Status: Completed! [sorry no sequel]

Dustland Fairytale


“Are you nervous?” Haley asks as she sits next to me on the floor leaning over my open suitcase. I watch her gently brush her fingers back and forth over one of my silky tops.

I bite my lip as I hold up a shirt and study it. “A little… but I’m excited too.”

Haley smiles, “Does this mean you and Braden are going to get married?”

I laugh, “No… this is like two friends going to hang out together.”

“Like we do?” She asks, tipping her head to the side questioningly.

I stop shifting through my clothes for a second, thinking before I reply, “No, cause Braden isn’t my brother.”

Haley sighs and flops backwards onto the wooden floor, “This date stuff is confusing.”

I chuckle and silently agree as I finish picking out my outfit.

Inside the bathroom I quickly change before looking at myself in the mirror. My blue eyes study the curves of my face, my fingers brush over the imperfections. Frowning, I wonder why I even agreed to this. I mean obviously the only reason why Braden asked me on a date is because I’m the only girl his age with in a fifty-mile radius.

“Emma?” Behind me in the mirror I can see my grandma standing in the doorway, “Oh honey, you look so pretty.”

I smile softly and turn around, “Thanks.”

She looks at me knowingly, “You’re young; you’re gorgeous. Enjoy yourself okay?” I nod, smiling as she pulls me in for a hug. Then she whispers, “Oh and Braden’s waiting downstairs.”

“Why didn’t you tell me!” I exclaim as butterflies fill my stomach.

She laughs and wags her finger at me, “Don’t you start worrying now.”

I roll my eyes and head downstairs to find Braden glancing around the living room. He smiles as he studies a picture of Haley and me together. As quietly as possible I step across the carpet until I’m directly behind him.

“You ready to go, or are you just going to stare at a picture of me all night?” I joke.

Braden jumps and quickly spins around to face me, “No, I’d rather stare at this version of you all night.” He grins, giving me a quick hug that I return.

Haley rushes down the stairs and hangs over the banister to receive a hug of her own from Braden, before smiling at us. “Have fun on your date!”

We both say thank you and head out into the summer night air. A cool breeze blows and although it stirs up dust both Braden and I sigh at the brief relief from the heat. Tilting my head up I look at the few clouds and smile as one crosses in front of the sun.

Inside the car we are both quiet. The radio plays softly as we drive into town and park in front of a stranger's home. I glance at Braden questioningly but he just smiles and motions for me to follow him. Once out of the truck he takes my hand and leads me around the house and into their backyard. Braden leads me over to a garage and I notice that it’s larger than a normal garage and has what looks like a second floor.

“The family rents out the apartment over their garage.” He explains as we head upstairs to his apartment.

Surprising the inside of his apartment is cleaner than I expected it to be considering he’s a male and living alone. I smile noticing some plates and silverware lying out of the coffee table. “Are you making dinner?” I ask.

Braden scratches the back of his neck, “Well I figured it would be better than the diner, but if you want to-”

I laugh, “No! I love it, I was just surprised that’s all.”

He jokingly glares at me, “What? You thought I couldn’t cook because I’m a guy, didn’t you?”

I roll my eyes and playfully push him, “No!”

“Well you would have been right. I’m making frozen pizza.” He laughs.

I laugh and glance at the empty pizza box lying on the counter, “Don’t worry I’ll act impressed when you take in out of the oven.”

Braden smiles and kisses my forehead, “Thanks it will make me feel better.”


I smile to myself, leaning against Braden as we lie on the couch after dinner. “Thanks, you’re really good at heating frozen foods.” I smile, tilting my head backwards to look at his face.

He chuckles, “Thanks, I tried.” His arm wraps around my stomach and his lips press against my temple. “Have you heard from your parents?”

I nod my head, “Yes… The trial will be over in a couple days.”

His arms tighten around me, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Shifting, I turn around to face him, “I only found out today…”

I watch Braden’s eyes study my face, his hand cups my cheek and he sighs. “When will you come back?”

I rest my hands on his chest, “As soon as I can, I promise.”

He smiles faintly, “I’ll be here, I promise.”

Grinning I press my lips against his eagerly. “I know.”

Braden opens up his mouth but before he can speak I kiss him softly. I can feel him smiling as he wraps his arms tighter around me. Slowly he pulls away to reach for a remote off of the coffee table.

An air conditioner begins to blow cold air into the room and I laugh realizing he’s copying that afternoon. He reaches for a blanket from the top of the couch and I feel the fabric cover our skin.

“You need to come back to me…” He whispers in my ear, as I begin to speak his hand covers my mouth, “Because I think I might I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a note... I'm never going to be writing sex scenes. Because one: I'm a virgin so I wouldn't know what I was doing... then again I've also never had boyfriend and I write that just fine. But really the reason why I don't write like that is because I think it takes away from the story.
Anyways, away from that awkward topic thank you so much to all of these amazing people who commented! [by the way you guys can tell me if this authors note annoys you... cause i know it makes the chapter seem really long when it's only just long]
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painting flowers
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