Status: Done!

I'm on the Inside of the Outsiders



"Come on PB wake up, time for school." I said leaning of the body of the fifteen year old sleeping boy.

He groaned and pressed his face into his pillow.

"Get your as* out of bed silly." I said picking up his comforter and throwing it off him. Sodapop, who lay next to him, didn’t move from the sudden movement..

He groaned again. "Go away Sunny May." He said.

"No Pony, get up. You are not missing school." I said slapping his back.

He grunted and sat up. "Happy?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes I am." I ruffled his greasy hair and laughed.

"Don’t mess up the hair." Ponyboy said smoothing it out.

I laughed again. "You greasers and your hair."

"Hey, your one too."

"Yes, but do I look like one?"

Striking a pose and popping up the collar on my old tight leather jacket.

"No, you do not. Which is why I’m still asking why your hanging around us." Ponyboy said standing up and rubbing his eyes.

"Because I love you do damn much that’s why." I replied grabbing his hand and leading him downstairs into the small kitchen area.

I woke up extra early to make breakfast for everyone. It was back to school time for Pony, Johnny and my little sister. I wanted it to go as smoothly as possible.

I lead PB to the kitchen table of seven chairs. Three which were already occupied.

"Hey, he’s alive." Darry said looking up from his paper.

"Yeah no thanks to Sunny May here." Pony said as I gave him a plate of pancakes.

"Just eat boy." I said.

He rolled his eyes and sat down next to Darry.

"Thanks for breakfast Sunny, I’m off to work." Darry said putting down the paper and placing his plate into the sink.

He walked over to me and kissed my cheek. I smiled. "No problem. It’s the least I can do."

"You don’t owe us anything. It’s good that we can get a good meal in once in a while."

I smiled.

"These are amazing." Ponyboy said from the table, shoving pancakes into his mouth.

"True that." Dallas Winston said. Better known as Dally. He sat beside Pony with Maddy, my sister, on the other side of Pony. Maddy had a disgusted look in her face as she watched Dally shove his pancakes into his mouth all at once.

"Thank you. Now hurry up and eat or your going to be late for school you two." I said sternly.

"Yeah okay MOM." He said eating his last pancake. Maddy smiled and laughed at Pony.

"I’m off. Sunny, I trust that you’ll keep this house in order?" Darry said putting his arms through his jacket sleeves.

"Yes sir." I said saluting.

"Good, see you guys later. Stay out of trouble." Darry said eyeing Dally.

Dally rolled his eyes and waved Darry’s comment off.

"Hey where’s Soda he should be up, isn’t he going to be late for work?" I asked as Steve came through the doorway in his DX shirt.

"Still sleeping I think." Ponyboy said.

Maddy snorted. "He had a rough night. Sandy dumped him."

My heart jumped. "Oh ouch. I’ll go get him." I said and walked out of the kitchen.

I went upstairs and went to Soda and Pony’s bedroom door. I knocked and poked my head inside.

There was a curled up ball in the middle of the bed. The comforter had managed to move from the floor back to the bed. I guess he woke up for a second to retrieve it.

"Awe." I said and smiled, coming inside.

I leaned over and shook Soda’s shoulder. He moaned and rolled over.

Where all Curtis brothers this hard to wake up?

I shook his shoulder again.

He mumbled something like ‘go away’.

I smiled. "Come on Soda, get up. Don’t make me do this." I said walking over the front of his bed.

Crossing my arms over my chest but he still didn’t move.

I smiled devily and took the ends of his covers. In one movement I yanked them off. He groaned AGAIN and rolled over on his stomach.

"Really Soda? Really?" I said. "You asked for it now."

I took two steps back and jumped on his bed. Jumping on Soda’s back.

He still didn’t open his eyes.

I lifted my hand to his greaser hair and messed it up.

This woke him up right away.

He bolted up and I fell off his back.

I laughed and sat on the side of his bed.

"You never touch the hair Sunny." He said trying to be serious by smiling. He rubbed his eyes and stretched.

"I’m sorry, but you asked for it." I said lifting my shoulders.

"I can’t forgive you now." He said readjusting his white muscle shirt that he was wearing.

"Awe really Soda? I’m sorry," I said leaning over to him and tackling him into a hug. "Please forgive me."

He laughed. "Fine, I forgive you."

I smiled and giggled. "Yay!"

He smiled at my childish giggle. "Why did you wake me up anyway?"

I released him from my hug and got up. I opened his closet and pulled out his DX uniform, waving it around.

"Shit!" He said jumping up.

"Yeah, I’ll leave you to it." I said patting his arm and walking out the door.

I reentered the kitchen and saw Dally still inhaling down pancakes. Maddy had finished her’s and put them in the sink.

I quickly made a batch for Soda and Steve and put them on a plate just as he came in the door. I gave one plate to Steve and one to Soda.

His hair was greased back to the way he liked it, he had his work shoes and jeans on. And he was buttoning his blue work shirt up.

He sat down beside Maddy and started eating his pancakes.

"There’s still pancakes left with Dally here?" He asked in between bites.

"I just made a new batch since Dally’s being a pig this morning."

Soda snorted at my joke. Ponyboy, Steve and Maddy hide their smiles, trying not to laugh.

Dally’s head popped up and glared at him. "Something funny there Soda?"

"Yes there is actually."

Dally stood up, making a move toward Soda.

"Whoa boys. Cool it," I said. "This is my house for the moment. I will kick you both out."

Dally huffed and sat back down, giving up easily.

"Sorry." Soda whispered.

I smiled at him.

The front door burst open and Johnny ran into the room, out of breath.

I looked at him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah fine. I thought I missed the famous Sunny pancakes is all." He said calmly.

I looked him over. Seeing a large cut across his neck and right cheek. His stupid parents…

I sighed. "There is still come left. Take those to go Johnny. You, Maddy and Pony here have to get to school. Now." I said.

"Fine fine." They both said picking up their half eaten pancakes.

"Have a good day." I said as they got up. Maddy came over and gave me a hug.

"See you later."

Johnny took a bite of his pancake, heading towards the door with Maddy and PB right behind him.

"On that note we are out of pancakes, so I’m outta here." Dally said getting up. Leaving his plate on the table.

"I need to get to work early so i'll be taking these to go!" Steve said getting up as well.

"Okay meet you there." Soda said.

The front door shut again a few moments later.

I scoffed and picked up Dally's left over plate.

"Don’t worry ‘bout him." Soda said getting up from his seat and putting his plate in the sink with the others.

"I’ve learned to live with Dallas." I said using his full name for emphasis.

"Yeah we all try." Soda said watching me wash the plates in the sink.

"You should get to work. Steve needs all the help he can get."

Soda smiled. "Fine."

He kissed my check and walked out the door.

My heart stopped and I gained my balance holding onto the counter top behind me.

Wow…what was that?

His kiss didn’t feel like Darry’s. I felt something else, a spark of some sort.

I smiled and giggled to myself. I turned my attention back to my dishes and finished up. A smile plastered on my face.

I walked back to the living room and shivered in disgust at the mess.

Life is so hard when you lived with boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is a short story i wrote a year ago when i first read The Outsiders in gr.8
It might be a bit horrible but i thought i'd post it anyway

Comment please :)


P.S- Sorry for any spelling errors