Status: Completed! [sorry no sequel]

Dustland Fairytale


The next morning I woke up to someone knocking on our bedroom door. I groan and leaned over backwards on the cot, listening to the person begin knocking again. I glance over at my sister to see her groggily rubbing her eyes.

“Haley go answer the door.” I sigh.

“You go answer the door.” She says and pulls the covers over her head.

“Fine.” I mutter before sitting up on the bed and yelling, “Come in!”

My Grandma pokes her head in and sends me smile, “Honey, someone’s here to see you.”

I glance over at the clock on the wall, “At seven in the morning?”

She nods, “Yeah I’m suppose to tell you girls to back some clothes in this.” She smiles slyly and tosses a huge hiking backpack onto the floor of our room.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Want me to send him up?” She asks.

I nod. Once she leaves I move to the floor to look inside the empty backpack. “I bet I could pack you in here Haley.” I joke, holding up the bag.

Haley pushes the cover off herself and looks at the bag curiously, “What’s that for?”

I shrug as our door cracks open again, and Haley and I both look to see Braden walk into our room. My eyes land on the large boots on his feet and I glance up at him questioningly.

He cracks a smile, “Good morning.”

I shove my unruly hair out of my face and nod towards the backpack still lying on our floor. “You going somewhere?”

“Well, actually the plan is that we are going somewhere.” He says confidently.

“Like an adventure?” Haley asks excitedly.

He moves to sit next to Haley on her bed and says, “Sort of, I want to take you guys camping.”

I stare at the bag on the floor and then study his face trying to see if this is all one big joke. When he doesn’t say anything I finally speak, “Really?”

“Yep, my trucks fixed and everything’s packed and ready to go. So, you coming?” He asks.

Behind Braden’s shoulder my sister is silently pleading; her hands clasped together as she mouths, “Please” I sigh and glance outside at the nice weather, “Sure.” I smile.

“Yes!” Haley exclaims and jumps up on her bed.


Glancing around Braden’s truck I can’t help but think about the first time I was inside of it. Back when I was nervous and upset about coming here, and how now I’m dreading that day I have to leave.

We’ve been driving for close to an hour and Haley’s head is becoming heavier on my shoulder as she grows sleepier. I glance out the open window, the wind blowing fast against my face, before looking over at Braden. We haven’t really spoken of what happened in that chilled living room, nor have we done anything close to that since.

But I want to, whenever I look at him my mind replays that afternoon and I wonder if it will ever happen again. If it was only a mistake, and I was only being lead on. Braden suddenly glances over at me and smiles softly.

I sigh, hoping we’ll be able to talk while on this impromptu camping trip.
♠ ♠ ♠
1. I am so so so so sorry this is so short, but I promise the next couple chapters will make up for it!
2. Thank you so much to anyone who has read, commented, or subscribed to this story. I just hit 30 subscribers and honestly I never thought this story was going to be this popular so THANK YOU!
These lovely people made my day:
Cherry Pez
painting flowers
im his underdog
a subtle mistake