The Wind

The End


My dress ruffled around with the breeze of the fresh air. It was breath taking. A beautiful plain of nothing but grass and undisturbed life.

Untouched by mankind, pure. I knew that the time was drawing closer. I had to go on a journey, within myself. "Becoming one... with myself."

I slowly walked through the tall grass as it tickled my legs. The wind soothed my pale white skin, always inside, until now it was untouched from the sun


"I'm sorry but your Daughter has some sort of blood dieses. Experts are coming from out of state to study this. We are unsure of how to treat her"

"What are you saying!”?

"We don’t have a treatment... I’m sorry Ma'am." The doctor coldly walked out of the room.

The mother clinged to her unconscious daughter. She knew it was coming, but she never let herself show it.

"NO! Not my Libby!" She cried in despair. Crying in sorrow she sat next to her daughter, unsure of what to do next.


From that day and on I never left the building without extreme care. My body was fully covered and I had to be in a wheel chair. I was depressed.

"It's beautiful." I whispered to myself as I gazed into the sunshine towering above all of humanity. I slowly got down to the ground. I laid on the delicate green grass, and took in a deep breath. I exhaled of my misery.


"Libby! Good morn- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Mother shouted as she stormed to my window. She quickly shoved me away from the suns rays, and closed the curtains.


I was in tears; my sensitive skin was covered in rashes. When she pushed my small body it opened sores and blood was now trailing down my stomach.

She sighed. "Libby... I'm sorry, baby." She gave a forced smile. "I do the best for you because I love you."

I licked my blistered lips. The taste of blood forever stained my mouth. I knew I would regret what I was about to say, but it needed to be spoken.

"I don’t want the best Mom."

She twitched. Her whole body looked stiff.

"Why don’t you sweet heart?"

"I want to be a normal kid mom. I want to go outside and play for the first time in my life."

Her eyes were overwhelmed with water. Her body shivered and she started walking to the door. Trying to maintain control.

"Well that’s not an option right now, is it?"


I giggled. Even back then I didn’t care what she said. All the times she told me I was going to get better. I was going to finish school. I was going to go to collage, get married, and have kids... That I was going to live a long and healthy life.

"Nonsense." I whispered as I rolled over. The sun beaming of my arms and hips.

But I am surprised at how long she lasted. A single parent, knocked up at 17, no idea who the father is. Both of her parents died when she was little, so she had no support.

We had a fairly decent life. That is until I got sick. They did all the test and all the treatments possible. But my blood cells kept dying for no reason.

It was expensive and terrifying. My mother’s whole paycheck went straight to my medical bills, and all her attention was dedicate to keep me from going near any light sources.

The sun makes my blood cells die even faster. So I was kept in the dark for 8 years.


I sat in front of mother’s room, listening to her yell and scream. She was on the phone with her boss.

"Please Mr. Burns! If you can even find a little kindness in your heart YOU WON’T DO THIS!"

I heard glass break, she kicked the table.

"PLEASE SIR! IF YOU DO THIS MY DAUGHTER... My beautiful 13 year old daughter WILL die!"


I pulled a long blade of grass out of the ground and stuck it in my mouth. The barrier of bloodstains melted and now the taste of Mother Nature overwhelmed me.

I sighed. The flashes backs racing in my mind were very recent. My mind drifted also diligently. The beautiful clear sky had no clouds to celebrate my arrival.



I walked into her room, and saw her lying on the table. I rolled my eyes.

"Can I go outside.”? I said expecting a Nagy comeback. But to my surprise, no answer.

"Hey! Mom is you awake?"

I tip toed over to her side. She had a bottle of whiskey in one hand, and the other was dangling over the bed.

I poked her head, she didn’t move. I studied her very closely to realize that she wasn’t breathing. My mom was dead.


I jumped t my feet and took off, I was running around out side. I laughed for some reason. I guess the thought that I was breaking the rules after my mother death wasn’t as satisfying.

I jumped and skipped all around. Letting my inner child out for the first time in my life! I was breathing in fresh air... for once.


My mother lifeless body lay in front of me. I was unsure of what to do. I waited for a moment, deep in thought.

"Now... I am free. As a living being to be happy and not tortured day in and day out." I whispered. Now was my chance to do the one thing I have always dreamed of doing before I die.


Exhausted I fell to the ground and landed with a thump. The sun was starting to set as well as the time left in my life.

I frowned, but I wasn’t completely sure why. Was it the lost of my miss guided mother, or the fact I knew I was about to die?

I closed my eyes, and let what little sunlight that was left covers my sill body. My blisters burned, but I still smiled.

As time ticked by my body only became more numb. But I don’t care... as long as I go here. With the breeze blowing around me and the fresh air... I know I am truly free.