Status: Ends on Valentine's Day. Written for some of my favorite people

Be My Valentine?

I Never Saw It Coming


I looked at my calendar before heading out of the door.
Ugh. Valentine’s Day

I was never big on Valentine’s Day growing up. It was fine when you’re a child and the entire class gives you a sweet card with your favorite cartoon character telling asking you to be their valentine. But as we get older it becomes more about feeling the need to be a valentine, or have on waiting for you. It became a contest to see how many balloons and roses you got in class in high school.
But what about the people who don’t have a valentine? The single people who are alone and have to watch all these puke-tastic couples get mushy and proclaim their undying love to people they would hate in two weeks? They loathe this so called holiday more than any other one out there. But people don’t think about that, they just pity you.
My sister, who by the way has had the same valentine for the past 3 years, thinks I’m just cynical. That I ‘resent love’ and that is why I don’t celebrate this stupid day. She’s just too far in love to see that I’m right.
Valentine’s Day is STUPID.

I walked the long route to school, avoiding all contact with the love sick couples that were sure to populate my normal way to school. Normally I would be walking with my best friend, Max, but his house was on the normal route and I couldn’t chance taking that way. I’d apologize as soon as I saw him at school, even though he knew I wouldn’t be there to walk with him. He knows I hate Valentine’s Day.
When I reached the school it was like it was a breeding ground for love sickness! Couple’s populated the parking lot, exchanging roses and chocolate before class began. I tried to ignore them the best I could as I sped up and walked swiftly into the school. The inside wasn’t much of an improvement. It seems that over night the entire faculty turned our normally boring tan hallways into a pink, white, and red explosion! There was hearts of all sizes dangling from the ceiling. Cut outs of cupids, roses and hearts were plastered all over the walls. There was a banner hanging in the hallway saying ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’. And over a few class room doors there was silly messages about ‘Bee Mine’ and ‘I ♥ you’. I was utterly disgusted.
I made my way to my locker, dodging the kissing couples in the hallway. I spun the dial on my lock to the correct combination of numbers. A few letters were scattered in my locker and I grabbed one up, opening it. I scanned over the words and crumbled it up, throwing it back into the locker. It was just a letter from a ‘secret admirer’. I shoved the other few letters to the side, ignoring them. I’d throw them away tomorrow, when it was safe to stand in the hallway without having some couple swapping spit in my face. I grabbed the books I would need for the next for periods and shoved them into my messenger bag. I slammed my locker shut and shut the lock before swiftly making my way to first period. No one would be in class this early so I’d probably be alone in there. Which was fine with me, it just meant a few minutes of peace and quiet.
“Linda!” Max called as soon as I opened the door to our homeroom class. He was sitting on a desk with a small box of donuts sitting in his lap and a smile on his face.
”Hey Maxi,” I laughed, joining him at the desk.
”Donut?” He offered, holding the box out to me.
“Of course!” I grabbed a sprinkle covered one and sat down on the desk in front of him so I was facing him.
”So, how’s your day going so far?” He asked through a mouthful of donut.
I swallowed before I spoke, “Meh.”
Max groaned loudly, “Oh come on Linda! You can’t tell me you still hate Valentine’s Day! I know for a fact I saw three different guys put love letters in your locker this morning!”
I shrugged, taking my time to answer back just because I knew it annoyed him. “It’s not about getting love letters Max. I just don’t think you should show your love for someone on just one day. You should do it everyday if you really love them.” I took another bite of the fluffy goodness.
Max rolled his blue-green eyes, “I like Valentine’s Day.”
I scrunched up my face, “Eww. Why??”
His tongue darted out, swiping across one of his lip rings, dislodging a blue sprinkle that was stuck there. “Cause. It gives people the courage to tell someone they like ‘em. Even if it is anonymous, at least they are admitting it!”
Before I could reply the bell rang and people starting running into the classroom, not wanting to be late. I got off the desk and went to the one beside Max and sat. I looked over at him, but he wouldn’t look at me. He just pretended to be finishing up last minute homework, which was total bullshit because Max Green doesn’t do homework.

The rest of the day Max made a point to ignore me, except for lunch. He acted normal around all of our friends but as soon as the bell rang he was gone again, claiming he had to talk to Ronnie, his best friend, about something. I don’t know what I did to make him upset to the point where he wouldn’t even answer my texts. He always answered them, no matter what. He even had his phone taken away a few times for using it in class because he has a habit of saying out loud what he is typing sometimes.

By the end of the day I was fuming. That’s it, I’m going to ambush him at his house and force him talk to me. He’s my best friend and I can’t stand him being mad at me. He was being so stupid; I did nothing to make him angry with me! Last period we were assigned as partners for science and he would barely even say a word unless it was a question or answer for the work. SINCE WHEN DOES MAX CARE ABOUT SCHOOL WORK?!?!

“Alright everyone start packing your stuff up!” Mrs. Lee said excitedly. “The delivers should be here any minute now with the Valentine’s Treats!”
I groaned to myself. Every year our school sells chocolate, roses, and balloons for students to buy. On Valentine’s Day they will be delivered to the person they bought it for. Most of the popular kids would buy themselves some stuff and leave it to look like a secret admirer bought it for them so they would seem even more popular and loved.
A student helper walked in, dragging a cart loaded down with sickly sweet presents behind him. I groaned and laid my head down on top of the desk, waiting for it to be over with.
“Linda, this is for you.” Chris, the guy handing out the valentines stuff, tapped on my shoulder.
I sat up and he set down a small bouquet of assorted roses, each a different color. He grabbed a balloon and set the weight down on my desk, where it bobbed up and down. “And here’s the last thing…” Chris set a note on the desk, one that on outside of the envelope said my name and class. I slide my finger under the flap and opened the letter. I pulled out the red piece of paper and began reading.


I was looking at the meanings for all the colors of these roses, and I couldn’t decide which rose described how I felt the best so I got all 6 for you.

First, yellow: Friendship. You are the most amazing friend I’ve ever had.
Orange: Passion and excitement. You inspire me so much, Linda. Every time I see you I have a renewed sense of excitement for everything I do.
Pink: Admiration. I’m your secret admirer, Linda. :)
Red: Love. I Love You. I have for awhile; I’ve just been too scared to tell you.
Lavender: Love at first sight. This is pretty self explanatory for why I got you this one too.
White: New beginnings. This one is probably the most important of them all.
Linda, I don’t want to be your friend anymore.
I want to be more. I want to be your boyfriend.


Maxwell Green

Tears were threatening to spill by the time I was finished reading. I barely processed the bell had rang until someone’s balloon hit me in the head. I wiped at my eyes before gathering up the roses and tying the balloon to my messenger bag. I was running on autopilot and before I knew it I was sprinting out of the classroom. I ran through the crowd of couples, not caring anymore about their public display of lust. All I cared about was getting to Max.
Max loves me! He’s loved me for years! I smiled. I didn’t realize until the moment I read those three words in his chicken scratch of handwriting that I was in love with him too. He’s always been there for me. He’s been the one steady thing in my life and I doubted seriously how much I could handle without him by my side.
I ran into Ronnie and he said Max already left for home so I ran out of the building and in the direction of his house. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I ignored the call from my other friends as they questioned where I was going. Nothing was important right now except getting to Max and telling him how I felt. I smiled at the thought of his face when I told him. He always had a childish smile when ever he was happy that could melt your heart and make you ‘awww’. I saw the familiar white house and I pushed myself to run even faster; Coach would be proud of me. I was at Max’s front door, pounding on it as I caught my breath. I heard Max’s voice call out to hold on and I stood up straight, still panting from the long run.
“Linda?” Max opened the door, shocked to see me.
I smiled and grabbed a hold of his shirt, pulling him to me. I link my arms around his neck and pulled his face down to mine where I kissed him for all I was worth. It took him a few seconds before he started kissing me back. We stood there in his doorway, his arms wrapped around my waist, mine around his neck as we shared our first real kiss.
I pulled away slowly, the need for air was too great to wait any longer. “I love you too.” I told him, forehead pressed against his.
He smiled, giving me that smile of a child I was looking forward to. “Really?”
“Would I be doing this if I didn’t?”
“Probably not,” Max chuckled. “I love you Linda.” He said before pulling me in for another heart stopping kiss.

Maybe Valentine’s Day isn’t so bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
For maxgreengirl; I hope you like it hun.

This was the first in the Be My Valentine? series, which is a present to some of my mibbian friends. :) I'm going to try to get as many as possible done, but if you got a notice saying you were getting one than you are definiatly going to get one. Everyone else is getting one if I get enough time to write them all.
None of these chapters are in anyway related to each other. They are just a bunch of short stories in the same series.

Leave a comment and tell me what you think.