Status: short hiatus; hang with us.

Everything I Ask For

All I Wanted


I couldn’t believe I did the same thing to Donovan. I acted like a cheap whore last night, kissing Garrett’s bestfriend. I like both of them, Garrett was like my childhood bestfriend, until now. He’s the most understanding guy I’ve ever met. He’s always with me when I need him, accept for yesterday but that doesn’t make a difference. Donovan is Garrett’s bestfriend and I won’t separate them. He’s funny and he’s entertaining, he could be serious and he’s quite attractive too. Help?


After what had happened yesterday, I think I should call Garrett. I reached for my phone and started dialling his number.


“Umm, Hey Garrett, I, uh, we need to talk. I’ll be waiting for you at the cafe.”

A few minutes later my phone started ringing.

“Hey Don, what’s so important?”

“I think it’s better to talk at the cafe.”

“Okay, 5 minutes, and I’ll be there.”

I was at the cafe already, and I bought a cup of caramel macchiato. I brought my laptop and I started to look at my twitter. And saw Ash’s update. It says that she’s coming to the cafe too. I wonder when she will arrived.

“Hey Don, I’m here. What do you wanna talk about?”

“It’s serious okay. It’s about yesterday.”

Garrett’s face began to be serious and a bit nervous.

“yeah, what?”

“oh, wait, I wanna ask you, did you or did you not kiss Ashley a few days ago?”

“We, we kissed the day she broke up with Dan. We didn’t do it on purpose. She was upset, I was there, she needed someone to listen, I was there, she started—“

“I kissed Ashley yesterday.”

“what? w-w-wait so Ashley kissed both of us in the same week. God.” Garrett shook his head as if he’s upset.

“I’m sorry Garrett, I know I shouldn’t of dome that yesterday, but I think I was trapped by the situation. I know you love—“

“No, no, no, no I don’t love her anymore, she’s my bestfriend. I love her as a friend. I know you love her Don, I know it from your moves.”

How does he know that?

“You could take her from me if you want. But promise me, you won’t break her heart. Promise me.”


“Really, I mean this. If you like her, be with her, she needs someone who can be with her everytime. She needs a guy who can make her forget about Dan. She needs you, she deserves you.”

“Are you sure? I thought you love her.”

“I know, I loved her, loved. Yesterday I went to John’s place and talked about it. He said that it’s all my choice and I realized that I don’t want to be with her as a boyfriend, I wanna be with her as bestfriends”

I took a sip of my coffee and tried to be focus, should I ask Ashley out today when she comes here or later?

“Hey Don, I saw Ashley’s update on twitter that she’s coming here in any minute. There’s a flower shop accross the street if you want.”

“oh my god, I didn’t notice that before, wait a minute.”

I ran towards the flourist and bought roses and lilies. I never done this before, and I hope Ashley will like it. I ran back to the cafe and borrowed the guitar. While I started practicing, Garrett called John and the guys to play music at the cafe. He prepared candles to make it romantic.

Garrett’s band arrived and they started playing their songs. I waited for Ashley to arrive and I noticed that I was druming my hands to the table the whole time.

“HEY HEY! IT’S ASHLEY’S CAR!” Pat shouted.

Ashley came inside the cafe, she looked surprised. John called her to the stage and introduced her. Then Garrett came to the stage.

“So, Ashley, you’ve been such a wonderful friend to all of us. You’re funny, you’re a good listener, and you’re—I’m speechless. So here’s our thank you gift.”

She stood infront of the stage and looked really surprised, she almost cried. I walk towards the stage and grab the microphone.

“Ashley, i knew you years ago, and I liked you. I liked you since we first met. I love your smile, your childish laugh, your smirk, your eyes, your body, all of them. You’re not perfect, but you make my life perfect. Ugh, I don’t really know how to do this. But yeah, I really love you. I don’t know what my life would be if I haven’t met you. I know I left this place for 3 years, but while I was in Australia, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I miss your smile, your laugh, your temper, all of them. But when I got back, you were sad, and all I wanted to do was be there for you. To be with you when you’re sad, when you’re happy, when you need me, I don’t want to be your boyfriend, but I want to be a part of your life. My bestfriend, but Garrett made me do this, but uh, I don’t know how to say it, do you want to be my girlfriend?” I took the flower I bought and walked towards her.

She cried like really cried, tears of happiness. She took the flower and kissed me. It was memorable,and it was different than yesterday. She hugged me and whispered to me ‘yes’. All of the people around us started to clap their hands, then John and the band started to play their song.

“Congratulations guys.” Garrett came to us and hugged both of us. He smiled I mouthed ‘thank you’ to him. He smiled back.This is the best day of my life.
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it's short but we're going camping for the whole week so TADA! enjoy :)