Status: Completed! [sorry no sequel]

Dustland Fairytale


I know I’ve woken up late when I find myself sweating under the blistering sun shining through the open window. Groaning I push myself off the bed and immediately go to douse my face in cold water. My hands push the water off my skin and the drops of liquid land like rain in the sink, and that’s when I realize how quiet the house is this morning.

“Haley?” I call out as I step into the hallway.

Hearing no reply I run down the stairs to be faced with only empty rooms. A breeze blows through the house and out of the corner of my eye I notice something moving. Spinning around my heels I see a note tapped to wall next to the front door.

I can feel my forehead scrunch as I read the piece of paper questioningly. Grandma is taking Haley on some “one on one time with Grandma”. I bite the inside of my mouth realizing I have the whole day to myself, and absolutely no idea what to do.

Eyeing the air conditioner in the corner of the room a smile subconsciously spreads across my face. I rush upstairs, almost tripping in the process, and grab two large pieces of thick fabric before running back down into the living room.

I quickly shut all the windows in the house and then hang the fabric in front of the entryways for stairs and the kitchen; turning the living room into a closed off block. Looking at the controls for the air conditioner I’m fairly certain it has not been used for years. Not that I expected my Grandma to use it frequently, her faith in modern technology ended with the toaster. As the first waves of cool air blow onto my face I let out an excited laugh.


Two hours later the living room is like an icebox, and I’m sitting on the couch with a sweatshirt on, drinking hot chocolate, and watching TV. I sigh contently and pluck a marshmallow out of my drink before popping it in my mouth.

The sound of knocking startles me, and hot chocolate splashes on my bare thighs making me curse under my breath. I quickly wipe the hot liquid away and go to answer the door.
As soon as I step outside it feels like I’ve suddenly been transported into a desert.

Braden looks startled by the cool air that suddenly surrounds him. When he recovers he looks at me with an eyebrow raised, “A sweatshirt?”

“What no ‘hello’?” I say putting a hand on my hip.

He grins, “I’m sorry, hello. A sweatshirt, are you crazy?”

I laugh and grab a hold of his wrist, “You’ll see.” I tell him as I pull him inside.

Braden laughs as he enters the house, “Have I ever told you’re ridiculous?” He jokes as his fingers run across the fabric blocking the stairs.

I pretend to think as I flop back on the couch, “I don’t think you have actually, but I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Braden chuckles and looks around the room, “I can’t believe you did this.” He says looking at me then adding, “Is that hot chocolate?”

I nod, “Want some?” I ask holding up my mug.

He shakes his head and sits down with me on the couch, “Nah, I think I need to chill down a few degrees first.”

I shrug holding the mug up to my own mouth, “Suit yourself.”

I watch Braden’s face as he glances around the living room. His eyes slowly move to study the fabric blocking the doorways before shifting down to look at all the pillows and blankets I had brought downstairs.

“Where’s your sister?” He asks finally.

“With our Grandma on some elaborately planned day trip.” I smile softly.

“So obviously the most reasonable thing to do after that is act like it’s the middle of January.” He teases but his eyes are soft. I can feel them studying my face and while that would usually make me uncomfortable I’m so relaxed right now it doesn’t faze me.

“Obviously.” I say softly, letting my own blue eyes search his face. I take in his high cheekbones, and the soft lines of worry that are etched into his forehead. His grey eyes stay focused on me and I watch his lips twitch upwards slightly.

“It’s a shame they left you alone.” He whispers even though we are alone.

Goosebumps spread across my arms underneath my sweatshirt and as he leans in closer I notice speckles of deep blue in his eyes. “I’m not alone.” I breathe out softly, my body moving towards him.

“True.” He replies and his hand rises to cradle my cheek. I watch his eyes dance across my face before settling on my lips, making me take in a shaky breath before closing my eyes.

As soon as my lips touch his we both snap our heads back. Braden’s hand is hot against my cheek as we both search each other’s faces for a hint of rejection. When his eyes meet mine again I smile softly raising my own hand to gently touch his face. His eyes seem to laugh as he eagerly places his lips back on mine again.

By the time we stop I’m lying down, my back pressing against the pillows that are scattered over the couch, with Braden leaning over me. It feels like my lips, my forehead, my neck, and my eyelids are on fire where his lips gently pressed. I keep my eyes closed as I breathe; the room suddenly isn’t as cold as it was before. When I open my eyes I see Braden staring down at me quietly, leaving me to watch the different emotions slide across his face.

When I finally can’t take the silence anymore I ask breathlessly, “Why did you come over?”

He smiles softly, “I don’t know, just to ask ‘What’s up?’ I guess.”

I laugh quietly and answer. “You.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm hoping you guys love me for writing this chapter :P
Thanks to these lovely, amazing people who brought a smile to my face :D
painting flowers
