Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“Dad?” Called Vada.

No answer.


No answer.

“Perfect!” She smiled. “House to myself.”

Vada was wearing her pajama's which consisted of a small fitted tank, and a back pair of boy shorts. She ran the length of her house and into her room. She grabbed her iPhone and plugged it into her dad's surround sound speakers.

I gotta feeling
Whoooo whoooo
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good, good night.

Like clockwork, Vada broke into a dance, though it was more, her flailing her limbs about like nobody's business, she was having fun. After the week she had, she though she deserved it.

After the fiasco at her house with the Slip and Slide, Vada was afraid to leave her house for 2 days before her dad finally forced her to go get groceries. It wasn't so much that she was afraid of the outside, so much as afraid of what was in it, more specifically Damon.

After he showed up at her house, and seemed to know everything that she was doing, she was scared of running into him.

The next few days at school were even worse, because he even seemed to be stalking her, and the cherry on top of the cake was that he knew how scared she was of him. Sure, she put on a brave front and tried to verbally defend herself but he knew the right way to make her uncomfortable and fearful.

It was Sunday, one more day of peace and freedom before she had to wake up at 6:00 a.m and face everything she wanted to run away from.

Therefore, she was kicking the shit out of this song and having fun doing it.

Suddenly, the door bell rang and she ran to turn off her music, grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and crept to the front door.

She opened it with caution and sighed with relief when it was just the mail man needing her to sign for a package.

“Vada Stewart?”

“That's me.” She grabbed the pen.

“Sign here.” He pointed to the electronic screen and she signed, he took the package and quickly shut the door. He was looking longer than necessary at her exposed thighs then she felt comfortable letting him see.

“What did I get?” She smiled excitedly and ripped open the package, a beautiful red lace bra and matching underwear were the contents.

Although she admired them and had several similar, obviously not as expensive, she couldn't help but wonder who sent them.

“You know,” Breathed a voice, “It's impolite to disregard the card.”

She knew that voice, the voice that haunted her, she had known him for all of one week and she knew him, she felt his presence and she felt him, right behind her.

“It's impolite to break into someone's house.” She said curtly, Vada knew that he was harmless. Well, she knew that he wouldn't hurt her, some how she just knew.

“Well, I figured I'd much rather enjoy you dancing in those,” He gestured to the red underwear set, “Then what your wearing now.”
♠ ♠ ♠
hahahha, I really like this chapter.
I have a couple more written already, up to chappy 12 I think. So, I hate to do this to you guys but comments and subbies, equal updates and cookies!!!!!