Long Way to Go

This Familiar Place


I smiled, “Hello Frank, I thought I’d see if this number was the same.”

“Oh, Mom and dad invited you over next weekend; I didn’t even have to ask.”

“Great! Can you come over tomorrow? We still live at the same place.”

I smiled again, “Sure, I’d love to.”

“We’ll be alone, Gee and my parents will be at work and I’d like to talk to you.”

If anything I was even more aroused. I awkwardly fell asleep to plenty of drams full of what I wish would happen tomorrow. I woke to the sound of my alarm; I hated that noise with a passion. I had an hour to get myself together and head over to Mikey’s. I took a quick shower and spent an ungodly amount of time picking out an outfit to wear. I ended up with a pair of my tightest jeans, my pink belt and my favorite black t-shirt. I didn’t want to put on eyeliner just in case we did end up fooling around, I didn’t want to smudge it. I just dried my hair and let it do its own thing. You could say I was expecting something to happen.

I made my way out of my lane and down the few streets until I took in the familiar house I used to spend so much time in. I walked up the drive and rang the bell, within seconds the door opened to reveal Mikey. “Hey!” He smiled and ushered me in and as soon as the door was shut he pinned me to it and claimed my mouth with his.

“Hello to you too!” I said as we broke apart for air.

“Sorry, I’m just, well, erm hold on.”

He looked into my eyes and gently took my hands in his, “Frankie, will you be my boyfriend?”

I smiled and nodded. “Now kiss me before you say something else.”

He did. His tongue begged for entrance and I freely gave it to him. I met his with my own and they fought for dominance which I openly gave to him. I wanted him to lead us; it was his first time, as far as I was aware, being with a boy in any way.

“Frankie, I, am I doing this alright?”

I gently pushed him off of me and headed into the living room where I noticed two bowls and two plates sitting on the coffee table.

“Mikey, you have no idea what you do to me.”

He smiled and followed me over to the couch. I was starving and began to eat. I noticed that towards the end of his soup he made a mess and some began to trail down his chin and I couldn’t help but to lean forward and lick it off and then claimed his mouth for once. The food was forgotten as our mouths connected and our hands roamed each others bodies.

After a half hour of heavy making out I felt his hand on my belt buckle,

“Mikey, I, I can’t, not right now. I want you to, oh believe me do I want you to.”

“It’s okay Frankie.”

He moved his hand up to my chest and stared up at me and smiled. We were both aroused, we couldn’t fight that fact, as his was pressed against mine and the slightest movement caused the most amazing friction I’ve ever felt.

“You don’t think this is too fast? I mean I’ve been gone a year, a lot happened in that year.”

“Frankie you think too much. If I fell in love with you when we were sixteen, what makes you think that’d change? I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you, I just always thought we’d be nothing but friends.”

I looked down into his eyes, they were full of so much truth and love and it was all for me.

I didn’t deserve this but I wanted it and he was willing to settle for me. I lay my head on his chest and listened to his heart beating. It was always the most relaxing thing for me to do.


“Yeah Mikes?”

“How was school?”

I smiled, “It was actually great. I enjoyed myself. The professors I have really know their stuff and I can’t lie, there was a fair share of drama that went on, but I guess drama is everywhere. What about you? Have you done anything exciting?”

I felt him let out a large sigh, “Not really, I’ve just worked a lot this past year, the manager’s contemplating on giving Gee or me the Assistant Manager position. I told him to give it to Gee, Gee told him to give to me. I swear though, you have no idea how hard it was after graduation. Why’d you just leave?”

I sat up the best I could and looked down at him, I’d hurt him, I knew that much.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know how many times I can tell you that, I mean it every time. Wes ruined me, in every sense of the word. There wasn’t much of me left after we broke-up. I didn’t even trust myself sometimes. I needed to get away from here, away from all the places we hung out at; and just knowing that I’d run into him again just by chance of being in the same place at the same time, I couldn’t handle it.”

He pulled me back to him in a hug and began to rub my back.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that. I meant it when I told you the day you told me about what happened, when I said I’d be here for you no matter what.”

I snuggled into him as far as I could, he had no idea how much this meant to me.

“Mikes, I, I think I’ve always loved you. You’ve been by my side for so long and through so much I’d thought you’d leave a few times. You never did and you’re still here, even after I pushed you away for a year. I’m sorry I hurt you, I’ll never hurt you again, I promise.”

He sat us up and looked into my eyes, “Frankie, you did hurt me, but I knew it’s what you needed to do for yourself, I knew you’d be back one day and I’d wait for that day to come, you’re my best friend, nothing will ever change that.”

We had ended up falling asleep in each others arms and I was only awoken by the sound of a sigh and a camera going off.

“Sorry dear, I couldn’t resist, you two look just like you did when you were little. Good to see you again Frankie.”

Donna, she was an amazing woman. I smiled up at her, “I’ll let you two be; I’ll wake you for dinner.”

I nuzzled back into Mikey’s chest; I was home. I don’t know how much longer it was, but it felt like forever before we were awoken for dinner.

“Frankie boy, is that really you?”

It was Donald, Mikey’s and Gee’s dad. He was always calling me ‘Frankie boy’, and I guess he’s still going to.

“Yes sir.”

He smiled at me, “How are you? Did you have a good time off at school?”

“Yes, I’m fine, had a lot to deal with, but I’m better.”

I glanced around the table and then rested my gaze on Mikey, who sat directly across from me and smiled at him.

“Mom, Dad, Mikes, Frank, I have something to say.”

We all focused on Gerard, “I’ve been made Assistant Manager.”

He quickly glanced at Mikey, who had a large grin plastered on his face, “Great! That means you’re the one with more responsibility! I don’t have to deal with those stupid kids more than necessary!”

Gee’s face faltered but he kept a smile no less.

“That’s great Gee! We’re so proud of you for doing this.”

Dinner ended with a few small talk conversations here and there; Mikey and I ended up going out into their backyard to the small patio where we spent numerous nights together under the stars. I could feel him looking at me and when I glanced over at him, it seemed as if he was studying me. I let him.

“You’re beautiful, you know that?”

“You’re blind.”

He chuckled, “I mean it Frankie you’re gorgeous. Your eyes sparkle in any light, no matter how dim it may be, your lips always look so soft and your complexion, it’s just, it’s perfect.”

He reached over from his chair and laced his fingers in mine, “And your hand fits perfectly with mine, you fit perfectly to me. Remember how people always assumed there was something stronger than just a best friend bond between us, I think even then they knew something was there, but I think they meant it in a brotherly bond, not, not a, not a lovers bond.”

I looked into his eyes and I knew he was telling me the truth; people always commented to our moms how Mikey and I just fit, we were perfect together. I’m sure at one point he and I did have that brotherly bond but it’s long since been that of lovers; wow, Mikey’s my lover.

We lost track of time with small talk, an occasional kiss, but mostly we just held hands and enjoyed being in each other’s company.

“Boys you out here?”

It was his mom, “Yes Mom.”

“Come in, it’s late, Frank darling you can stay the night, just phone your parents. Good night dears.”

“Good night!”

Mikey squeezed my hand; I reached for my cell and called home.

“She said yes, where shall I sleep tonight Mikey?”

He smirked and got up and we walked up the familiar path to his room, the room where we had so many conversations in and the room that held so many memories for us both. He always left his music playing, loud enough to have soft conversations, but soft enough as to not disturb anyone else trying to sleep in the house.

I stood tentatively in the middle of his room as he made his way from the door to his bed and sat down, he looked up at me and beckoned me to come to him, I did. He pulled me onto his lap and locked his arms around me and gave my neck sweet little kisses.

“Frankie, you have no idea how happy it makes me that you’re home. I know it’s only for break, but you’re here and I’ve missed you so much.”

I moved his arms off of me briefly, I moved myself so I ended up straddling him as he scooted back on his bed and then I looked into his eyes, I could get lost in them, forever.

“Mikey, I love you, you have no idea.”

I saw his eyes return my love and felt his lips attack mine in a hungry kiss. I pulled him closer to me, if that was even possible at this moment, I didn’t know, I just had to feel him against me and that’s what mattered. I felt him rub his hands up and down my back while I clung to him like my life depended on it; when we finally broke apart for air we rested our foreheads together and stared into each others eyes and I broke out into this huge grin.

“I’m home.”

He gently laid us down so we were facing each other and just held onto each other. I knew I’d be the first to fall asleep, “Frankie stop fighting it, just close your eyes, I’ll be here in the morning, no worries.”

He smiled at me and I felt myself ease into sleep. The last thing I felt before I was lost to the land of my dreams was a pair of soft lips brush against my forehead.

I woke to the gently touch of someone’s hand running through my hair. I opened me eyes and came face-to-face with Mikey’s chest, of course, he had on one of his many Anthrax t-shirts. I smiled and snuggled into him, “Good morning to you too.”

“What time is it?”

I felt him move a little, “Erm, about 9:30, Mom’s off today, she came in a few minutes ago to tell us she was going to make us some breakfast.”

I smiled, then I shot straight up, “Your mom saw us like this?!”

He laughed at me, “Frankie, we used to sleep like this when we were younger too, she won’t think anything of it.”

He gently pulled me back down to him and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead again.