Status: idk, i just felt like writing.

One glance but it was life changing

I dunno

MY day seemed to go smooth. That is until 7Th period.

"Hey Alyssa" I greeted her.She turned to me.

"Hey" she said in a monotone voice.

"What's wrong?"


"What do you mean nothing? You not talking to me and texting me back is nothing?"

"Just drop it!"

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong!" I said angrily.

"Because you always have what I want!" she said and then got up and searched for a new seat.

She sat next to Lindsey, the bitch that stole Ryan, my ex- boyfriend from me. How could she go that low?

"Today we are learn-" and then I decided to zone out. What did I do wrong? What was she talking about?

We were now allowed to talk and work on homework since the teacher was done with the lesson.

I felt someone sit next to me. Hoping it was Alyssa coming to apologize...I turned and saw that it was Skyler.



"Is Alyssa mad at you?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because she moved away from you and she's not talking to you right now."

"I honestly don't know. I think she is.." I said frowning.

"Do you know why she might be mad at you?"


But thinking about it looked like she was interested in Skyler, and when I told her about yesterday...ohmygosh!! She's interested in Skyler and she thinks I am talking him away from her!! That makes sense now. But why does she think that??

"Well you guys should talk about it. You don't want your friendship going down the drain."

"No I don't."

Then I got an idea.I just hope Skyler catches on.


"What\'s wrong?

"OH sorry, its just I'm...I'm not really looking forward to Saturday.."


"Me and my mom were going to visit a family member but then something happened at work and so now I like have nothing to do" I said with fake sadness.

"Oh..that sucks."

"Yeah. It does."

"Hey!! I have an idea..."

"Whats that?"

"WE should totally hangout on Saturday."

"That would be cool. But where would we hangout?

"Uh..I tell me. I'm the newbie here remember?" he said playfully.

"Oh about the mall? The altamonte mall?"

"Yeah OK!! Where's that?"

"Uh..I don't really know..Alyssa has always taken me there and I haven't remembered the way to get there..." I said laughing at the end. Of course, I knew where it was but he doesn't need to know that.

"Then we are going to invite Alyssa with us then. I was planning on it anyways."


"C'mon, lets go ask her."

I nodded.

We both got up and went over to Alyssa, who seem to be talking to Lindsey. Lindsey got up and left.

"Hey Alyssa" Skyler said.


"So what are you doing this Saturday??"

"Uhh,,nothing" she said while she was thinking it through.

"Well that's good then. Skyler wants to hang out on Saturday, and I told him that the Alamonte mall is a good place to hang out, and I don't exactly know where it is....Because you have always taken me and the way to get their never seemed to stick to me" I said as I winked at the last part. I know that Skyler didn't noticed the wink.

"So...I guess you should come with us to show us the way..."

Her face seem to show what I was trying to say. She smiled at me then to Skyler.

"Sure! Isabel never paid attention when i drove her to the mall. She always daydreamed or look out the window absentmindedly.

Then the bell ringed. Time to finally go home. Skyler went his way and said goodbye to us, Alyssa seemed to follow me.

"Isabel! Thank you so much!!" she said happily as she hugged me. I laughed.

"Your welcome. Hope you two have fun."

"Wait, you aren't coming??"

"Nah...I did this so you TWO would hang out?"

"Really? But you told him that would go.."

"Oh darn! I have to babysit my next door neighbor's kid, how could I forget" I said completely acting it out.

"Oh!! I get it now...Thank you so much!!"

" He he, your welcome..." I said smiling.

"Well I gotta go now. Bye!!" she said as she turned around.

I started walking towards the bus loop smiling because Alyssa wasn't mad at me anymore. But that smile didn't last long as a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into a classroom. I turned around and it was that guy who blackmailed me.

Oh joy....
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to and only to I want a Cookie!!!
Love ya Cookie!!!.
Srry i didnt update it as i said i would..but here it is!! ssry!