Status: idk, i just felt like writing.

One glance but it was life changing

Well I got myself a date

"This can't be..not my dad.." I whispered as I went on my knees.

"Well it is" Logan said coldly.

"My can he be?" I said. I wasn't really talking to Logan, I was talking to myself.

I hugged my knees. How can my father be a drug lord? He always seem to lead a normal life. He always told me to never get into drugs, gangs, or ever become a criminal...drug lords don't say that. Not when they are themselves.

"Back in high school, your father and my father were best friends. And your mother was also their best friend. My father was approached by the top most bad ass drug lord. he went into his mafia and then told your father to join. So he did, they both worked really hard. My father wanted to replace Fernando. He was getting old and couldn't really handle the gangs anymore. So my father was expected to be the one to take after him, Fernando trusted him, he worked hard for him. He changed alot, he said just to be on Fernando's good side. So one night when Fernando gathered all his gang members to this meeting. He was going to announce who was going to be the next boss. He was expected to call out Luis Redbird. But man did he get the shock of his life. Instead he called out your father's name. Carlos Valentine. My father got really angry. He was pissed" Logan explained.

I stood up.

"It wasn't my father's fault he was chosen to control all of it! He probably was forced to do it!" I defended my father.

"Oh right, just like he was forced to steal and marry your mother?!" he shouted.

"What?! What are you talking about?"

"Your father knew my dad was in love with your mom. He told him how he felt about her. But when he was going to tell her his feeling towards her, he saw your dad kissing her. they have been secretly been boyfriend and girlfriend. He propose to her that night. He stabbed him in the back!"

"That's not true!! My father isn't like that!"

"How well do you know your father?"

"Well enough" I responded.

"OK, so why did the guys from yesterday tried to kidnap me?" I asked.

Logan sighed.

"One of them was Emmanuel, the son of Gabriel. The other one was Ricky, Gabriel's assistant. Gabriel is Fernando's nephew, h put together a gang, it's not as powerful as his uncle though. He thinks he should be the one to take over his uncle's gangs. He is doing everything he can to get what he wants. And he is going to use you as bait."

"Wow, this is all complicated."

"It is.."

"Wait, so why is your FATHER threatening my dad?" I asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. But your father knows. I'm just doing my job."

I sighed. And at that moment my phone started ringing. I had "Playing God" by Paramore as my ring tone.


"Hey Izz!! Whats up?"

It was Sky.

"Hey sky, uhh nothing much, why?"

"Well I was wondering if you could bring a couple of thing to the party....."

"Sure....What do you need?"

"Uhh...can you bring like...homemade brownies and cookies? My mom doesn't have enough time to make them."

"Sure, I'd love to!"

"OK, thanks! See you tomorrow and Saturday."

"Yeah see you tomorrow and Saturday. Bye"


And we hanged up.

"Who was that?" Logan asked.

"A friend" I responded.

"Where are you going Saturday?" He asked.

"None of your business."

"it is now. it's my duty to guard you."

"Well I didn't ask you to be my bodyguard. I'm just going to my friends BBQ party. So no worries. "

"You don't seem to understand that Gabriel will stop at nothing to get to you. He could easily crash that party."

I scoffed.

"OK then, I guess you'll have to watch over me from a distance.

He sneered.

"No, I have to be near you."

"Then how am I going to explain to my friends who you are?"

"That's easy, just say I'm your date.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I didn't update right away..i had a project to do..hope you enjoyed this chapter!