Status: Oneshot.

Only Odd.

It all started with "Cheezus Christ"

It all started with the pizza store: Cheezus Christ!

"HEY ADIRAN!" Louise yelled out over the quad.
"LETS MAKE A Pizza store called Cheezus Christ!" She stopped yelling as she had ran over to him to present her idea.
"Yeah! We have to... Or Cheezius Maximus... No wait! That's mine!" He exclaimed with real excitement.
"We should open two stores and name them different cheese names!" Louise said.
"Yes and we shall make lots of moneys."
And so they did…

There was the two for one "Noah's Ark special" in which you got two pizzas made with REAL LION!
Louise would slam the lion down on the table and say, "BAM! Here's your lion sir… NOW GET THE HELL OUTTA MY STORE!"
But Adrian though that it would be much more polite not to, for they may tell their friends that if you ate in their store, you're most likely to get your face mauled by two lions. But the customers never did complain...
It was most likely because the lions ate their faces...
But that was unimportant because soon enough Adrian and Louise had spent all their profits on buying lions from Austria, so they sold them to a circus… (The lions also had Austrian accents, like Arnold Shzwartzzeneggerr, AKA The Govenator.)

They were still losing money (OH NO!), so they decided to steal the lions back, they then got giant radio collars to control the lions, but realized that it was a really inhumane method of controlling lions to eat the circus freaks…
Controlling the lions using the force.

Adrian and Louise got all their lions back, they renamed the plain ordinary lions to: FORCE LIONS!

Adrian then learned a new method of cooking pizza, he used ice to make heat! And fire to make cold!
So he FIRED HIS LAZORR and got to cooking as they gained control over the world with their pizza stores and Austrian force lions!

Once they were tired of having billions of dollars and achieving world domination they sold all the pizza they had left and made no more, Adrian decided to fly into space using the space ship that Louise built, to visit the Russian monkey in the international space station.

Louise decided to stay on earth, but she had plans for while she was there, she jettisoned the lions up to Adrian in the international Space station where he then made it rain down force lions on Austria, Louise filmed it and sent the footage to Adrian who was thoroughly pleased at the sight of the clearly angry lions, and frightened civilians of Austria.

Adrian lived forever and ever with the Russian monkey and Louise commanded the world to create her Wonderland!

Then everything blew up.

They both lived crappily ever after.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I can safely say that I was three times dumber for writing this, sorry you had to read it..
But I really do appreciate comments, they make me want to write more, and I promise they'll be good stories next time :)


Haushinka Xx