Status: first chapter tuesday : ))

Come and Go


"Is she going to be okay?"

"Who is she?"

"What happened Nick?"

"You hit her with a door?!" so many people questioned, whispered and yelled. My head was pounding enough I didn't need this too. I slowly started to regain conscienceness, not opening my eyes just yet.

"I don't know who she is, but by her drivers licence, her name is Lillian Zerains-Abelem." a voice I remembered probably the one named Nick, I made a face inwardly to my full name. I shifted a bit and my eyes fluttered open, there were about four men standing around me, to say I was freaked out was an understatment.

"I perefer to be called Lilly." I stated before getting up slowly the mens heads moving away so I could get some air.

"Um, Lilly are you okay?" an older man asked me. This man looked a lot like the other three, I think that was their dad or something. I nodded before grabbing my head.

"My head is killing me though." I adding quickly while wincing as it pounded rapidly.

"Here you go." Nick handed me a glass of water and two Advils, " You were out for a bit." My eyes widened I hope I wasn't out too long.

"How long exactly?" I asked scared. He looked at his watch after he checked the bump on my head. Apperantly while I was out cold they put a cold rag over my forehead to help the swelling go down.

"Uh, about 15-20 minutes not that long." he was about to check my head again before I sprung up.

"Holy shiz! I have to go. Thank you all for helping me while I passed out really, but I have to go or I'll be late." I rushed grabbing my things and running out the door that started this whole mess.

I ran as fast as I could down alleys and through crowds of people getting called some horrible names on the way, until I finally made it with two minutes to spare. I got up on stage huffing and puffing, before collasping dramatically on the floor, the whole gang crowded around me.

"Okay usually I'm the overdramatic- Oh my what eating your forehead?!" Chase blurted out. My hand flew up to my goose-egg before giving up.

"Ugh. I got hit by an opening door. A big, stupid, ugly, lead, door." I groaned holding my gingerly, because of the unbarely thumping, the Advil hasn't really kicked in yet. I seriously feel like my head is going to explode.

"Smooth." The whole crew said before laughing hystarically. I rolled my eyes, before stretcging a bit, before, practicing. A few seconds later Greg, the director, told us to do some vocal warm ups, and start practicing the scene we keep seeming to screw up.

After doing it once he left and told us to restart the scene again. We did the extremely long scene about three more times before Greg came back in with an announcement to make. We hated these because we didn't care about them, and he drones on forever. Don't get me wrong we all love Greg he is like a father to us, especially to me, but when it comes to his announcements the whole gang sits in the back and sleeps.

"You six better get infront, now." Greg demanded giving us a stern look. Alan was called down to go stand by Greg, and after a brief talk between the two Alan walked back up to stand next to Deana, and Chase. Alan has been acting weird a little different lately, and no one knew why, except for Greg.

"Okay, two things. First everyone congradulate Alan for landing a roll in a big shot movie!" Greg smiled widely.

"What?!" Jamie, Nicole, Deana, and I yelled. Alan and Chase flinched a bit. The girls all had shocked expressions, while Alan and Chase had guilty ones.

"Second, we already found who will take Alan's place when he leaves! Nick come here please." Greg looked back, as a curly headed boy walked forward slowy.

Nick, that name sounds very familiar...well duh it should Lilly he hit you with a door...but I highly doubt its the same Nick. I thought and answered myself, yes I do that. Once the boy came forward even more I realized he looked a lot like Nick...he was!

"Hey! You're the guy who hit me with the big, ugly, door!" I exclaimed, as Nick squinted at me and laughed shyly. Everyone around me looked at me weird then laughed.

"Yeah, about that I'm sorry." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Are you okay?"

"Same as before." I shrugged I was kind of mad that he hit me but he said sorry.

I heard some girls sigh, gasp, and squeal. I turned around looking at them weirdly to see the whole female production crew drooling. I looked back at Nick and the puzzle pieces fit together.

"Wait you're Nick Jonas," I turned hostile now, "no wonder you're already getting the lead role." I crossed my arms over my chest, everything went silent and everyone took a step back.

"Excuse me?" he took a step forward. I hoped down to his level, he was only a few inches taller than me, but I wasn't intimidated.

"You heard me rockstar. What? Is the life on the road too much? Did you do something your little fans hate you for? Or did you think you could come back to Broadway, and pick up where you left off in your younger years?" I spit out. He looked at me surprised. I knew a few things about the Jonas Brothers, but I didn't really care for them.

He probably didn't even have to audition. Greg probably welcomed him, with open arms. I hated how he got anything he wanted handed to him now. Whislt I had to work ten times harder just to get by.

I was about to start again but Greg stepped inbetween us.

"Lilly enough," Greg growled. " You and I will talk later. Everyone back to rehershal." he semi yelled. I gave out a sigh as we started again. I glarred at Nick as he sat in a seat watching intently.

He sat and watched as I got into my character. It made me sick to my stomach that my love intrest in this prodiction would soon be him.


After practice I had to go to Greg's office to talk about my attitude change. I walked in slowly seeing it was only him.

"What was that about earlier?" he yelled. I cringed, he knows I hate yelling I could tell he was guitly for that when his eyes softened.

"I'm sorry, I just don't think its fair that he just waltz in here and gets the part like that. What about Chase? He's been here for as long as long as Alan." I gushed. He looked at me for a bit before starting.

"I already asked Chase, he doesn't want the part, Lilly." I was in shock, now I know why he flinched along with Alan when we yelled. He kept it from us too. I shook my head and sighed softly. "At least give it thought about Nick being the other lead?"

"Okay but don't expect me to be nice to him, that's all I'm saying." I smiled putting my hands up in the air defensively. He rubbed his temples before running a hand through his hair.

"So you're leaving Friday right?" He sighed changing the subject. I nodded before leaving.

I walked out as the gang sat at the edge of the stage, talking to Nick. ihuffed deciding I should try and be nice. Great.

I walked up and hoped up on stage sitting next to Jamie, as always. She gave me a side hug and smiled weirdly at me to make me laugh. She succeeded making me burst into fit of giggles. Nick looked at me before looking away.

"So, Nick, are you going to school with us aswell?" I decided to be the first to break the silence.

"No I already graduated, I was homeschooled." he said unsure why I was talking to him without be hostile. I nodded before asking him another question.

"So are you living in New York or Jersey?" trying to be friendly even though I dispised him a bit more than I should.

"Uh, I decided to stay a bit closer, and plus I'm living with my brother Joe." he said not giving me a straight answer.

"So New York?" I questioned. He nodded lightly.

"Where at maybe one of us lives close by you?" Jamie asked.

"Uh, down Maple in the Apartments there. They are really nice. Really big and roomy." He said a bit more comfortable.

My heart almost stopped, he lived in the same apartment building I did. I hoped it wasn't the one next to us. My aunt told me that someone moved next to us. I didn't plan on telling him he can see when we get there the same time he does.

"Well we are going to go, nice talking to you Nick." I said telling everyone to move. Jamie and I hooked arms before skipped up towards the front entrance. We all piled into Chase's SUV heading to my apartment where everyone would be crashing for the night since we didn't have school.
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oh Lilly doesn't like Nick uh oh. believe me they are going to butt heads a lot more in this story

and this chapters a bit longer I really adore this story even though its only the second chapter I have plans for this story, and please if ya can check out my other stories??

and if one of you dont mind can you make me a banner pretty please??
