Status: Completed! [sorry no sequel]

Dustland Fairytale


I stare up at the sky, the stars twinkle and the moon shines brightly down on me as I lay in the back of Braden’s truck. Inside my sleeping bag I feel trapped but the sky reminds me that this is as free as I will ever be. Down by my feet I can hear Haley breathing deeply as she dreams.

Turning my head I watch Braden study the stars, his eyes almost as bright as the moon itself. I’ve never been camping before, but now it know why so many people love to do it. There’s something amazing about being away from it all, something beautiful about feeling like the only people on earth.

“Thank you.” I whisper.

Braden turns his head to look at me through his overgrown bangs. He smiles at me softly, his eyes searching my face like he did that afternoon in my grandmother’s living room. I watch him prop himself up on his side, and his hand pushes hair away from my forehead gently.

As he leans forward I gently press my hand against his chest, “Stop.” I say even though my heart is aching to be touched by him. “I need to know what this is.”

He sighs and lies back down on his back, his fingers tracing constellations in the stars. “What do you think this is?’ He asks softly.

I frown not liking the question being thrown back in my face. “I don’t want it to be something easily forgotten.” I finally whisper, staring up at the stars to avoid looking at his face. Hearing him sigh, my mind starts to think the worst… am I really forgettable? Is this nothing?

“Hey.” He says softly and he places his hand on my cheek. When I still don’t turn my head he tries again, “Hey, come on. Look at me.”

I shut my eyes and turn my head towards him. “What?”

He chuckles quietly and I can hear him lean towards me before he whispers, “It’s hard to forget someone whose name is already etched into your heart.”

My eyes slowly reopened to find Braden leaning over me with a smile across his face. I laugh at how cute he looks with his hair at odd angles. “Etched into your heart?” I ask, propping myself up on my elbows.

He pauses for a moment, “Maybe branded would be a better word.”

I grimace, “That sounds painful.”

Braden grins and his lips quickly peck mine before he pulls back to whisper, “It’s worth it.”

I laugh, I lie back down and start to run my fingers through his hair. When his eyes begin to close I gently pull his head down towards me, letting my lips press against his. I can feel him smiling before he pulls away.

His eyes drift away from my face before he lies back down beside me, “What’s going to happen when you leave?”

I frown and turn onto my side, “I don’t want to leave…” I trail off, allowing my eyes to memorize every feature of this boy I’m beginning to fall in love with. Braden hardly moves at the sound at my voice but I know he’s still awake, “Braden…” I whine.

He sighs and turns over to face me, “It’s okay… I understand. You have to do what’s right.”

I nod, “If I came back would you be here?” I ask.

“Would you come back?” He counters.

I pause, glancing over at my sister before answering, “Once everything was settled… Yes, I would.”

He opens his mouth to speak but then decides against it, making me wonder if this conversation is over. “Okay.”

His answer leaves my heart beating rapidly with happiness. I begin to wiggle closer to him in my sleeping bag and place my head on his chest. I can hear him laughing quietly at how ridiculous I just looked but I just poke my tongue out at him.

He simply smiles again and presses his lips against my forehead, “Night.”

“Night.” I whisper, my eyes drifting back up to the stars.


“I want to stay another night!” Haley pouts, her feet firmly planted on the ground about 10 feet from the cab of the truck.

I resist the urge to bang my head against the frame of the truck’s door and try again, “Haley, I promise we will go camping again soon.”

She simply shakes her head and stomps her foot into the dirt.

I turn my head to watch Braden toss the last of the stuff into the back as an idea forms in my head, “Fine, then I’ll just have Braden toss you inside.”

Haley looks at me quizzically, “Huh?”

At the sound of his name Braden turns to look at me, “Oh no you don’t, I am not getting involved in this.” He laughs, raising his hands up and backing away.

I send him a pout of my own and he smirks, “What do I get in exchange?”

Laughing I answer, “How about you get to take me out on a date?”

He grins, “Okay.”

Haley looks back and forth between us before pointing at me, “Hey that’s cheating!”

“It’s not if I buy you ice cream!” He says before scooping my sister up in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I have to apologize for how sucky that last chapter was... I reread it yesterday and it made me cringe also I'm sorry this took me so long to write but things are coming to a climax: warning something big is going to occur in about two chapters!
A special shout out to these lovely people for commenting on the last chapter :D
a subtle mistake
Cherry Pez
painting flowers
Ms. Sobriety