Long Way to Go

You See Right Through Me

So that was the most interesting moment of my life, well not the most, but you know what I mean. I don’t think I’ve ever been threatened because I said ‘please’ before, ever. Usually that’s something one would say; not to be looked at as if you have five heads.

I’m only kidding. It was just Mikey, Donna, Gerard and I at dinner. It was fun actually. We talked about some of the new releases at the book store; some of which were required for one of my lit classes this past semester. I rather enjoyed talking about them, the books I mean.

We helped clean up and put things away and then Donna and Gerard went their own ways which lead Mikey and I to where we currently were. Mikey and I were currently laying on a blanket in his back yard, looking up at the stars. Today was perfect and I had this deep, nagging feeling that something was going to wrong.

“Frankie, why, why do you lock yourself away? How come you’re not, well, you’re not you?”

And here it was.

I couldn’t look at him, “You just don’t understand Mikes. You don’t.”

“But I want to.”

I sighed, “It’s impossible, unless you’ve been through this, you’ll never know what it’s like.”

“I want Frank back. That Frank would’ve called me the moment he got home from school and said ‘sorry Mikes for being such a douche all year, I’m back, lets go do something.’ You came back and we had a chance meeting in the park. A goddamn chance meeting Frank; a, a chance meeting that lead to this!”

He motioned between us when he said 'this'; like it was something bad.

He was getting loud, “You don’t need to yell. I don’t think my grandparent’s heard you.”

I didn’t need this; not after all we’ve already talked about. We had done a lot of talking within the past two days--a lot.

“Mikes, I, I’m not him anymore and I won’t be him ever again. He’s gone, that Frank is gone. You can thank Wes for that.”

He hit the ground with his fist; “I don’t believe that. I know part of him is still inside of you and he wants out. You can’t always be this cold, this heartless, can you?”

“I’ve been this way for a year Mikey, what makes you think I can just quit?”

“Me.” He whispered.

A/N: So I figured I try something and give it to you guys; here is a short little blip I wrote lat hours of the night/early twilight of the morning... THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE COMMENTS!!