Status: first chapter tuesday : ))

Come and Go


I sat in the diner just waiting for my shift to end so I could hightail it out of here to practice. Greg was going to kill me if I was late again. I am one of his lead rolls so I should be the most responsible, in his words. Unfortunately, I have enough responsibility as it is, and he knows that.

The clock struck 1, and I went to the bathroom to change out of my pale yellow uniform dress thingy, and into a pair of shorts sweatpants, and a tank top, with a hoodie over it. I traded my ugly nurse shoes, for a pair of my lovely wore sneakers. I slung my heavy bag over my shoulder and walked out into the slight warm Saturday morning of late-January, in New York. I checked my cell phone to see how much time I had as I walked through the busy sidewalk of New York to get to the stage I perform on. So many different people surrounded me, people of different faces, styles, races, religions, sexuality, anything and everything was different about each person, each unique in their own way.

I decided to cut through the alley to save time, when a big, black, thick, lead door whipped open , and my luck cracking me right in the forehead. There was going to be a huge, red lump, appearing soon on my forehead. That really wasn't what I needed right now. I started to get dizzy as I fell back on the cold, wet, cement grabbing my head.

"Oh shiz, that hurt like a mother! Damn door, damn possessed door, evil door...ow."I rambled on rubbing my head probably looking like a crazy person yelling at the door. A curly headed boy stepped out from behind the door with wide eyes, plus a hint of guilt mixed in. He looked down to see me and he ran over to me.

"Are you okay! I am so sorry! Wait were you just yelling at the door? That's really odd. How many fingers am I holding up?" and thought I rambled on a lot, this boy was talking so fast the words didn't match up with his mouth. I shook my head slightly as I focused on the fingers in front of me.

"Um sev-eig-six!" I yelled think I got it right. His face showed that I got it wrong. My vision was getting fuzzier and fuzzier by the minute.

"No its two. We need to get you checked out."

"No!" I bleated out. "Um I'll be fine, but I really need to get going though, I'm going to be late." I finished shaking my head a little getting up slowly and started to walk before I lost my balance. I prepared for impact, but felt a warm strong pair of arms holding me up.

"No, honestly we need to get you to a hospital to see a doctor. That bump looks pretty nasty, you might have a slight concussion." he checked out my head touching in softly. I flinched as his hands touched it. His eyes bored into mine as I tried to figure out what was happening.

"I'm fine though, thanks for the help and concern, but I'm going to need a doctor if I'm late again. Man I feel like the white rabbit off of Alice in the Wonderland." I slurred out, he chuckled a bit.

"Late for what my I ask?" he asked quietly while taking me inside to a studio, or a backstage room helping me sit on the couch there.

"Practice. I'm on Broadway. If I'm late one more time, Greg is gonna kick my B-U-T-T!" I giggled, I felt lightheaded, I was not myself. Maybe I do need a doctor? I shook my head feeling my eyelids get heavy. "I really hate that door." was what I managed to spit out before everything went black falling into the arms of the curly headed boy who hit me with a door.
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new story first chapter tell me what you think! comment and subscribe pretty plaese. sorry for any mistakes.

anyways the inspiration to write this from a movie im not going to tell you because it will give away the secret that I will tell you soon : ))
