Status: Completed! [sorry no sequel]

Dustland Fairytale


As I tell Braden my story I can feel him listening, for once it's like what I have to say matters. Though the ice cream melted away hours ago, we both have no intentions of leaving this spot.

“And I’m scared for Haley. I mean they’ve never been parents to her and now I’m supposed to expect one of them to be her guardian? I wish I could have custody but I know I can’t; I’m too young, don’t have enough money, and even if I wanted to my parents would beat me in court.” I sigh and push my hair away from my face, focusing on twirling my popsicle stick around with my fingers.

“You’re really brave you know that?” Braden says softly, his hand reaches over and pats my knee softly. “I mean here you are trying to take responsibility and I’m only running away.”

“You don’t strike me as that guy who runs away…” I tell him, whispering because I’m afraid we will suddenly be pulled back into reality where these things are secrets. “I’m sure you had a reason.”

“My mom died.” His voice hitches and for a moment it looks like he’s going to cry but he doesn’t. “She was sick with cancer and the treatment didn’t help enough. I… I couldn’t go to the funeral… I couldn’t stand next to my Father and cry in front of people who would never understand what I was feeling. And I know I shouldn’t be here, I should be facing this. I should visit her grave. Be with my Father. Instead I ran.”

I frown and hesitantly place my hand on top of his, and immediately his fingers intertwining with mine. “I’m so sorry…. I don’t think you’re cowardly, I think you’re grieving.” I smile softly.

He laughs bitterly, “I was a terrible kid growing up too, I can’t imagine the hell I put her through in high school.”

“Hey now, don’t start beating yourself up.” I say sternly, “You were young, she knew that and I’m sure she still loved you. She’d want you to be happy.”

He just nods and looks up at the sky, his eyes look glossy and I begin to feel like I’m intruding on his moment. “It doesn’t make it any easier.” He murmurs.

I decide not to say anything and instead squeeze his hand reassuringly. He turns and looks at me with a small smile on his face. Raising his other hand he wipes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “Thanks.”

I nod, “Don’t mention it.”

“Did you guys get ice cream with out me!” Haley’s voice makes Braden and I both jump and nervously laugh from the tension.

“Don’t worry we weren’t going to leave until you got yours.” Braden smiles.

Haley looks up at us suspiciously, her eyes scrunched in concentration. Finally she says, “Alright, good.”

I laugh at her seriousness and slide off the hood. “Here,” I tell her handing her a dollar bill, “Go get yourself some ice cream.”

She smiles brightly; especially happy since this means she’s going to get to pay for it all by herself. She practically runs to the door and pushes it opens with all her strength. Braden stares after her for a moment before turning to face me again.

“Well I guess I should get going.” He says sadly, “I just want to let you know that today was the most fun I had since….” He trails off not wanting to speak what he had just told me out loud again.

I nod, “You’re welcome. Thanks for listening.”

Instead of leaving he walks closer and the next thing I know his arms are wrapping around me hesitantly. Looking up at his face I smile softly before wrapping my own arms around his back. He sighs and when he pulls away I can see the tears in his eyes.

“Thank you for listening.”


Our room is too warm for me sleep. The window over my bed is wide open and every once in awhile a slightly cooler breeze blows in to offer a little relief. I sit by the window with my arms wrapped around my legs, my back resting right by the open window so I don’t miss any moment of cool air.

The door creaks open and Haley slips in, when she couldn’t sleep she went downstairs to stand in front of the oscillating fan. I pat the spot next to me by the window and she eagerly climbs up onto my cot.

“I saw you and Braden hugging outside.” She says with a goofy grin on her face.

I rest my head on top of my knees and smile softly, “You don’t miss much do you?”

Haley pops her head out the window to watch a bat fly by before smiling at me, “Nope.”

“Do you like it out here?” I ask quietly.

Haley shrugs, “It’s better than back home, but I miss my friends.”

“Well I think Braden wouldn’t mind being your friend.” I smile sadly, it upsets me that I haven’t seen anyone who’s around Haley’s age for her to play with. Then again with no school system near by it’s not surprising.

“Braden is already best friends with you.” She sighs and moves over to lean against the front of my legs.

“That’s not true.” I tell her and start running my fingers through her hair. “You’re my best friend.”

“You’re my best friend too.” She mumbles, her voice sounding sleepy. I knew she would be getting sleepy soon; this is the latest she’s ever been up.

I lie down and gently pull her down next to me, continuing to run my fingers through her hair soothingly until I hear her whisper, “Good night best friend.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay you guys have no Idea how happy I am! Thank you so much to these lovely people:
painting flowers
a subtle mistake

You guys all rock :] oh! and I posted a new story link here: Red.