‹ Prequel: Nature's Law
Status: Not going to be updated very frequently atm I'm afraid guys =)

Life in the Shadows

Chapter Two

As soon as the sun was up Evanna heard the frantic footsteps of many workers running around, preparing for something.
It wasn't possible to already start lining up suitors, was it? Evanna thought about this for a second, it was still her birthday for god’s sake!
She sat up in her bed, the purple satin sheets crinkling as she rolled off the bed, landing expertly on her feet. She wasn't about to let someone get away with setting her up with someone, she wanted to fall in love by herself. With someone that she saw fit.
“MOTHER!” she shouted, poking her head around her door. Usually her mum would be with her in seconds, but not today. Evanna sat on the carpeted floor waiting for what seemed like hours, eventually deciding that her mum wasn't going to come.
Evanna wouldn’t class herself as a diva princess. She didn’t like being waited on most of the time, but as it was her birthday she decided that she would let the servants get her outfit sorted. Something that she vowed never to do again as she saw what they had laid out on her bed. A dark purple dress made of a t-shirt like fabric. It fell just above her knee with an uneven hem; some strands fell down past her knee and others were mid-thigh length. Never again she thought sourly as she looked at herself in the mirror; yes she looked like a gorgeous sixteen year old princess but that wasn’t the real Evanna Alida Hartley.
The real Evanna Alida Hartley preferred to wear black, skinny jeans with different coloured tops and flat black pumps. Not dresses and silver heels.
“Why am I dressed like this?” she questioned as her mother finally entered the room
“Important meeting, important meeting” her mum repeated over and over.
“More like important--” but Evanna stopped speaking abruptly when they entered the grand dining room.
Before her stood at least 10 guys. All of them in navy or black suits and holding flowers. Good lord Evanna thought as her mum ushered her towards them.
“Presenting Evanna Alida Hartley!” one of the servants announced to which all of the guys began to clap.
“There’s no way in hell I am staying” Evanna muttered before pulling of the heels, throwing them into a far corner and running back out the door that she had just come in.

Mercy. Please, have mercy. I don’t want this! Evanna almost cried to the heavens, the only thing stopping her was all of the people out in the gardens searching for her.
“Evanna!” “Where are you?” “Hello?” faint voices were shouting. Well, Evanna thought If they want me so bad they’ll have to bloody well look for me.
“What the hell are you doing in a tree?” someone asked from behind her, almost making her jump out of the tree in fright.
She turned slowly, not wanting to see her captor.
“Relax, Eva, it’s just me” laughed Jonas. He had been putting on a fake voice, to scare Evanna enough to fall out of the tree
“Jonas!” she hissed “Why the hell did you do that? Sometimes I think that you’re not really 17, more like 5!”
“That’s why you love me” he sung
“Of course. That's why I do this” she said, pushing him out of the tree.
Cousins, she thought to herself. You gotta love them.

Unfortunately, her mother had spotted Jonas fall out of the tree, and as he was known for his agility, she doubted very much that he had fallen.
“Evanna! Out of the tree!” she shouted
Damn, thought Evanna as she jumped from the branch she had been waiting on. So much for that.
“You can’t force them upon me!” she bellowed in her mother’s general direction before retreating down the gravel path that no one else would go down. Especially when an angry Evanna was known to be residing there.


Aurora was walking down one of the main corridors in the Castle, looking in every room for her favourite cousin.
“Eva? Eva, where are you?” she muttered as she looked in yet another room. A young man was sat with his head in his hands on one of the dark blue leather chairs. When he heard Aurora’s soft voice his head snapped up.
The young man looked to be about 18 years old and he had electric blue eyes. He was one of the new mutant gene bearers. One of The Blue Eyes.
“Hello” the young man replied, his voice was grave, as though he was concealing a massive secret.
“What’s wrong?” asked Aurora, she had a knack at knowing when something was wrong with someone.
“Have you noticed the colour of my eyes?”
“You’re a Blue Eye” she told him
“Yes. Have you heard about what Blue Eye’s can do?”
“No” she told him, this wasn't entirely true. Aurora had heard her father and her uncle discussing The Blue Eyes because of Jonas. They were talking about some of the strange things that they could do, different to what regular Schwarzes Lockians could.
“Well, today I found out that I can kill people if I look at them directly in the eye”
“But, you’re looking me in the eye” she said, this was half true. He had looked her in the eye for a fraction of a second.
“I don’t think that it kills the royal family” he admitted
“You tried it on anyone?”
“Try it on me?” she asked
“I don’t want you to die”
“I won’t” she insisted
They argued like this for a few more minutes before the blue eyed guy finally gave in. When he looked Aurora straight in the eye Aurora noticed that the irises of his eyes looked like some kind of liquid metallic metal. They looked as if they were almost bubbly beneath the surface of the lenses.
“You’re eyes are beautiful” she admitted when he looked away, a couple of seconds later.
“There weapons of death. Hardly beautiful” he scoffed
“Well, I think that they are” she repeated, turning on her heel to go and continue looking for her cousin
“Goodbye Aurora” the young man said
She turned around again “What is your name?” she questioned
“Goodbye, Delos” she said, this time she actually left, her soft voice began to call for Evanna once more and Delos hung his head, ashamed at what he had done earlier that morning.
Killing one’s sister, he thought as he stood up to leave was no way to start the New Year
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go guys, chapter two.
9 subscribers already =D
Thanks to: xXRipMyHeartOpenXx, mama-val, marshes9 and Airheart.101 for commenting =)

There won't be an update tomorrow because its...my birthday!! Yay! So, look out for one on Thursday or Friday =)....actually they e-mail you so scratch that =)
