All for Eternity


Another one of my episodes ?Episode one hundred and fifty se- oh screw it I don't remember how many there is .I just know that when I open my eyes Ill be back in my room with the curtains drawn shut and the soft chill that seems to linger in the dark for a while. Without another thought my eyes slowly open to the dark. Of course I was right, but yet wrong .The Chill is more like ice and its everywhere in my room not lingering but standing still.

"Wow, I guess I haven't really noticed until now but wow you've grown." Oh my god! My body freezes up as I listen to his soft words... " Calm down Laila ." The whole left side of my shoulder goes uncomfortably numb as I feel his ice cold touch ."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to Frighten you." My lamp turns on and I loose my breath as I'm finally able to put a face to the voice. He smiles softly and everything inside me is screaming for me to be afraid but I cant help but sit up and move closer toward him. To see him better to remember him better .

"You." Is all I can choke out Of all the times Ive seen this face in my dreams this time finally feels like a reality.He watches my intently as I reach to feel him. His Bright hazel eyes never breaking away from mine.He pulls my hand closer to his face and puts it there .Hes ice cold .

"Nice to meet you Laila, I'm Jared he smiles." His smile widens as I examine my hand in his small and meek I feel like a child as he comes toward and pulls me into a hug . "Ive always wanted to do this while you were conscious."

"Who- who are you ?" His touch is so gentle.

"I'm Jared." He lets out a soft laugh .

"Yea I got that but ...what I mean is why are you here, in my room? " I move away trying not to make any movements that might set him off . After all I truly have no idea who this man is even if Ive seen him in my dreams a thousand times before.

"Well I guess you can say I'm here to make sure you re still breathing ." He looks to the side his Hazel eyes grow dim.As if some sort of realization just set in .

"What are you talking about ? " Ive always been one to get easily frustrated and not knowing whats going on just adds to my short fuse."Please explain to me more clearly ? Who are you ... what are you ? is it too cold in here? do you need a blanket? cause you're skin is freezing over." I'm not sure If my outburst has upset him because all he does is look down .

"Well Why don't you just calm down and sit down ?" He gestures toward the bed." I will tell you everything you need to know and everything you've probably been hurting to know ."

"No I'm not going to sit just because you asked ... tell me now and I wont calm down till you do ."

"Well I'm not going to talk to you when you're like this ." His laugh is so soft as he smiles nodding in dis-belief .I cant be live how hes talking to me as if we are old friends ."Sit." In one quick movement he has me sitting on the bed ."There that wasn't so hard was it ?" I'm speechless,truly I am . All I can do is watch him in amazement. "Good." He continues."As I said before I'm Jared and I'm here as you're guardian because ... well ." He pauses as if he looking for the right way to say this to finally unlock a mystery ."Jensen and Jess-"

" Wait... what ? Jess? " I cover my mouth as my heart pounds faster." Is she still alive ?"

"Yes..sort of, but just wait." WAIT ?! is he insane

"Sort of ? what the hell do you mean sort of ? Stop beating around the bush and tell me you jerk" I'm practically yelling at him now and I don't even know why .

"Quit shouting ! OK ? And since you don't want to do this the easy way let me just give it all to you .. you impatient child !" His eyes are now a dark brown and his tense state scares me, I cower back pulling my knees to my chest. " Jess is as much alive as me ... shes with Jensen . she left because it was better that way OK ? but me I stayed behind here for you to take care of you !" He Un- clasps his hands and his eyes fade back to hazel. " I'm sorry for shouting ... you're just so impossible ."

"Jensen ? " my mouth falls open as I find that I'm much more familiar with all of this then I realize . "Oh god." Its all true my dreams have been telling me the truth all this time ."If she just as alive as you then why hasn't she come back to see me ? why has she left me here alone ...does she not" Tears build up at the rims of my eyes . I fear all my worst fears are coming true. Shes alive she just doesn't want to deal with me anymore.

" That's just it , she cant come see you."

"What? why not ? If shes fine then why the hell not?!"

" Because it just cant be OK ? " He gets up and heads toward my window .

" what are you doing ?! come back here and stop yelling !"

"Okay fine I will as soon as you stop yelling at me ." before I can say anything else hes standing in front of me looking down at me .He towers over me so perfectly I don't know why but I throw my arms around him and begin to sob . I feel safe here.He pulls me closer to him and cradles me in his arms . " Its okay ... it will all make sense soon enough . "

" No its not OK ." my words bearly a whisper into his embrace. Into this strangers familiar embrace . "I still don't understand .How long have you been with me ? "

"Four years." Hes whispering to me now ." All those times you've felt alone ... You never were Ive always been here and I always will be ."

"please don't ... I wont believe it." I wont believe anything anyone says anymore . If Jess left me , then who's to say anyone else who promises me a damn thing is to be trusted .

"You don't have to yet but you'll see I'm promising only the truth."

"Laila?!" My fathers voice breaks the moment .I move out of his hold and open the door slightly .

"Yeah dad?"

" You're home ? Why aren't you at school ?!"

" I felt sick . Talk later ." I slam the door shut and turn back to my room only to find my window fully open and my bed empty. "Jared? "I whisper his name .Hes gone. No he cant! Ive so much more to ask . I need him .

"I don't think so ." My father opens my door causing me to let out a yell . "Were going to talk now Laila. why are you not at school its your senior year! This isn't a joke its your education." I'm not meaning to be rude but I cant listen to him right now Jared is gone and I want him back .

" Yes I understand this and I'm horrible. I get it father but I have to go.I promise when I get back you can ground me for forever." I push past him and run down the stairs.

"Laila you're not going out ." He tries his best to be authoritative.

" I'm sorry dad." The house door shuts behind me ."Forever ? right like I even have that." I dint know where I'm going but I will find him and he will tell me all I want to know The drive to my destination is short I run toward the slippery rocks and watch the dark waves crash angrily against them. I take one step forward and lean my body into the free fall. The wind picks up as I let go of my fears and drift into the night air.

"Are you fucking insane?!" I smile as he he pulls me in ."Open you're eyes are you crazy?" and when I do his soft brown eyes are ablaze burning up the night sky around them . His pale skin is glowing in the moonlight . This isn't who I was waiting for .

" Let.Her.Go." I hear Jared Call from behind . My saviors eyes turn dark black as he pulls me forward and lets go as soon as I'm standing . My thoughts are scrambled as I try my best to make out the situation to make out this new stranger. A swift blow to my head and I'm out .