Dear Jeremy

Dear Jeremy

'Dear Jeremy
I'm sorry but I couldn't handle it anymore. The stress of school and my life at home were getting out of control, and i couldn't handle hiding anymore. If your reading this then yes, i finally fulfilled what i had said I'd do from the start.'

She hung herslef. Elarna said she would ... No she told me everyday and yet all I could do was be the same old sarcastic bastard and say she would never go through with it, and then make her laugh.

'I'm so sorry Jeremy but even with your help, i couldn't take it. You were and will always be my best and only friend. Jeremy i love you, and i hope you realize that, but everything was just getting worse'

I should have been there more often. Asking her what was wrong and if she needed any help. Hah I shouldn't make myself laugh, Elarna would have just said she could handle it like always, but even I knew better

'My mask was falling and i was becoming worse. You probably noticed it to, right Jeremy? The random mood swings, the unusual bruises and cuts, me falling over and sleeping in class'

I remember the first time she told me. I tried everything and anything to get Elaran to change her mind. It had worked ... For a time. That was until everything changed

'Jeremy, the voice's were right i shouldn't be living, I'm a waste of space and I'll get nowhere in life. I had no talent and nobody wanted me around ... Well nobody but you, Jeremy'

Elarna was so random at times and people loved her, but she couldn't see that, not with all the crap that kept her hidden behind those stupid fake personas. She couldn't see past all the stuff she was hiding from

'Jeremy, remember when we used to play at that tree, the one that was so high and i wanted to climb it? It was the last thing i did and I loved it. I wish you could have seen the veiw'

If only she knew. I loved her, but she never seemed to hear me. The only time she did was when I said I'd follow. When we were kids, playing with the rope and watching things hang by a thread, I had always wondered why she loved it ... Now i know why

'I'm sorry I did this Jeremy, but I just couldn't control it anymore and I finally hung myself, from our favourite tree. Pretty ironic but hey I completed my one and only goal in life, so I'm .. Somewhat happy.
Sorry again Jeremy
Love Elarna'

I'm sorry too. I couldn't keep your promise and live without you. I needed you, because you are my life. I told you I'd follow you ... Even in death
♠ ♠ ♠
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