Status: idk, i just felt like writing.

One glance but it was life changing

Where did I go wrong?

So I quickly searched through my mind.
Why are you punishing me GOD?? Where did I go wrong??
Well except for that one time I didn't give my daily Sunday church quarter for charity when I was five..but come on! I paid 50cents the next Sunday!! So whats going on?

"So how is this gonna go?" the guy asked. He was not that bad looking...he was actually kinda hot. Whoa!! What am I saying-thinking here?? This9s guy threatened me and is holding me hostage here..well the door is unlocked from what I observed. Wait, so why don't I just leave?

I turn back to the door and started turning the doorknob. A hand grabbed mine.

"What are you doing?"

" What does it look like? I'm trying to get out of the room and go to my bus."

"You ride the bus??"

"Yeah...lots of people do it. You can too..."

"But with the type of money you have, you could ride your own car.."

"I don't have one and why do you think I'm rich?"

"Because I know!!"

"What do you want?? Why did you bring me in here??"

"Did you get the message last night?"

"No..I didn't notice, there was a note?" I said with sarcasm. I had a feeling it was him who threw the rock.

"Don't play with me" he said as he grabbed my arm.

"Well you don't give me answers!!

"Well your suppose to know!!"

"Well I don't'!"

"So he hasn't told you..."

"Who hasn't told me what?"

"Never mind..guess he'll have his daughter find out the harsh way, no Sweet cover ups" he said it while smirking.

"What are you talking about??"

"He grabbed my arm.

"Lets go."

"Go? Where?"

"Can't tell you that princess.."

Princess? PRINCESS?!! UGH!! Why did he call me that? I couldn't let him take me wherever he was taking me.

I made him turn around somehow and miraculously and hit him where the sun don't shine.. He bended over.

"You bitch!!!"

"I'm outta here!!" I said as I quickly turned around and got out of there. I raced to my bus. If i have waited any longer I would have missed it and for sure he would find me and kidnap me.

What is going on? How did he knoe my dad has a good pay? What was he talking about? who is this guy? What does he want? Does he have a girlfriend? Whao there!! How could I honestly think that? After he was gonna take me somewhere and telling me all this bullshit?? Really? I was asking myself these questions as I walked home.

I went up the stairs and opened the door. No that meant no one was home. I walked up to my room and worked on some homework.

"One troubled night wasn't trouble enough for him
Another swallow never seemed to like enough for him*
They say the past is the past but it never treated me like this
He couldn't ask for a better understanding of how
What goes around comes back around twice as fast
He's got no hope for a cure
He puts himself to sleep

But now we just sit back, we sit back
While we watch all of them react
Can you tell me what you tell yourself when the world won't listen
You've got me here, but you still feel all alone
Go ahead and tell your stories"

I sang along to "Stories" by There For Tomorrow. I loved this song.

I heard a sudden crash, I got out from bed and went downstairs to go figure out what happened.

I looked in the living room, then the kitchen then I decided to go towards my father's office.

I opened the door slightly...and I found a figure at my father's desk.

I feel my eyes widen and then something hit me hard. I felt the sharp oain..then I blacked out.