Status: Completed! [sorry no sequel]

Dustland Fairytale


“So what’s the real reason you decided to move out here to the middle of no where?” I ask Braden. I turn my head to look up at him as I lie down, the warm pebbles of the lake’s beach pressing into my back.

“Family issues.” He says looking down at me, “What’s your reason?”

I raise my hand to shield my eyes from the sun, “Family issues.” I smile before laughing softly.

He laughs and rolls his eyes, “Well there’s one thing we have in common.”

Haley’s squeal causes me to prop myself up on my elbows. I smile to myself as I watch her run through the water before sliding to stop and flopping into the water on her stomach.

“Be careful!” I call out once she resurfaces, even though I know it will fall on deaf ears. It turns out Haley is fearless in water, although I told her she’s not allowed to go out past her waist unless I’m with her.

Haley laughs and begins running up to me, water dipping off her as she collapses on top of me. I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel her body hit my chest, knocking the air right out of my lungs.

Braden laughs as I let out a small groan, “Hey, be careful with you big sister!”

I nod and pout playfully at Haley, “Yeah be careful with me.”

Haley laughs again, shaking her head so water flies onto Braden and I. “I’m always careful with you!” She smiles brightly.

“Oh are you?” I laugh, tickling her sides so she laughs loudly.

“Braden, help!” She gasps though her laughter.

“Help?” He laughs, “What if I’m on your sister’s side?” He smirks as he tickles her neck lightly.

Haley laughs louder and wiggles her way out of our hands. “You guys are mean.” She states as she puts her hands on her hips.

I frown, “I’m sorry,” I hold out my arms, “Hug?”

“Ice cream?” She counters.

I laugh at the serious look on her face, “Fine ice cream.”

“And you have to carry me to the car.” Haley says crossing her arms.

“What? Haley, I don’t think you realize how much you’ve grown, I’m not carrying you.” I reply, shaking my head.

Braden laughs and pushes himself off the ground, “I’ll carry you, that will be my part of the deal.”

Haley smiles, “Okay!”

Haley runs to Braden and jumps up into his arms. I smile, watching Braden talk to her as they walk ahead of me back to the car. I don’t think Braden realizes the affect he has on her. Haley gets this proud look on her face whenever Braden laughs at one of her cheesy jokes, and today when he was tossing her up in the air so she could do a cannon ball into the lake her smile was the biggest I’ve ever seen it. I open up the car door so he can set her inside, watching as he reaches over to help her buckle her seatbelt.

As we drive back home I glance in the rearview mirror to see Haley sleeping soundly, her head resting against the window. I smile to myself, once again happy that we aren’t at home.

“Thanks.” I say quietly, quickly glancing over at Braden so he knows I’m talking to him.

“For what?” He asks looking over at me curiously.

“For being so great with Haley, our father…” I trail off deciding not to mention the craziness of my home life, “Just know that you paying attention to her means so much.”

“Well, it’s no problem. She’s a great kid.” He smiles.

When we finally pull into the gas station back in town, Haley is still asleep. I unbuckle my seatbelt and twist around in my seat to shake her shoulder, “Haley wake up, we’re getting ice cream…” I sigh realizing that she’s not waking up.

“Well are we still getting ice cream?” Braden asks.

I shrug, “Why not?”


“Where did you move here from?” I ask Braden as I unwrap my frozen treat.

Braden hops up on the hood of the car and leans back against the windshield next to me before answering, “New York.”


He nods, “The one and only.”

“Wow so this must be a pretty big change right?” I ask my eyes studying his face to make sure I haven’t pushed him too far.

“I suppose, but I like it out here better.” He says picking off a piece of frozen chocolate and popping it in his mouth.

“Really?” I ask surprised.

He turns his head to look at me, “Yep, today would have never happened in New York, plus I’m discovering I like the quiet, even though it was hard to fall asleep to at first.”

“I’ve never been to New York, but I always thought the buildings looked ginormous.”

“They’re even bigger in person if you can believe it.” He smiles, “Are you just visiting?”

I frown, “I don’t know…”

“You don’t know?” Braden asks.

I nod, and keep staring up at the blue sky, “It’s a long story.”

“Well I think Haley would be mad if we left without her getting her ice cream, and seeing how she isn’t getting up anytime soon I’d say we have time.” He smiles encouragingly.

I hesitate slightly, not sure if he’s serious, “Story for a story?” I ask sticking out my hand.

He shakes my hand, “Deal.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, so, so sorry this took so long! I didn't really have time to edit so if you see any errors if you could message me? Please and thank you!

A special thanks to ephemeral who was the only person who commented on the last update :]

So thoughts?