Status: Completed! [sorry no sequel]

Dustland Fairytale


The next morning I wake up to the sun shining softly through the thin curtains, and small hands pushing on my shoulder. It isn’t a hard push, barely enough to cause any type of movement on my part, it’s Haley's voice that causes me to stir.

“Come on! We’re going to the river today remember? You have to wake up!” She says her voice sounds frustrated as she tries pushing harder.

Groggily I push myself up in a sitting position on the cot, what is still uncomfortable even though I laid two comforters over the mattress. I shove my messy hair out of my face and look at my sister’s happy expression before noticing the pink pokka-dotted swimsuit she’s wearing.

I glance at the clock on the card table beside my bed and groan. “Haley it’s seven in the morning.” I say tiredly.

“So? You said it was a long walk to the river, and I wanna go now! You promised you’d teach me how to swim today. You promised!” She cries in that voice that sounds like it belongs to a three year old instead of a second grader.

I groan and press my hands over my ears, “Stop it, stop it, we’re still going!”

She smiles, “I set out all the stuff.”

I watch her motion to my bikini that’s lying at the bottom of my bed and to the bottle of sunscreen next to it. That’s when I notice the towels folded next to my big bag on the floor by two pairs of flip-flops. I smile to myself realizing just how important this must be to her.

A few minutes later I’m changed and following Haley down the hallway while fiddling with the end of the bikini strings that hang around my neck.

“I held her off as long as I could, she was up at six waiting for you like it was Christmas morning or something.” My grandma smiles at me as I walk down the stairs, the beach bag over my shoulder.

I chuckle and glance down at Haley who is looking at me with a sheepish grin. “It’s alright we’re both excited.” I smile and ruffle her curly hair with my fingers.

“I packed you girls some lunch,” My grandma says as she places a couple sandwiches in a cooler that’s sitting on her pale green counter top, “I figured you guys could make it a day trip.”

‘That’s a great idea!” Haley says and quickly rushes over to grab the cooler, we watch her lean backwards to lift it off the ground and struggle to carry it over to the door.

“How about I carry it?” I suggest, and lift the cooler out of her hands.

“Here,” My grandma says quietly and hands me a pair of car keys, “all I ask is for you to be careful with her, she’s last me a 11 years and was more reliable than your grandpa was half the time.”

I can’t help but smile at the sense of freedom that runs through me when she hands me the keys, “I’ll be careful, I promise.”

She sends me a knowing look and winks, “Go have fun kid, maybe pick up that boy Haley was telling me about.”

I blush and decide that this is probably a good time to leave. “Come on Haley let’s get going.”


“Can I pick a radio station?” Haley asks her hand already inching near the dial.

I nod and keep watching the deserted road ahead of us as we head into town. I’m hoping we can spontaneously run into Braden again. I mean I’ve never had a really good friend before, let alone a boy friend; something that is one of the embarrassing factors of my life. I mean it’s not like I’m a loner, I’ve had a few dates to school dances and had a group of girls I could call on the weekend if I wanted to. It just never felt right. Besides I had more important things to take care of, like making diner and helping Haley with her homework while dad took mom out to his numerous business diners.

I rest my elbow outside the window and rest my hand on my forehead to block the glare of the sun from my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Haley bouncing up and down in her seat excitedly and I smile.

“Stop!” Haley suddenly exclaims and I slam on the brakes causing a huge cloud of dust to wrap around us.

I cough and wave my hand to attempt to move the dust out through the car window, “What?”

Haley points to something in the cloud of dirt, “It’s Braden!”

Before I can respond I hear a voice I’m starting to commit to memory, “Nice driving, you almost ran me over.” His voice is teasing but the doesn’t make me feel any less stupid.

“Well- well, you shouldn’t have been walking in the road!” I sputter, and quickly turn around in my seat to see Braden’s dirt covered face leaning in my window.

He laughs, “Yeah but I don’t think that gives you the right to make me road kill.”

I blush, “Sorry. I have a towel here somewhere.” I say leaning over the center consol to dig through the bag sitting on the back seat. “Here.” I hold up my beach towel for him to wipe of his face with.

He wipes of his face and shakes his head in an attempt to get it out of his hair, “You guys going swimming?” He asks handing the towel back.

“We’re going to the lake!” Haley says pushing herself into my body and looking at Braden with an excited expression.

“Haley, seatbelt!” I say and shoo her back into her seat.

“But the car’s not moving!” She whines.

“So? The engine is on right?” I say giving her what she would call a “mom look”.

Braden smirks at our exchange of words, “I heard there was a river around here.”

“Yeah there is, do you…. Would you want to come too?” I ask uncertainly.

Braden considers my offer for a second, “Sure, I could use a shower now anyways.” He smiles and hops in the backseat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I'm so unbelievably sorry this update took so long, if any of you guys check out my profile you know I update that thing a lot so I'm not going to go into any of my reasons on here.

However, I got no comments on my last chapter, was it alright? do you not like some aspect?
I'm not one of those people who beg for comments but, just know that your comments influence this story so much, I really take what you guys have to say to heart

Next chapter should be awesome, I have some good ideas already :)