Sequel: 17 and Pregnant.
Status: The sequel's up. Go check it out. x)

Raped, and Pregnant?

One / Two

"Jen, I - I.. I think I might be pregnant."

Jen was my best friend. I told her everything; I knew I could trust her.

Right now, I almost broke down. My period has been a week late. I wasn’t ready for a child. Fuck, I was only seventeen, still in school. I didn’t even have a boyfriend.

I know you think, whose baby is it then. I know it, I just don’t want the guy to know. He had been an ass to me, ever since that happened. I believe he only was with me to screw me, and then leave.

Actually I didn’t think he was one of those guys. I trusted him. When he told me he loved me, I really believed him. Maybe I was just dumb and blind, because I was in love. Yes, that must be it.

"Tami, you need to calm down. Let's get a pregnancy test, okay?", Jen tried to calm me down.

I only nodded my head, not able to speak.

Half an hour later, we were on our way to the next shop, where we could get a test. Of course, none of us had a car, which made us walk there.

"So, how did this happen?" Jen has always been curious, so I knew this question was going to pop up.

"Remember Max?"

"Yeah, why did you break up with him anyways?"

"You'll see. Well, you know this party, we were at, I was pretty wasted. It started out with like one or two beers, but I ended up with vodka and all that shit. Then I almost broke down, so you brought me into one of the bed rooms. Remember?"

"Uh-huh. That's just you.", she laughed silently.

"Shut it. Anyways I can't remember everything exactly, but someone came into the room. He started straddling my waist, and pulled off my shirt. At first, I was still half asleep, and it felt kinda good, so I let him, but he soon tried to get off my pants. I tried to push him off, but he was much stronger than me. I even screamed for help; no one heard me because of the music, though."

"No way. Don’t tell me you got raped. I'm gonna kill that motherfucker!" I knew telling her wasn’t the best idea. She really would've killed him, if she found out who did it. Though I wasn’t even sure myself. I was so knocked out from the alcohol, everything I saw was blurry. The only thing I noticed about the guy, was that he had slightly longer hair, almost like Max. Even his body, felt like Max'.

Secretly, I already knew it was Max, who did this to me. He always wanted to have sex with me, but I never gave in. I didn’t want to ruin us, cause I somehow knew, that if I slept with him, he would've left me.

I couldn’t risk it, I loved him.

After that party, however, I wasn’t able to be with him anymore. Not after what he did. I couldn’t trust him anymore.

"You know it, don’t you?", Jen questioned suddenly.

"What? Oh, no, I don’t."


With that we stepped into the shop, quickly grabbing three different pregnancy tests, paying and leaving as fast as possible.

No one could've seen us. Both of us would've been ruined. Not only, because if our parents found out, we would've lived on the streets, but also because if only one kid from school knew this, we would've been screwed.

In high school you only have to do one thing wrong, and everyone laughs at you. It's horrible. Neither me or Jen were popular, most people didn’t even know us, though we had our small group of friends, who always were there for one another.

"Do you think we can maybe get some coffee or something before we do this?", I stated more than asked my friend.

"Sure, let's get some Starbucks", Jen cheered.

Two hours later we were both sitting on Jen's bed, sipping our second cups of Mocha Latte, each.

I was afraid to do this test. What if it was positive? How would I have told my parents? My mom would've killed me. More so, what would I have done about Max? I couldn’t have told him, no way.

"Let's do this, right?", Jen said concerned.

I only nodded, taking the three packs, disappearing in the bathroom.
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