Status: Completed! [sorry no sequel]

Dustland Fairytale


My mother is a proud woman. Sometimes too proud, which is why she delayed from telling her family the news of her failing marriage. She told me she wasn’t worried about finding us a place to stay for the summer. But I could tell she was getting nervous when no one wanted to take us in. No one in my mother’s family was happy with her choice of a husband, especially her own mother, who wanted her daughter to marry a southern gentleman not a businessman from the city.

But a mother’s love is unconditional so when my mother finally called grandma and told her our circumstances she agreed to take us in. Her house is small though, my grandpa died when I was little and she moved out here on her own needing a home with only enough room for her. Which is why I spent my first night with my grandma helping her turn her sewing room into our room for the summer.

“Emma! Look!”

Haley’s voice brings me out of my thoughts and I look up to see her running through the tall grass behind my grandma’s house. Her laugh makes me smile, and for one moment I’m glad we’re away from home, and in a place away from all our troubles. Soon Haley’s so far out all I can see is the grass moving and the top of her head.

“Hey don’t go too far out!” I call from my spot on the back porch steps.

How Haley has the energy to run in this heat is beyond me. The sun is relentless and there’s only one tree to offer any type of shade. I watch the rippling grass come back closer to the house and soon Haley’s small body emerges out of the grass. She laughs again and shakes her head so the few pieces of grass that got stuck on her fly off.

“It’s hot.” Haley states, and wipes sweat off her forehead.

“Well then Miss Adventure, should we go get a drink?” I tease and start to head back inside.

Haley just laughs, “You have wood lines on your legs!”


“Where’s grandma?” Haley asks as I pour her a cup of lemonade.

“She had to go grocery shopping.” I explain.

“She’s been gone forever.” Haley pouts.

I laugh, “Grocery shopping takes forever out here.” Which is true, the nearest chain store is about an hour away. The gas station in town only has the essentials like milk and eggs… and junk food.

“Are we going to have more friends than just grandma?” Haley asks her fingers fishing for an ice cube from her drink.

I watch her pull one out and pop it in her mouth before answering, “I’m sure we will.” Even though I’m not so sure.

“Like that boy with the truck?” She giggles.

I laugh and walk around the counter to where she’s sitting on her stool. “I thought you were sleeping missy!”

“Only for part of it.” She smiles.

I laugh and tickle the sides of her stomach. “You’re a good actress you know that?”

“Let’s go get popsicles.” Haley says and runs out the front door.

Getting popsicles was a terrible, and not well thought out idea. Then again, the one who came up with the idea is only seven, so I probably should have said something. However, I didn’t say anything. Which is why I know feel like my legs are going to fall off and my lungs are burning to the point where they might just ignite.

Haley runs up ahead, leaving me to walk in the dust behind her as we make our way down the road that seemed shorter in the truck. Haley doesn’t care though she’s been talking about getting popsicles at the gas station all day. But the heat has increased since this morning and I wonder if we'll even be able to eat them before they melt away.

By the time I start seeing the buildings of the center of town Haley is so far ahead that all I can make out is the colors of the flowers on her sundress. When I finally catch up, she’s leaning against the wall while she waits for me. She looks at me I can’t help but crack a smile.

“You’re face is covered in dirt come here.” I laugh quietly and wipe the dust off her face with my hands.

“Can we get popsicles now?” She asks.

As we leave the store, popsicles in hand, I notice the doors of the large garage attached to the gas station are rolled up. Voices echo from inside it, and Haley stops and listens next to me.

“See you later Jack.” A voice echoes. It sounds familiar but I don’t feel like waiting out under the sun to see who the voice belongs too.

As I turn around to start the long walk back home Haley yells excitedly, “Look it’s your friend with the truck!”

Embarrassed I turn around to see Braden’s smirking face.

“Friend with the truck, eh?” He calls out to me, but his face is smiling when he says it.

I roll my eyes and walk over to where he and Haley are standing. “At the moment that’s all I know about you.” I smile looking up at his face as we stand under the sunshine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's shorter than the first chapter.... this story really makes me miss summer!
Penny for your thoughts? ...except not really haha

oh and I'm thinking about making a new banner for this story, I don't know if I like the picture any more...