Status: Earlier chapters are currently being change/updated. Read them again, maybe.

Arablest/ Prototype

Chapter 4. Hostages

As the bandit began to swing, I did the only thing I could do. I kicked him hard, in the groin.
The bandit dropped his axe, and I rolled out of the way, unfortunately, away from my rapier, as the axe was falling in that direction and I instinctively wanted to get away from it.

When I finally stood up, the bandit was on the ground, groaning with pain. I ran toward my rapier, picked it up, never taking my eyes off the bandit.

“What dishonorable way to fight…”groaned the bandit.
“Dishonorable?” I asked. “Since when was pillaging and attacking villages considered honorable? When were bandits even honorable?”
“We was just trying to make some money to survive…” groaned the bandit. “But enough of tha’! I got ya now, kid!” shouted the bandit, who had picked up his axe without me noticing and was already swinging his axe in an upward strike.

I leaped back out of range of the axe. Although the bandit was still on all fours on the ground, full of pain from getting kicked in the groin, he still have the determination to try and kill me?

But he was weak right now, full of openings. All the bandit could do right now was crouch and glare at me in pain.

“Jeremy! Are you all right?”
Leona had come back, carrying what looked to be an iron lance. It looked really old and covered with soot, so I couldn’t tell, but it was well decorated.
“I’m… ok.” I replied, a little shaken by fighting.
"Hey, he's still alive!" she exclaimed, cautiously advancing with the lance pointed at the man, ready to kill him.

Don't do it! I screamed in my mind. This was how it usually was. I don't even understand why I actually shouted earlier.

Of course, unheard shouts go ignored. But Leona hesitated.

It seems should couldn't do it, either.

But the rest of the villagers, full of hate towards these men, ran over and hacked him to pieces, or something like that. Before the first villager had even arrived on scene I had already turned and left, disgusted, but mostly scared of everything that had happened. I had never been through such an experience before, and I took a deep breathe to calm myself.

Leona ran up to me as I walked away, so I stopped and waited for her to catch up.
“Eh...Thanks for saving me back there.” I said.
“No, we promised to keep each other alive, right?” Leona smiled.
“Eh, yeah, you’re right. We did promise.” I replied, still uncomfortable in this close to a girl I just met.
“And besides, you saved my life twice. So I still own you one,” giggled Leona.
I had saved her? Twice? When? But I wasn't going to ask. Let her believe what she wants.
I was suddenly reminded of the attack again, so I ignored her and looked around. “Where did the rest of bandits go?” I asked, not sure what had happened.
“Oh, they apparently ran off after you incapacitated that guy. He’s supposedly their leader.”
“Really? I don’t believe it. They’ll be back soon with reinforcements, or a trick of some kind. I don’t trust them.” I said.
“Do you think so? Oh my, we should prepare for this! Come with me, I’ll take you to the head of the village to discuss this.”
I wondered who could be. Was it the guy with the sword I saw earlier? Possibly.
"But..., I don't even know why I helped. I... I don't even know what I'm doing anymore..."
And now she completely ignored what I just said about myself. Then again, she probably didn't even hear. That was to be expected.
Leona led me to a house, where she knocked on the door.
There was no answer.
“Hello? Anyone inside?” asked Leona. “Strange, he rarely ever leaves his house, unless he really needs to… Wait, the door is unlocked, too. Something’s wrong.”
“Wait.” I said. “If the door is unlocked, then there could be anyone inside.”
Putting a hand on my rapier, I slowly and silently turned the handle of the door, and then kicked it open.

The room was empty.

Or rather, there were no living humans inside it, as far as I could tell. Otherwise, it looked nearly the same as Leona’s room: a cot, windows, a table, chairs, and a sword on the wall.
There was a piece of paper on the table, and I walked in, looking once around to make sure no one was inside.
I walked in, Leona right behind me.

There was writing on the paper.

And the writing was addressed to me, it seems.

I picked up the letter, and looked at it.

It was written in English, and the handwriting was extremely messy, but I had some experience in reading handwriting, as my own handwriting was extremely messy at times.
“What does it say?” asked Leona.
I picked up the letter, and read it aloud, replacing certain words:

To the [boy] who defeated our [boss]:
We have taken your
[village elder] south of the village.
Come alone, and bring the
[girl] with the [lance].
If anyone else comes, the
[village elder] will be [killed].
If you don’t
[arrive] by [midnight], the [village elder] will be [killed].
If you
[inform] anyone else, the [village elder] will be [killed].
-[The bandits]

Obviously, I replaced quite a few words, but the message still came through.
“What? That’s impossible! There’s no way he could have been taken hostage!” exclaimed Leona.
“It looks like we will have to go alone…” I groaned. “I hate hostage situations.”
To tell the truth, I have never been in a hostage situation. This was a very strange day. All I wanted to do was to find a way to get back home. I didn’t really want to endanger my own life some more to help someone I didn’t know.
But ideas started flowing in and I realized many possibilities.
“Let’s go.” I said, picking up the letter and walking out the door. “I have a plan, but it will require the help of others here.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I had fun doing the BBcode for the letter. Not.

Jeremy read the letter out loud like that to censor it because certain readers who probably shouldn't read this won't learn some new words. lol xD Just being cautious here, he says.

Anyways, hostage situations are always fun to find a way out of, no? lol. the next chapter isn't going to be easy...

Comments, please? or do I have to start demanding them? I know I have more then one reader. xD

EDIT: For those who have read the old version of the previous few chapters, you should have noticed that Jeremy did not kill anyone this time. I thought that would be more fitting for your average teenager who was suddenly thrust in a place like this, don't you think?