Status: Earlier chapters are currently being change/updated. Read them again, maybe.

Arablest/ Prototype

Chapter 40. Elridian, and a way to Thrycia

We all stared in surprise as Gwen fell to the ground. Her hand had grabbed the bow as she was falling, and, pulling the bow off the alter, she fell to the ground, unconscious. Or perhaps worse.
“Gwen!” Nicolas shouted. He started towards her, but two of the halberdiers stopped him in his tracks, blocking his path with crossed spears.
“Nicolas. Leave her.” I said, Partially recognizing what had happened. “She’s probably talking to someone at the moment, right?” I said, glancing at the Apostle.
“Uh, yes. I’ve heard that is supposed to happen, I think, but I’m not sure. We’ll wait until she gets up.” He replied.
He wasn’t even sure if this was supposed to happen. He certainly looked troubled, unsure.
We waited for a few agonizing minutes, and then Gwen began to stir. Eventually she sat up, conscious, but dazed.
At this, Nicolas ran to her, ducking underneath the halberdier’s weapons. “Gwen! Gwen, are you all right?”
“I…I think so. Are we still here?” She asked, looking around warily.
“Yes, we are.” Nicolas replied. “What happened?”
“When I touched the bow… I was suddenly somewhere else, and this… woman appeared, a ghost. She talked to me, and then said that this bow was mine now…”
“Success!” the apostle shouted, filled with glee. He then regained his composure. “Gwen, that bow is actually one of the Seven Legendary Weapons: Emilyn’s lightning bow.”
“Oh, is it? Looks like an ordinary bow to me.” I replied. “If it is, it must be Elridian, right?” I said, recalling what I read from the book I read back at the hotel.
“You actually know the name of the weapon? You are pretty knowledgeable yourself, my young tactician. I myself was surprised, if not disbelieving, when I was first told that this was the legendary bow. The fact the ghost of Emilyn and her bow was entrusted to Gwen also means that she can definitely be trusted.” He said. “Gwen, you are still learning the bow, right? You may stay here to train, and when the time comes, you can help defend the world with your new bow!”
Gwen looked at him, shocked, surprised, suddenly feeling the weight of new responsibility on her shoulders.
“But what if I break it? What if—“
“You can’t break it, Gwen, and it’s impossible to lose. Or, at least, that’s what I’ve heard. And besides, that bow can easily pierce dragons, so you should be able to easily defend yourself if you truly need to.”

“I… I can’t do this by myself! I… am I the only one? I…”
“With time, you will come to accept your responsibility. Come, we must go.”

The apostle walked to the wall, flipped a hidden cover, and pulled another lever inside.

This time, a hidden passage way opened up, and the Apostle lead four unicorns out. “We must ride these back. Even if a thief had managed to get the bow, he must find a unicorn which will willingly fly him back.” He explained. “And yet, no Unicorn rider knows how to use a bow, as well.”
“But… I don’t know how to ride one!” I said, Gwen and Nicolas nodding in agreement.
“I don’t either. But there are four of us, and four halberdiers who can. Simple, isn’t it?”

So that’s why he brought the halberdiers down with him. My question was, why would we need to fly back?
I was soon to find out.

A Halberdier mounted a unicorn, and then each of us climbed onto the back of a unicorn.
“Let’s ride!” the apostle shouted, as we started flying forward.
I soon realized why we would need to fly.
As soon as we flew away, the floor below us began to crumble, falling into a black abyss below. I could not see the bottom, and soon the only way to get across was to fly amidst falling stones. We weaved in and out, dodging rocks as the fell, hanging on to dear life, hoping that none of the halberdiers would betray us or fail.
And none did as we luckily made it to the other side. As we landed, there was a rumbling, and then a huge roar as ever rock and stone flew back into place, and then I was looking at the maze again.
“Wow.” I said, still trembling from that flight. “What a huge security system.”
“Yes.” Apostle Lazarus said, agreeing with me. “There’s a lot of powerful magic encrypting this entire maze.”
The unicorns, which obviously had been trained, walked back into the maze, and then disappeared.
“They know the way back.” Apostle Lazarus said. “We visit them every month, while trying out other archers to see if they are worthy. But today, we’ve found an archer worthy of it, haven’t we?” he said, smiling at Gwen.
Gwen looked back nervously. “Am I really worthy enough? I’m just an ordinary girl! I’m not that special!”
“Whatever it was that the celestial archer Emilyn told you is private matter only for you, and if she chose you, then you must be worthy. Do not doubt yourself, Gwen. And if you are needing of any help, you are free to ask anyone you wish.”
“But… this… this ‘Chosen One’ business seems very scary… I can’t do this!”
“’Chosen One’? Yes, you have been ‘Chosen’, as you have said, but then there will be others with you. Have you forgotten? There are seven Legendary Weapons, and they are all strong enough to easily strike down dragons. I have entrusted you with this weapon, Gwen, and since you have been chosen, I believe you will not betray us. But now, there is much training for you to do.”
“Then… Can Nicolas stay here with me?” Gwen asked.
“What? Can’t you do it by yourself?” Nicolas asked. “Why do you always need me around to get anything done?”
The apostle interrupted before Gwen could reply. “Nicolas… A thief, eh? That path rarely leads to a good life, and I know you care for the girl—“
“What?” Nicolas choked out.
“Anyways, you shouldn’t be a thief. Have you tried some other profession, something more honest?”
“…I can’t do anything else. There’s nothing else out there that I can do.” He replied.
“Well, this is very simple. How would you like to work for the Northern Isles as a spy? This way, you actually have slightly more honest work, you can still use your skills as you are comfortable with them, and as a bonus for Gwen, you don’t have to leave her here.”
“I… It would be honor to work for you, sir.” Nicolas said, just as we made back out onto the throne room.
“Good, good! Jeremy, I now ask a request of you.”
“What now?” I replied. What else did he want?
“Would you consider working as a tactician for the Northern Isles? Your help would be greatly appreciated.”

I simply refused. Brixus had promised me that if I got Leona back home, he would help me, and I wanted to get home. Staying here would probably mean I’ll never get home again.

”Very well, then. If that is your choice, then we will send an escort with you, and Gwen and Nicolas shall stay here for their training. I will not force you to stay; you have your own reasons, and I will not be able to convince you otherwise. You and your friends are free to visit whenever you wish. But now, it is time for us to part. You must take Leona to Thrycia, no?”

“Yes. That is true. But I must ask: Why did you allow me to venture with you down there? Why was I allowed to come with you?”
“Because, true to your word, you helped recapture our port, even when that unexpected dragon appeared. That, and the fact that you are traveling with Thrycian knights; Thrycia is like a sister country to us. You have gained my trust rather easily, and breaking it would—“
“Yeah, yeah, I get the point.” I said, interrupting him. "I believe I understand now.”
“Good. Well, this is farewell, then. May you have a safe journey to your destination.”

With this, we made our way back to the port, saying farewell to Gwen and Nicolas, as we proceeded to board another ship and get find our way to Thrycia.
♠ ♠ ♠
