Status: Completed! [sorry no sequel]

Dustland Fairytale


“So, I was kind of under the impression that you weren’t staying here.” I say keeping my eyes focused on my sister’s dancing form ahead instead of looking at Braden.

“That was the plan.” He nods and, out of the corner of my eye I watch him take a bite off the top of his popsicle; one Haley insisted he buy because he looked hot.

Not that I disagree, it’s just I would have been referring to his over all appearance instead of the beads of sweat dripping from his hair. His shorts have grease stains on the front of them, and every few minutes he pulls the hem of his shirt up and bends over to wipe his forehead. I try to keep my eyes off the sliver of bare skin and attempt to watch Haley, who is in her own world a few feet ahead of us on the road. The heat is making everything more uncomfortable and, I’m starting to get a headache from squinting my eyes against the harsh rays but Braden doesn’t seem to mind.

“So then why are you still here?” I ask, curious as to why he isn’t “back on the road” as he mentioned yesterday.

“Why, do you want me to leave?” He asks smiling down at me.

“No.” I answer a little too quickly and I’m glad that my cheeks are already red from the sun so he can’t see me blushing.

He laughs, “My truck broke down.”

That would make sense considering the loud clanking and groaning sounds it was emitting yesterday. “Are you fixing it yourself?” I ask gesturing at the grease stains.

“Jack’s helping me, I can’t pay for some of the parts it needs so it looks like I’m stuck here for a little while.” He sighs, and runs his fingers through his hair.

“Join the club.” I mutter.

Braden smirks at my comment.

Haley turns around and starts walking back towards us, swishing her hips to watch the fabric of her cotton dress twirl around her. Finished with her popsicle the wooden stick is poking out her mouth as she concentrates on her feet. Haley smiles once she’s close to me again.

I smile back and take the stick from her mouth, “If you fall, you’ll choke on it.” I explain when she starts pouting.

“You sound like Mom.” She says when I don’t give her the stick back.

I just roll my eyes.

I know I sound like a mother but Haley needs a mom and at the moment that has to me. Truthfully it hurts when she says stuff like that because I shouldn’t have to play the mom. I should get to be the older sister who takes her out to go to the toy store, and teases her about her “boyfriends”, or even gets angry at her when she tells on me for sneaking out at night. But I don’t. I’ll never get to have that sort of relationship because Mom is never going to step up to the plate.

What’s going to happen if we’re split up this fall? If I’m not with Haley, will I be able to trust that Dave or Grace will be able to take care of her? Do they know not to give her milk first thing in the morning cause it makes her stomach upset? Will they let her climb in their bed when she has a nightmare and whisper quietly into her hair to help her fall asleep?

“Hey you okay?” Braden’s voice and the weight of his hand on my shoulder snap me out of worried thoughts.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I answer but my voice is shaking and not that convincing.

“Are you crying? I’m sure your sister didn’t mean to make you upset.” He says studying my face.

I quickly wipe the tears I wasn’t aware I cried off my face, “No, no it’s not that.” I look around for Haley anxiously, wondering where she ran off to while I was thinking. I inwardly sigh when I notice her in the grass off to the side.

“Then what’s wrong?”

The concern in his voice make me turn my head to look up at him, “Nothing, it’s a long story.”

“You want to tell me about it?” He asks.

“Not really.” I smile, trying to convince him I’m okay.

I’m pretty sure he doesn’t by it but Haley interrupts him, “Look Emma I got you a flower!” I look down to see Haley holding up a small yellow flower.

I kneel down in the dirt along the side of the road and take the flower from Haley’s hand, “You know what this is right?” I ask her.

She shakes her head no, but I can tell by her eyes she’s excited to hear me tell her about it.

“This is a buttercup, if you hold it under you’re chin like this,” I pause and motion for Braden to kneel down next to me before holding the flower under his chin, “ if it looks yellow that means he likes butter.”

Haley grins and bends her head to look under Braden’s chin, “He likes butter!” She laughs excitedly before take the flower and holding it under my chin. “You like butter too!” I watch her hold it under her own chin, “Do I? Do I?”

Braden and I both look to see the yellow glow from the flower, however I know Haley hates butter so before he answers I tell her, “Nope! See it’s always right!” I smile before pushing myself off the ground and brushing my knees off.

Braden follows my lead while whispering to me, “But it was yellow…”

“So, Haley hates butter.” I smile.

He laughs, “You know a lot about your sister huh?”

“I guess, I mean we have only lived under the same roof for seven years.” I joke before asking, “Don’t you have any siblings?”

“Yeah but my brother and I were never that close.” He tells me and his voice lets me know that’s all he is going to say about it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Emma and Haley I wish I had a little sister :]
Braden's quite lovely too though ;]
Let me know what you think!
and many, many thanks to anyone who as commented or subscribed so far I love talking to you guys :D