Status: Earlier chapters are currently being change/updated. Read them again, maybe.

Arablest/ Prototype

Chapter 13. The Overly Cliché History of Lehrail

I had arrived at the inn thankfully without an incident.
In our room, I pulled out the stuff that supposedly belonged to me, and sat on a cot reading yet another book from the bag. They were getting very useful: I was learning about the way of life here, strategies, weapons, tomes, and even the history of Lehrail. Or rather, I was going to learn them. I wasn’t going to leave them now in search of finding a way back home. Brixus promised. I just hoped he would follow it, and that I would survive.
A history of Lehrail caught my attention, so I picked that out and starting reading it.
There was a time long ago where men and dragons lived peacefully together…
Dragons? I thought. I must be dreaming. Is this all a hallucination? There’s magic, dragons… No, wait. This must be a legend; a myth of concerning Lehrail’s history. Dragons don’t exist… do they?
I kept on reading, intrigued.
It was interesting, but it took me the rest of the day to finish reading it. Basically, to summarize what took me the rest of the day to read:
According to the book, some time long ago dragons and men co-existed. They lived peacefully together, but sometimes a dragon would go corrupt in some way, in almost the way same men become bandits and thieves. So Knights from kingdoms were often sent out to deal with these rogue dragons, which arose many tales of the ‘shining knight of valor saving a damsel in distress from a mighty evil dragon.’ However, most dragons were not actually evil, but dragons eventually grew tired of these stories and the slaughtering of their kin and began to strike back as one massive force.
This started the Eternal War for Lehrail.

Ooh, how original. But you could say it did last a long time: almost more than a millennium.

The dragons had the upper hand in almost everything: they were wiser, stronger, faster, and could do many things humans couldn’t like breath fire. Well, only some dragons breathed fire. Others breathed… what? The page had been smeared, but I think one of the listed was magic of some kind. Maybe a form of energy.

No, I believed that if magic existed, it would basically be the ability to control energy. That was my theory about magic.

Anyways, their teeth and claws were already fearsome weapons, and they already had built-in armor: Their scales.
The human’s only advantage was that we outnumbered them in every battle, but that wasn’t much of an advantage anyways. Even if it took decades for a new dragon to be born and grown to full size, the dragons were extremely powerful.
Obviously, the dragons won more battles than they lost, and they slowly forced the humans back, but fighting was extremely fierce, and even with the dragon’s fearsome power, the humans’ determination held.

Human willpower is wondrous thing. It can lead people to their deaths, but can also cause people to do things they normally can’t do.
And this story was becoming even more cliché. Seriously, did the author expect me to believe this?

Somehow all this lasted for about half a millennium. Humans who wished to stay neutral, and refugees from the war most of the time attempted to hide from dragons to avoid their attacks, and many times large armies of men were wiped out by only a few dragons, who usually took no casualties.
While all this was going on, the massive amounts of deaths, hatred, and released energy was gathered and used by a possessed man, who spent years drawing in all that power, and in the very center of Lehrail, he opened the gates to hell.

Demons and their other demonic spawn poured out of the gate, killing and possessing both dragons and men alike; none were spared, including, ironically, the person who opened the gate.

Ooh, how cliché. I bet that the dragons and Humans are going to team up now, aren’t they?

The humans and dragons quickly saw their civil war pointless, and quickly made a treaty to team up and fight back against the demons, although the treaty was made rather reluctantly, as they had been at war for nearly a millennium.

That’s what I thought. Cliché, cliché, cliché. Now give me something unpredictable and I’ll be happy.

Even so, soon, the situation was beginning to look hopeless for the alliance, so the humans put all their knowledge, skill, and magic together to make what is now known as the 7 legendary weapons of Lehrail.
These weapons and their respective wielders at the time:
Cytonell, The Champion Renning’s blade of ice,
Inerick, The Berserker Mardras’ axe of earth ,
Zeinka, The Archsage Serra’s piercing wind,

Apparently, that’s another type of magic around here.
Anyways, continuing on:

Aurael, The Saint Lillia‘s Divine light,

I’m assuming that she used light-based magic or something. Was there one with dark-based powers?

Elridian, The Celestial markswoman Emilyn’s Lightning bow,
Sienglend, The Holy Halberdier Raustan’s Blazing lance,
And finally, Hataril, The Enigma Xarviell’s Infernal darkness.

I knew there was one with dark based powers. This was terribly cliché; it wasn’t even funny. Seriously, legendary weapons and all that?
Although I wondered how effective Xarviell’s dark powers were against demons.
Ok, I’ll stop adding in my own comments about the story.

Anyways, according to the book, these seven heroes picked up their newly made weapons, set out with dragons to fight off the demons.
Before their might, demons quickly began to fall, but at a cost: Together, these weapons were extremely powerful, and together their powers began changing the very powers of nature. It snowed in the summer, the very power around the continent that many dragons relied on dropped, and more. Everything was unpredictable; that was the nature of these weapons combined. However, the humans did not know; all they cared about at the moment was to survive and win. All they knew was that the tides have changed, and that they were finally pushing back.

At last, nearing the end of the millennium, they finally reached the gate, and the last of the dragons combined and used their powers to close and seal the gate. However, after this was done, the dragons broke the treaty, and turned on the heroes, but failed. The heroes were forced to retaliate, killing everyone one of the dragons with their weapons, leaving none alive. This caused the extinction of dragons.

After the war, each hero, after much discussion, found out what had changed the laws of nature, parted ways, and founded the countries of Lehrail. Raalte was the only country not founded by a hero.

Renning founded the country of Slazsk,
Madras founded Thanti,
Serra went and founded the country Durthain,
Lillia founded the kingdom in the Desert. So there was a kingdom there, but extremely well hidden.
Emilyn founded the Northern Isles,
Raustan founded Thrycia,
And Xarviell founded Balsinia.

Each hero took his weapons and had them hidden and guarded somewhere in their country, to prevent the weapons from being used again, as they were not strong enough to destroy their own weapons. Since the dragons were deemed extinct, they believed the weapons to be pointless, except maybe from preventing other countries from attacking one another, for invading might provoke the use of these weapons.
And ever since that day, there have only been minor skirmishes among the coast against pirates, and between countries, but never a war between any of the countries. Raalte had made an alliance with a few countries, especially Thanti for geographic reason, to prevent invasion, and also relied on its natural defenses. I supposed Raalte who have to rely quite a bit on luck, then.

That was the history of Lehrail. Well, it was the history of Lehrail according to a human author, who was probably biased against the dragons and demons.
By the time I finished reading and closed the book, everyone else had walked back into the room.
“I had so much fun today!” said Leona. “Let’s all get some rest, and continue on our way through Thanti to Thrycia tomorrow. Good night, guys.”
And with that, she walked into the next room to sleep.
More pointless sentences. But, I guess that’s the way she was.
Everyone else, including me, followed suit, not knowing what was going to happen the next day.
And what a surprise we’ll get tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate making up names.
