Status: Activeee

To Whom It May Concern


December 8, 2009
To whom it may concern,
My name is Olivia Crunz and I am the captain of the University of New Hampshire women’s hockey team. This year I believe our team has a good chance of going all the way after coming close last year. After winning the Stanley Cup last season our team loves to watch your team play. I believe it is beneficial to us to watch NHL teams like yourself play the sport we love. Watching the Stanley Cup this year was very inspiring to us and the returning players and I have made it our goal to win it all this year.
As it is my final year in a Wildcat jersey I was hoping your franchise would make it special for me and my team. Bonding on and of f the ice is a big part of what makes a team great. You get a sence of who everyone is and when you get that bond you can think as one. College students do not have all the money in the world and I was hoping you could help us with that. As a team bonding experience we want to go to a Pens game to watch a team that has inspired us. We were hoping you would cut us a deal on the tickets so we would all be able to go together.
Thank you for your time,
Olivia Crunz
UNH ‘10

December 16, 2009
Ms Crunz,
Our organization is happy to inform you that we will give you the tickets for your team for free along with passes to meet the team before the game. You are right when you say bonding is a big part of the game and we hope that this will increase your bond. The conformations for the tickets are attached. Good luck this season and enjoy your time at the Penguins game.
Joan Daniels
Penguin’s Public Realtions
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The begining of a story I hope to complete. Please comment and subscribe and let me know what you think of how I set this up. I know there is not much to comment on but even if you hate the idea let me know. I do not know much about the stats of either team so hopefully you will bear with me. Banners? I know the dates are messed up but once i submitted it they go back to left. sorry