Status: idk, i just felt like writing.

One glance but it was life changing

I saw him.

I stifled a yawn.
I was in my pre-calculus class. My last class of the day. My teacher Mrs. Kenter droned on and on about today's lesson.
Ugh...I hate math! I suck so bad at it. I wished it just disappeared or something.

"Psst!! Hey Isabel" I heard my friend Alyssa calling me.

I turned my head to face her.


"You have anything planned for tonight?" she asked.

"MM...I don't think I do. Why?" I asked her.

"Wanna go to the movies tonight?"

"Sure, but I have to ask my parents first."

"OK. Text me if you can as soon as possible."


We both turn our heads towards Mrs. K.

"Can you let me teach my lesson?" she said sourly.

"Yes ma'am " we said in unison.

She turned her back and got back to the problem she was demonstrating to us.

So we let her finish the lesson. She then gave us our homework to work on.
I finished in matter of minutes since today's lesson was easy. We all finished early. She lets us talk when we finish our work.

Alyssa came to sit next to me.


I smile.

"Hey" I respond.

Alyssa and me have been friends since 1st grade. And we have been through the rough and good.

"Don't you think Skyler is cute?!" she said as we both look towards where he was sitting.

Skyler is the new kid who registered at this school three weeks ago here at Destiny High. He didn't talk to anyone from what I see. He seems look those type of guys that aren't sociable to anyone. And doesn't want to be disturbed. He has brown longish hair, green eyes, pale skin, and dresses like a rocker/punk.

"He's OK" I said as I shrugged.

"OK?? OK?! He's fucking hot!"

"OK,OK he's hot."

"Lets go talk to him!"

"No, no, your freakin' nuts and crazy if you want to do that."

"Please!!!" she said with her puppy dog face.



Alyssa is my best friend, she is my best friend since 1st grade. We were inseparable. We have each others backs' when whenever we were in a tough situation. We have been through good and bad times.

I finally gave in.


Her face brightened.

"You have no idea how much I love you right now!" she told me as she gave me a hug.

"Yeah yeah" I murmured.

We both got up and started walking towards Skyler. he was just sitting there.

"Hey!" Alyssa said.

He looked up and smiled. He SMILED, so he is capable of smiling. Wow, what a shocker.

"Hi" I greeted him also.

"Heys" he responded.

"Uhh, can we sit here?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Yeah, it's not my property."

So Alyssa and me took the seats that were available around him. And for the people who sat around him, they moved to go talk to their friends. But he didn't go talk to anyone who sat near him.

"Hey, my name is Skyler."

"Yeah, we know" Alyssa said.

He had a confused look on his face.

"Mrs. Kenter made you present yourself in front of the whole class" I explained.

"Oh, just that I thought no one was listening or cared."

"Well it's kinda hard not to notice a new face" Alyssa responded.

"By the way, My name is Isabel."

"And my name is Alyssa."

"Nice to meet you two" he said.

"So how come you don't talk to anyone?" I asked.

"It's just that I'm shy when I meet new people, so when nobody talked to me, I didn't talk."

"Oh" me and Alyssa said.

"Do you guys always do that?"

"Do what" we said at the same time.


"Huh?" once again.

"Say the same things at the same time."

"No" we said at the same time.

The three of us burst out laughing, and people turned to look at us. We gave them this look that said: What?! And they looked away.

"No, we usually don't" I told Skyler.

And Alyssa just nodded.


"So do you like it here in Florida so far?" I asked.

"It's pretty different from Chicago but yeah I guess so."

"Whoa! You came from the Windy city?" I asked.


"I was born there. Until I moved when I was like 6 or 7, but I was here when i was in 1st grade."

"That's cool. I miss Chicago."

"That's pretty cool how you met someone who was born in the same city isn't it Isabel?" Alyssa asked.

"Yeah, I guess it is."

"So why did you move to Florida Skyler? Alyssa asked.

"My parents got divorced so my mom wanted to go somewhere far and she has a sister here and so we moved here."

"Oh" I responded.

"And what about you I Isabel? Do you know why you moved here?"

I nodded.

"My dad got a promotion in his job and it involved him moving here to Florida" I answered.

"Oh, and did your mom agreed to it?" he asked.

"Well, she was fine with it but she wanted to move anyways cause it was getting a bit dangerous with the crime and all."

"Ah, I see."

" must be missing your girlfriend right?" Alyssa asked. Typical of her, she wants to know if she has a chance.

He shakes his head.

"Nope, I broke up with her because I found out she cheated on me with my ex-best friend, so I was happy that I don't have to see them being happy together."

"Oh, well she was stupid for cheating on you. you seem like a really nice guy" I told him.

He shrugged.

"I honestly don't care, she seemed fake anyways. But thanks for your words" he said as he smiled.

"So, what do you think of Destiny High so far?" Alyssa asked.

"It's a;right. It is very different from my old school. Here we can wear whatever we want and over there we had to wear uniforms."

"Eww! uniforms?" Alyssa said.

"They aren't that bad actually, I really didn't care. At least the girls weren't showing their ass off with really short skirts or showing their chests with very revealing shirts."

"Yeah, that's a good reason. I wouldn't care if I had to wear a uniform or not."

"I would! I mean, not getting to wear what you want?! That's awful!" Alyssa stated.

We both shrugged.

"You guys are weird" she said.

"You should talk" I replied playfully.

She sticked out her tongue. I sticked out my tongue. I heard laughter.

"You guys are a weird bunch" Skyler said.

We looked at him and we sticked out our tongues at him at the same time.

"Well I don't stand a chance against you guys. I surrender!"

We chuckled.

And for the rest of the period we talked. And when it was time to go, we left together.

We all said our goodbye's to each other and went our different ways. I had to go to the bus loop area. I was heading there when I saw this amazingly good-looking guy. He had black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and had this look on his face that read not to mess with him.

He looked straight at me. We locked eyes for a few seconds.

And then he started walking towards me. I looked around but no one was around, it was just me and him. I gulped. What is he doing?

He stopped right in front of me.

He was a head taller than me so I had to look up to look at him.

He was looking down and straight at me.

He then bended his head. I was confused as hell. It kinda looked like he was about to kiss me. But he then leaned down at my ear.

"Better watch out, this is your warning. If you don't give us what we want, we are coming for you" he whispered.

A chill went down my spine. What? What is he talking about.

"W-what?" I finally managed to say.

But I saw him walking out of the double doors to the bus loop. I finally felt my legs and started running to him. But as soon as he passed through the doors, he was gone. I was looking around but saw nothing.

I had this odd feeling that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I looked for my bus and hopped on. Should I tell my parents about his?
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hey!! please tell me what you think!! comment or message me!! plz!! need to know so i can continue!!