Status: Done!

I'm on the Inside of the Outsiders



Okay so let me tell you my story.

I grew up here in the rough end of town ever since I was little with Maddy. Our life growing up as children was as perfect as it could be here. Our parents were best friend’s with the Curtis’. We both grew up with Darrel, Sodapop and Ponyboy. Growing very close with Pony and Soda. Darry was too cool and grown up to hang out with us. Pony became the little brother I never had. I became very protective of him. Soda on the hand was different. I had a crush on him every since I laid eyes on him. Even though I didn’t know that when I was three years old. Back then Maddy was also in love with Pony. She was the only person who knew about my love for Soda, and I was the only one who knew about her liking PB. The rest of the gang, Two-bit, Dally, Steve and Johnny we met later in life.

Disaster struck in our lives when both our parents died of a shooting. There were driving by at the time of the shooting and got unlucky. I broke down when I heard. The person’s arms I feel into you ask? Soda’s of coarse. I didn’t notice at the time. I was too numb from the loss I felt. I was only fifteen at the time they died. I didn’t know where to go or what to do. Maddy was only eleven at the time. I didn’t know what to do with ourselves. Darry of coarse offered us a room in their house. We accepted and we still share the same to this day. Mrs. and Mr. Curtis were thrilled to have us but not for the reason we were there.

And a couple of years later after Maddy and I was settled in, disaster struck again with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis were killed in a car accident. It was my turn to be the one catching instead of falling. I caught Soda as Maddy caught Pony. Pony and Soda took it the hardest. Darry never cried in front of people, especially his brothers and us. He needed to be strong for all of us but I knew he was dying inside.

We all eventually got up, wiped ours eyes and got on with our lives. Me, on one hand got a job as a waitress at the local diner, took up guitar and, on a bad note, started smoking. I knew I shouldn’t smoke but I did. Just to calm my nerves. Maddy went back to school and tried to live a normal life.

Everyone in town thought Maddy and I were a couple of Socs. I don’t know why personally. Apparently we looked like ones, aside from the leather jackets, the leather heeled boots and the switch blade I had tucked in my bra. We both had very long brown hair, green-gray eyes and tanned skin. We were both a healthy weight and a good height. I always laughed when people said we were Soc but it never bothered me. I hated the Socs and never wanted to be one. But it was nice to know I didn’t look like some beat up greasy guy. Not that I hate a good fight, I love them. The Socs never saw a girl like me, in high heels who could kick a guy’s ass in one blow. But I was never allowed at rumbles. I had to stay at home and baby sit Ponyboy, Maddy and Johnny Cake. I hated that.

According to Ponyboy, Maddy and I were the glue that kept the remaining Curtis’ together. Johnny, Two-bit, Steve and Dally were part of that too. They made life easier to live. Made us laugh and gave us things to do. Like destroy the house so I could clean it up.


I groaned and started cleaning the house. It was my day off and I was cleaning.

Peachy…I thought.

The boys never cleaned up after themselves, they did occasionally. After several time of being told to by me.

I straightened out the living room and the kitchen.

The bathroom was the worst room in the whole house, but it had to be cleaned.

I held my breath and went inside.

It wasn’t so bad today considering I cleaned it the other day.

I moved from the bathroom upstairs to the bedrooms. Darry’s room was the first in the hall. I peaked inside and saw everything in order, like always.

I moved onto Soda and Ponyboy’s room and looked inside. They were teenagers and really didn’t care what their bedroom looked like but I cleaned it anyway.

I didn’t have to clean me and Maddy’s room because I knew it was perfect.

After all this cleaning I got hungry.

I waltzed back downstairs and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw that it was basically empty.

Shopping time I guess.

I ran back upstairs into Darry’s room and took $40 out of his safe. He kept one so they wouldn’t spend all their money at once. Him and I were the only ones who knew the combo.

I shoved the money in the back of my jeans and went back downstairs.

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and it read 2:00 p.m.

Wow, I spent a lot of time cleaning.

I bent down and pulled out my guitar case from underneath the couch.

I bought myself a guitar for my sixteenth birthday. I saved my money from work for three months for it. I had extra money left so I bought a cheap case so I could carry it around. The kind the went diagonal across the front of my body. I never left the house without it.

I kept it under the couch so no one would step on it. With these boys you’ll never know what could happen.

I pulled the case over my shoulder and walked out the front door.

Most of the houses on the block were pretty run down. Ours was okay now that Maddy and I made some changes to it.

I kicked a rock as I walked down the street. Heading into town. It was only a five minute walk into town if you cut through the park.

I got there in less than four.

There wasn’t at a lot of people about. There were some old lady’s near the clothing stores and some greasers on their motorbikes near the mechanic shop.

The guys all looked up as I passed and wolf whistled.

"Hello honey!" One of them yelled.

I smiled to myself and blushed. I knew they weren’t going to hurt me. I was one of them and they knew that. The leather jacket or boots were a hint.

I continued to the small corner store that was next to DX. I paused and searched for Sodapop.

I spotted him quickly.

He was leaning up against a car as it had gas pumped in. Wearing his uniform, and he added his DX hat as well.

He surprisingly looked up and saw me. Like he felt my presence.

I smiled and waved.

Soda smiled widely and waved back.

I disappeared when Soda got distracted by another customer.

I picked up a shopping cart and started looking for some food that could feed everyone.

It was hard to shop for men, especially these boys who ate three times more than a normal person.

I went up and down the aisles, grabbing things for dinner, pop, chips and some fruit/veggies.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second chapter of Four
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P.S.- Sorry for any spelling errors