Status: Complete

Mystic Falls


“Do you have any boundaries?” Vada asked in all seriousness, her hands were twitching from the overwhelming itch to smack him.

“No.” He answered simply, and continued, “When are you going to model those for me?”

He made himself comfortable in her dad's Lazy Boy, a drink already in his hand. He hadn't asked her if he could take some of her father's best Whiskey, he had just helped himself.


“Now, now.” He scolded, “No need for profanities.”

“I said that out loud didn't I?” Vada asked, not really caring whether or not he heard her. She was positive he had been called worse.

Damon got up out of his chair without answering her question and walked over to her, her heart started to pound as he neared closer to her. His black eyes were almost as endearing as the usual blue, they seemed to look right into her mind, not her soul, her mind.

Vada let out a sigh of relief as he simply brushed right past her, their chest only briefly touching, that was enough to send her heart into a frenzy.

Here was this complete stranger in her house, going through her family albums. Who the hell did he think he was?

“What are you doing?” Vada asked, after she had regained her breath.

“Getting to know you.” He said as he flipped the page in the photo album, “Don't worry, I'll definitely let you get to know me, once I've got what I need.”

“Who says I want to get to know you?” She asked, her hands on her hips and a smart look on her face.

“Everyone wants to know me.” He said, as though that was the most obvious answer to give.

“Well not me.” Vada couldn't believe that she had actually just stomped her foot, “Now if you don't mind, get the fuck out of my house!”

In a flash he had her pressed against the chess board, she clutched at her back, trying to get the corner of it out of her flesh. He gazed down at her with eyes that seemed to grow even darker.

“You will let me do what I wish.” He continued to stare at her and she continued to cringe in pain.

Vada was pissed, she just wanted him to catch fire or something, anything painful.

It was in that second that Damon howled with pain.

Vada jumped away from the chess board and looked to the leather clad man in her living room. Not only was he leather clad, but now he was also ablaze.

Vada didn't ask questions about the situation, she didn't question why her wish materialized, what she did was get the hell out of there.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Vada!
She has to be my favorite character, avery from 'Lost in Tranquility' coming in a close second.