“Who?” Questioned Stefan.

“Dear brother, I don't have all the answers.” Damon smirked, despite himself. Damon didn't know how he knew that, he just did. He had this incredible feeling of nostalgia and knew that whether or not he had the facts, he was right.

“He admits it!” Sneered Bonnie, happy to try and shut him up for once.

“Dear Bonnie. So small and innocent, how very easy it would be to choke those sarcastic comments right out of your pretty little mouth.” Damon spoke very nonchalantly about death and violence, that's what made Bonnie abruptly stand up and make her way out of the Salvatore house.

Elena ran after her and Stefan cornered his brother.

“It would be rather advantageous to have a powerful witch such as Vada on our side.” Hinted Stefan, his voice lowering to a quiet whisper.

“You forget brother, I'm not on your side.” Damon spoke with a simple correcting tone.

“That may be, but you are on Elena's side and she is always in danger when it comes to Isobel, John, and Katherine.” Stefan knew that his argument was compelling, he knew that Damon had a soft spot for Elena, one that he was jealous of, but knew that in times like these it would be a blessing.

“What exactly do you wish of me, little brother?”

“Lead Vada to discover herself as a witch. I remember Ebony Stewart, she was a great asset in helping the Vampire Rebellion shortly after they were imprisoned in the tomb.” Stefan talked about a rising of the vampires after most were hunted down and thrown into the Church, which was later burned to the ground. “Then help her to tap into her power.”

“Why would I do this for you and Elena, so you can live happily ever after?” Damon tried to kept the animosity out of his voice and words, but failed.

“You know Katherine, now that we know she isn't in the tomb, you can guarantee that she will be back and when she gets here, it won't just be a fight. It will be a war.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Updated three stories in one night!!!!!
Don't worry . . . you-know-who, my JB fic will be posted shortly.