Status: idk, i just felt like writing.

One glance but it was life changing


I got home and dropped off all my school stuff at the door.
No one was home yet, my mom was working in the family's store.
My father was still working at the office.
I went upstairs and went inside my room.
I connected my I-pod to my stereo, and jumped on my bed. I stared up on my ceiling. And I recalled what happened in 7Th period. It was nice meeting Skyler.He was pretty cute.
And then I went back to that guy in the hallway...what was he talking about?
My phone vibrated.
Heyz!! wats up?
I hit the reply button.
same here, wanna go to the park?
*reply* and Alyssa are planning to go see a movie.
wanna come with us?
*buzz* OK!:)
uhh meet me at my house.
I heard the door closing.
I quickly gave him my address and went downstairs.
Looks like both my parents were home early.
" Hey mom, hey dad" I greeted them as I hugged them and kissed them on the cheek.
They both said hey.
"Do you want me to make dinner mom?"
"No thanks, I''ll order some pizza" she said happily.
"Mom, dad?"
"Yes honey?" they both replied.
"Can I go to the movies with 2 of my friends?"
They took a moment to reply.
"Sure" they said.
"Thanks!!" I said as I went to go hug them.
So I went upstairs and finished the rest of my homework. I then got a text from Alyssa.
hey, can't go 2 the movies...sorry! have 2 visit a family member.
that sucks!! well i invited sky to come with us but i guess it's now me and him...
what?! ugh...lucky! hope you have FUN...
wats that suppose to mean?
I waited a few minutes for her to reply back but she didn't. What did she mean? Does she think I'm trying to steal Skyler from her?
It was almost time to meet up with Skyler.
I sigh as I was about to do.